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Everything posted by Oz647

  1. Scotland on their way to winning..............Oh, nothing, as usual. Oh and by the way it's a penalty not a penatly. :P
  2. Thats nothing check this out. http://yfrog.com/2ddoesthisgoalcountz If anybody can put the video on here instead of the link please do. Above my pay scale I'm afraid. :D
  3. I secretly wish I was Scottish!!!!!!! I know it's shameful. I'm trying to get help but everyone says I'm beyond help and don't want to be associated with me. :(
  4. Again we are missing the 3rd option in the poll. I obviously would love to see England win the cup. It probably won't happen but we can dream. I personally don't give a monkeys if County win the cup. It doesn't effect my life in any way. If a county fan gloated, I would say well done, great achievement because that's what it is and it's only a game after all. In the great scheme of things, it's not important. We have people living on the streets, we have soldiers being killed, our government is a shambles. Who really cares who wins the cups? All it will bring is brief spell of happiness and maybe a few weeks of bragging rights. Some people put too much importance on football. It's a game to be enjoyed not faught over. In some cases it stops the fighting. You'll all remember Xmas 1914 when the troops stopped fighting and played football. A lesson to us all.
  5. Not a chance. There has been sides of course though that have played good attacking football, Carlos Bilardo's Argentina being one of them. If it's scores that you're interested in, then maybe it's the NFL or Dominos that you should take more of an interest in. The name of the game is football, not scoreball. As fan of a team, when I go to a game, I do not ask for a win. I'd like one, but it is not the be all and end all for me. All I ask is to see an entertaining game. It's called the beautiful game for a reason and there is no distinction between style and substance because in football, style is substance. It was Johan Cryuff who said that there was no greater compliment that being revered for your style, and that is why manager who played a fantastic style of football, like Pep Guardiola, Gusztav Sebes and most of all Rinus Michels (said to be the greatest manager of all time) will go down in history, while others fade into the mists of time. Ok Renegade I see where you're going BUT If you go through the record books for ANY sport, it will always tell you who won not who played well. "They won but we played nice football" doesn't really cut it with people.
  6. Football is not about the attractive football though, is it? Football is about the passion and the emotion, it's like comparing sex with a beautiful prostitute to making love to the one you adore, always better when there is some sort of feeling involved. eerr, umm, weeeeellllllll, yes of course it is.
  7. You couldn't help yourself. :D This is where it all comes from Oz and it's great isn't it? Sorry, couldn't resist.
  8. still cant quite drop it i see. anyway, on the hatred point you make, i agree. :D there is no need for it but i honestly don't believe there's that many fans on either side who truly hate the other, certainly as individuals. a huge amount of it is just banter, pure and simple.i think the majority of the decent english fans have been let down in the past by the hooligan element amongst the support that used to hit the headlines so often with their antics. thankfully that problem seems to have been put to bed in the last 10 years or so but i think some people still associate the fat , tattoed , fighting skin heads of the past with the country now. with the ABE thing and the wars v germany, argentina etc, i think your missing the point and maybe taking it too seriously. i would say war time allegiances etc are pretty far from the average scottish supporters mind when they cheer on such teams. its simply anyone but england because you lot are are oldest and closest rivals and we dont want you to win! Looks in mirror and sees, large gentleman, skin head and several tattoos. I know the point about the wars was a bit OTT but I was trying to show the lack of sense in supporting these countrys. Oh well, Let's just hope England get all the way to the final and it will be a nice quiet place on here. Well apart from me and a few others who may or may not rub it in a bit.
  9. The English are not a race, they are a mish mash of hundreds of races mixed together over the years of the British Empire and before that it was Saxons, Normans, Celts, Romans, etc. all mixed together. For want of a better word the English are the mongrel of the British Isles. I don't hate the English but I do love knowing that the sooner they are out of the competition the more gloating can be had taunting those English who live up here and taunt us poor wee Scot's about not even being in the Finals. When they do get knocked out hopefully it will be by a small country with a poor Football pedigree (see what I did there? ) so that the level of gloat can rise away above the Royal Standard. Anyone but England? No. Everyone but England! Somebody like err.... Scotland? :D
  10. You don't really do yourselves many favours now, do you? But that's not all English fans is it? I don't get into that sort of bother. I'll be the first to admit their are some right tossers that follow England but all countrys have them. It's like saying all rangers fans are tossers because of the riots in Manchester but they're not. My nephew supports rangers, he's a good lad. Unfortunately all fans are tarred with the same brush. I would quite happily sit in a bar with fans of any team and have a drink and a bit of banter. We did it when I lived in Spain. We would watch English teams playing Spanish teams and have great banter with the Spanish. The point I'm making is you can't hate all English because of a minority or at least you shouldn't.
