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ralph milne

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Posts posted by ralph milne

  1. Brewster was very keen on fitness but I dont think he done much in the way of coaching it. In his first spell he brought in a physio to do it and second time around I think it was left to the staff at JJB

    He didn't take in a physio, he took in a guy who was once a lecturer at Inverness Coll. He loved him so much that he took him with him to DU and then he took him back to ICT for a second time on a part-time basis. A guy much like his assistant manager so make your own mind up. Thank heaven these posers have all departed.

    That will be the same guy that The Machine credits for his improved physical performance that will ensure his career is prolonged further than thought possible !! Get your facts right before making judgements like that

  2. new darren dods??

    tokely, mihadjuks, munro, lionel. tallest defensive in scotland :thumb04:

    And best!!

    All hail Mihadjuks what a great player hope he stays for a very long time.

    Yep, more impressive with each game so far - for goodness' sake get a contract extension sorted out NOW. I just hope that TB will be able wind GB up and point him in the right direction when it comes to contract negotiations because CB's attitude to it has lost us Cowie for a supposedly nominal fee and Black for nowt.

    Maybe, just maybe it has something to do with EARNING more cash, Why would Cowie want to go to Watford ?

    Scenery and a nice quiet lifestyle :rotflmao:

  3. Black for nowt.

    what would you rather have ?50k for black now,or he stays keeps us up and saves us ?millions

    I think you've completely misunderstood my post Marty. I hope that Terry Butcher can get Bennett to organise players' contracts better so that we're never, or hardly ever, in the position of losing real talent without proper recompense - in other words, don't let your best players' contracts expire in the middle of a bargain hunt, something which seemed to elude Crag Brewster, unless the board are really that willing to laugh off a manager's requests.

    4ize, as most people know the contracts had nothing to do with Brewster, its been up to the DoF to sort that out

  4. Think it's more than 11 harry, it got extended. However I agree with your point, I hope we have someone in for saturdays game.

    They've- but for some pathetic tiff with DJS several years ago.

    That pathetic that Robbo cant even remember what it was about

    I'll bet you he can, no maybe not right enough

  5. Stevico

    I'm telling you it wouldn't help, and also I'm pretty sure that Craig Brewster has played under as good if not better coaches than Marius during his football career so regardless of what you and others think he does know a thing or two

  6. I would first have to ask why it wasnt possible .... conflict resolution requires both parties to be willing to compromise somewhat or at least lay their cards on the table.

    As Donald Park worked alongside three ICT managers (Robbo, CC and Brew) one wonders what made CB so different to the rest ? There is no suggestion that he was undermining Robbo or CC nor the club itself (who wanted him as manager after Robbo and CC) so perhaps the problem was not Park?

    Perhaps you're right

  7. Pretty much confirms many of the rumours I had heard but not posted over the last few months. An almost obsessional focus on fitness with little or no emphasis on tactics or set pieces etc. He lost his best tactician when he replaced Park with Thomson and the rest, as we know was downhill from there. If anyone had the audacity to complain, or make constructive criticisms they were (allegedly) fined or dumped from the team and hence we saw an ever dwindling group of players who were in the good books and who would play at any cost .....

    I agree with others that any new manager will actually inherit a good squad and if he has man management skills, is prepared to be a little more democratic rather than autocratic (to a point) we could very quickly see a lot of that team spirit come alive on the pitch again. In any workplace, its hard to perform if you perceive your boss as a clueless ******* .... whether that perception is right or wrong !!!

    Good luck to the new man, and whoever it is, lets get right behind him.

    Scotty quote

    He lost his best tactician when he replaced Park with Thomson and the rest, as we know was downhill from there.

    If your so called right hand man was undermining you continually as was happening with DP what would you have done if you were the manager? Let him continue?

    Ian Black ( alledged quote )

    I'm a great believer that once you've reached a certain level you are fit. But that was Craig's way and he was in charge so obviously you had to back him.

    Sorry to disagree Ian but as a Professional athlete you should be ashamed of that quote. Take a leaf out of Andy Murrays book mate, I don't think he'd agree with you.

    Oh and by the way if you were so concerned about the little time you were getting to practice with the ball then you could have put in some time yourself (lets be honest you have enough spare time in your profession) - sorry I forgot you were too tired!!

    Only my opinion but if you continue with that attitude your talent (of which there is a lot) will be wasted and you'll be playing in the 3rd division by the time your 30

    Ralph that is a total crock , I wasnt going to say this when Brew was still manager but Marius has played under a lot of top managers, including International ones, he thought the training under Brew was ridiculous, he hardly ever took free kicks when here as he never had the opportunity to practice them, as he said was training just running and worst of all running without a ball at his feet.

