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Everything posted by VIVA LAS TOKLEY

  1. Prince philip is definatley into gangsta rap as I heard he likes ICE T
  2. Can see prince edward dancing around his house to 'It's raining men'
  3. Can see the queen playing Air Guitar to Metallica's Master of puppets.
  4. The government has raked in a extra ?4.4 billion since the beginning of the year from fuel duty. Where's the new roads, schools, hospital, policemen, teachers........oh sorry I forgot there's a war in afghanastan & iraq they've to pay for.
  5. The poor girl. Shot in the back with 2 cherry bakewells
  6. I believe....to many people, local or tourist, friend or stranger have claimed to see something in the Loch. Hope one day I will be lucky enough to see something myself. Connie.Orr you are truly blessed. It is probably an event that you will remember for the rest of your life. I agree my first reaction would probably be dumbstruck awe, not where's my camera. Charles. Billions of people across the globe belive in a god. Based on events passed down in a series of books that where written hundreds of years after the events that they describe. W hat's wrong with believing in a piece of local folk lore that has been passed down through the generations, and people friends, local & tourist alike still claim to see. :crazy04: :crazy04: :crazy04:
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