  11. you dont seem like you find it funny. if you cannot understand why many scots will be supporting englands opponents then maybe you dont know much about football and its rivalrys.you cant seriously expect how a nations biggest rivals results go to be irrelevant can you. its not like its a phenomenon only found between scotland and england :D what i think beggars belief is why some people get so upset about it.why cant oh and madjid bougherra is my hero , well for 90 mins anyway :D not that it matters really how many players i know, you see thats the thing about A.B.E Now I realise why you support Algeria. You must be from there as it's obvious your first language isn't English. yes , very good oz, you cut me deep. when you dont like my point of view your infactuation with the way i write on a football forum continues . i'm happy to debate the thread topic with you but if you wish to continue keep up the personal attacks literacy just do it through p.m. so we dont get another interesting thread needlessly closed. i might even use capital letters when appropriate as a gesture of goodwill and try not to make any typos :) Failed miserably but never mind. I know all about rivalry in football. As I've already stated, I don't expect Scots to support England. As I've also stated, I don't really care if you support other teams. What baffles me is why there is so much hate involved. For example, Joe Dimaggio says he can't stand the English fans. Why? Does he know all of them personally and know them all to be tossers? No, obviously not. He probably has friends who happen to be English. So why come out with the vile hatred rubbish? We all know and accept that the thing people dislike most is the English media and all it's hype. The fans don't deserve your hatred. If you don't know them how can you hate them? To be honest with you, ABE is a joke as well. If for example Germany play England, you will support Germany. Even though Germany bombed Scotland during the war. If Argentina play England, You will support Argentina. Even though many Scottish soldiers were killed during the Falklands war. I could go on but you get the message. I know you may well come out with battles faught between Scotland/England but these were all way before any of us came along. The ones I've mentioned are still in living memory and may influence people's thoughts. As for the point about getting upset by it, sorry to disappoint you but nothing you could say or do would ever upset me. If it did, it would mean that I find it important and believe me, I don't. B)
  12. you dont seem like you find it funny. if you cannot understand why many scots will be supporting englands opponents then maybe you dont know much about football and its rivalrys.you cant seriously expect how a nations biggest rivals results go to be irrelevant can you. its not like its a phenomenon only found between scotland and england what i think beggars belief is why some people get so upset about it.why cant oh and madjid bougherra is my hero , well for 90 mins anyway :D not that it matters really how many players i know, you see thats the thing about A.B.E Now I realise why you support Algeria. You must be from there as it's obvious your first language isn't English. :D
  13. Well they are Scotlands biggest rivals so I want them to lose. I don't want to have to hear about it non stop if they do well, I can't stand their fans either. And yeah I'll be supporting Algeria for that one game as I will the USA and Slovenia and yeah I know fine well where it is and think I can name 2 players Belhadj and Bougherra but that is irrelevant, it doesn't matter who they are playing I'm supporting England to lose. Sums it all up really.
  14. Birdog, I used to live in Andover, many moons ago. Nice place. Joe, You miss my point. I don't expect Scots to support English. What I would expect is for it to be irrelevant to you how England do in the cup. To not care either way but all the hatred really beggars belief sometimes. I feel that some people go way over the top when there really is no need. For someone to come out and say they support Algeria because they are playing England is laughable (TSTtiger). Can you even name one of their players? Do you even know where it is?
  15. As DerbyDave mentions, it's the media that go over the top with all the "England will win just like 1966" crap. We English fans just support the team not the hype. Surely you Scots can understand and appreciate that? You are supposed to be the most patriotic fans about, so surely you see that all the fans are doing are supporting their team. We know the hype is OTT but that's not us, just the idiots on TV. We also realise that England will probably choke round about the semi final stage (if we get that far), but while they are still in the comp we will support them. You would do the same for Scotland wouldn't you, given the chance? I find it pitiful that SOME of you slag the English but have English blood in your families or are married to an English partner. We all do what is right support our country but can we not learn to resist the urge to be bitter about other's? Cue the verbal onslaught.
  16. At least if they do win it we will hear something different, we will hear all about 2010. Come to think of it, feck 'em, Anyone but England! My mind is made up, the brain fart has diminished. And I had such high hopes for you. :D I wouldn't expect you to support England, you can't even spell it.
  17. HT: 1-1 FT: 2-1 1st Scorer ICT: Rooney 1st Scorer Opp: Harkins Crowd: 6001 1st Yellow card: Tokely
  18. Gutted about Liverpool but I must admit, they didn't really deserve to go through. Will say well done to Fulham and hope they win it.
  19. Apology accepted. Whatever floats your boat. If nothing else, you've sorted your grammar. So something good came out of it all. :)
  20. "btw sorry if you being grammatically challenged makes you feel so insecure but you could always go back to school :shooting02: " ??? Pot, kettle and black spring to mind. The rest? Can't be bothered
  21. Your opening line sums up your whole post. very well thought out post there fella. care to expand on that or just wanna have a go :) I thought my comment was self explanatory but if I must. You admit the "after goal" invasions were wrong but then go on to try and justify them by the fact that Celtic fans did it. Since when have Celtic fans set the standard of behaviour to achieve? You also seem to think it is okay for the club to receive a fine for bad crowd behaviour. The club can't afford to be paying fines because "fans" can't control themselves for 90 minutes. Add these points to the fact that you must have spent ages making sure your post was grammatically correct and you end up with my comment.
  22. Saw this and thought it might be of interest to someone. http://inverness.gumtree.com/inverness/11/57869511.html
  23. Your opening line sums up your whole post.
  24. Well to be honest with you, if they do DURING the match after all the warnings, then they deserve all they get and shouldn't complain when they get ejected.
  25. OK maybe "threat" was a bit strong but surely the fans don't need to be told to stay off the pitch DURING a match. It goes without saying, it is not permitted. We all know this therefore it shouldn't happen. Yes, you will always get one who will try it on but why does sheep mentallity then kick in? The fact that the club can be fined should be enough incentive to stop fans going on the pitch and the fact that they were only on there for a minute is irrelevent. If the stewards had been of a different nature there could have been trouble. All it takes is for one fan to react to a steward and you have the makings of a brawl. Now this may seem over the top to some but these things happen. As I mentioned in my last post, maybe I'm just too old.
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