    How can players develop the basics without using a football, after all they are meant to be footballers not olympic athletes.

    I suppose he also mentioned to you then some difficulties at the training ground like not getting the grass cut for 4 months due to ridiculous regulations, or maybe that would be CB's idea so that they could run all day instead :rotflmao:

  8. Scotty quote

    He lost his best tactician when he replaced Park with Thomson and the rest, as we know was downhill from there.

    If your so called right hand man was undermining you continually as was happening with DP what would you have done if you were the manager? Let him continue?

    If my right hand man knew more than me about certain aspects of the job, I would work with him so that together (as a management team) we would both prosper and learn from each other.

    I have been in this situation in a business sense and when you show faith in the ability of others to do their jobs rather than just follow orders, the outcome is usually a lot better than if you try to rule with an iron fist (tried that too - it doesnt work unless it is used extremely sparingly).

    And if it reached the point where that wasn't possible?

    If your so called right hand man was undermining you continually as was happening with DP what would you have done if you were the manager? Let him continue?

    If I was a useless manager yes, and incidentally I'd still be in a job now.

    Ian Black ( alledged quote )

    I'm a great believer that once you've reached a certain level you are fit. But that was Craig's way and he was in charge so obviously you had to back him.

    Sorry to disagree Ian but as a Professional athlete you should be ashamed of that quote. Take a leaf out of Andy Murrays book mate, I don't think he'd agree with you.

    Oh and by the way if you were so concerned about the little time you were getting to practice with the ball then you could have put in some time yourself (lets be honest you have enough spare time in your profession) - sorry I forgot you were too tired!!

    Only my opinion but if you continue with that attitude your talent (of which there is a lot) will be wasted and you'll be playing in the 3rd division by the time your 30

    Tennis is not a team sport, to practice set pieces requires....yes the team!

    If you were employed in a fastfood shop and your best seller was burgers and your trainer kept showing you how to make fries why would that be and what would happen?

    Brewster didn't have a clue about tactics and that is plain for everyone but you to see. Just as you don't have a clue or maybe you are Brewster which would explain a lot of your posts eh?

    Do you like my signature? It'll be there til the end of the season, how do you like your hat cooked eh?

    Are you expecting ICT to go down then? I'm certainly not hence my quote yesterday. And for the record once and for all NO I'm not CB

  9. Pretty much confirms many of the rumours I had heard but not posted over the last few months. An almost obsessional focus on fitness with little or no emphasis on tactics or set pieces etc. He lost his best tactician when he replaced Park with Thomson and the rest, as we know was downhill from there. If anyone had the audacity to complain, or make constructive criticisms they were (allegedly) fined or dumped from the team and hence we saw an ever dwindling group of players who were in the good books and who would play at any cost .....

    I agree with others that any new manager will actually inherit a good squad and if he has man management skills, is prepared to be a little more democratic rather than autocratic (to a point) we could very quickly see a lot of that team spirit come alive on the pitch again. In any workplace, its hard to perform if you perceive your boss as a clueless ******* .... whether that perception is right or wrong !!!

    Good luck to the new man, and whoever it is, lets get right behind him.

    Scotty quote

    He lost his best tactician when he replaced Park with Thomson and the rest, as we know was downhill from there.

    If your so called right hand man was undermining you continually as was happening with DP what would you have done if you were the manager? Let him continue?

    Ian Black ( alledged quote )

    I'm a great believer that once you've reached a certain level you are fit. But that was Craig's way and he was in charge so obviously you had to back him.

    Sorry to disagree Ian but as a Professional athlete you should be ashamed of that quote. Take a leaf out of Andy Murrays book mate, I don't think he'd agree with you.

    Oh and by the way if you were so concerned about the little time you were getting to practice with the ball then you could have put in some time yourself (lets be honest you have enough spare time in your profession) - sorry I forgot you were too tired!!

    Only my opinion but if you continue with that attitude your talent (of which there is a lot) will be wasted and you'll be playing in the 3rd division by the time your 30

  10. I met Brewster on several occassions outside football I must he was an absolute gent and a pleasure to be with.

    Muir-Jaggie, can you not heed the mods warnings? you are so far off the mark you ****, put a sock in it :rotflmao:

  11. No doubt a lot of folk are tonight dancing in the streets of Inverness. I wish I felt the same but sadly I dont. I feel bad that I found myself in the position of being one of those who called for Brews sacking. I feel bad that things ever came to this stage. I feel bad that Inverness, for the first time, have had to sack someone. More so I feel embarrassed to be associated with some people who couldn't just stick to the on field shortfalls but who also felt the need to hurl personal abuse and attempt to slur the character of the man by continually trying to dig the dirt and latch on to rumour that had absolutely no foundation. Thankfully the vigilance of the moderators kept the dirt off the site.

    It is a pity that things didn't work out under Craig and Malky. Their faliure just brings about more disruption to what is primarily a very disjointed team. Two or three wins and we'd be top six. They'd be heroes. Alas this is the nature of the beautiful game. They believed they could achieve. The achievement never came. Whether we would have been saved or not we'll never know. Whether we will be saved or not we need to wait and see. What is important now, though, is that everyone starts to pull on the one rope. That we all get behind the team and whoever takes over the reigns. And if that is to be Graham Bennett in the short term then so be it.

    A new chapter begins on the history of this very young and interesting club. Lets all draw a line under the past and make this chapter worth reading.

    Well said and also well done to the Mods

  12. Jim Traynor should keep his BIG GOB shut until he has something concrete to comment on !!

    Is being bottom of the league and losing to our relegation rivals not concrete enough for you?

    NO, If Hamilton are above ICT at the end of the season then I'll do a Graham Spiers

  13. No - I meant that it is evident that Brew looks to Morais as being the new Dargo - I still think we really need an out and out centre forward.

    Wyness - I could understand but not the way it happened. Bayne - would have gone anyway as he hated Brew and vice versa - but he should have been kept - better in the short term than the other three.

    Brew thought he had it made - it was his error of judgement.

    No - I meant that it is evident that Brew looks to Morais as being the new Dargo - I still think we really need an out and out centre forward.

    Wyness - I could understand but not the way it happened. Bayne - would have gone anyway as he hated Brew and vice versa - but he should have been kept - better in the short term than the other three.

    Brew thought he had it made - it was his error of judgement.

    Plus he shuddered in the January 2008 window - remeber the possibles that came along - He fecked it up.

    IHE, Sorry but your statement below is NONSENSE

    Bayne - would have gone anyway as he hated Brew and vice versa.

    Also, I meant that it is evident that Brew looks to Morais as being the new Dargo

    Sorry wrong again, Dargo would be the answer to that!!

  14. John can nobody do anything positive in your eyes get a life mate. Alex is right no matter what he edited?????

    Thanks Stevo

    The Dundee United board did something positive in October 2006, when they were in the same situation as we are in now...

    No they didn't Johnboy, it was a ONE MAN operation

    Maybe so, Ralph... but it was a decision that was warmly received by an overwhelming majority of the support, and to be honest, that club has hardly looked back ever since.

    I mentioned to you before, Brew was the reason I became an ICT supporter - nobody wanted him to succeed more than I did. I'm really sorry it hasn't worked out... Naturally I hope, even at this stage, he will somehow turn everything around and save us from the drop, but TBH I can't see it happening.

    We'll see soon.

    P.S. There might be a better chance if things happen off the park in the next 7-10 days! Lets hope so

  15. John can nobody do anything positive in your eyes get a life mate. Alex is right no matter what he edited?????

    Thanks Stevo

    The Dundee United board did something positive in October 2006, when they were in the same situation as we are in now...

    No they didn't Johnboy, it was a ONE MAN operation

  16. Serious question Ralph......are you actually an ICT fan?

    Sorry doing other things tonight not just this hence the delay. Yes I am a fan and yes I can back it up and before anyone goes and says go on then, sorry at the moment, no way.

    As I've said many times on various themes, debates etc IF you look at the bigger picture then all the answers are there, you don't have to be Einstein to work out why Barry is not a coach at the club.

    There is no doubt that people will be upset about him leaving it's completely understandable but he's not the first loyal servant to a football club to be allowed to leave and he'll CERTAINLY not be the last

  17. Perhaps Barry is being viewed as a threat?

    i think you hit he nail on the head there,thats certainly why he didnt get a coaching position

    Sorry but thats CERTAINLY incorrect

    Go on Ralph....back that up with something resembling a solid fact or source.

    You know you want to.

    Cd, No I won't all I'm telling Blackieforce that he/she is wrong with the assumption. I don't need to or have to reveal anything even if I knew but I'm telling you for a FACT, Barry and Park were not seen as a threat

  18. Brew has just about lost all of any remaining credibility he had. This is by far the worst decision of his career as an ex-manager and time to step down please.


    I am surprised that Wilson isn't being kept on in some kind of coaching capacity to be honest.

    During the interview I heard on Radio Scotland Barry mentioned asking Brewster about a coaching position. That was a year ago and he's still waiting for a reply!!

    There is an article in the P&J today about the quest to find a 'new' Barry Wilson

    P&J LINK

    Make of it what you will. I'm still puzzled by the logic of it

    He CANNOT give him a coaching position if there is not one AVAILABLE :rotflmao:

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