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Posts posted by mainstander

  1. The Courier seem to have forgoten that they did this story a few months ago and got the same answer. Clearly the club are never going to say never but really they've got far more urgent things to spend money on. Thats what Bennet told them the first time and its what hes told them again. Why do the Courier keep dreaming up things theyd like to be storys and making a big fuss about them when theres nothing in it.

  2. Gringo I know your sore at missing the game but to extend youre arguement to pubs and B and Bs just doesnt hold water. ICT is a football club, it is there to promote football and to do so it needs to take in as much money as it can. Setanta are offering an extra £250K or so per club for the Monday night facility and in relation to that ICT can and should only look after it's own interests. So if £20K is lost to gain £250K, that sounds like a good deal, even though I dont particularly like football being fragemented all over three days and i in particular enjoy my Saturday afternoon game followed by a full evening in the pub.

    ICT and Setanta have no responsability at all to B and Bs, pubs etc. They all actually do quite well out of football and therefore need to accept the sport as it is. I actually don't believe the Inverness economy as a whole would have lost out much at all since the main downturn was of around 600-800 Aberdeen fans who just arrive, watch and head back along the A96.

    In fact I get a bit pissed off with all these claims that this that and the other events put huge amounts into the local economy. At best, most of them rearrange the allocation of money that will be going into the local economy anyway and, in relation to the total GDP of Inverness, any extra is realy just sweeties.

  3. I am under no illusions.................................................. ................................. that there will be an easy quick fix...

    If thats what Levien sad then why did he take the job?  Every other DU manager has got the bullett whenever Thomson realises they won't be doing a quick fix.

  4. I aggree with Caley D. These boys and the managment have done h£ll of a well to have got where they are on the resorces they have. Never say never but dont expect it. And be sure 10CC gets the sack if we dont get top three!  :015:

    BTW I think we could drop back down the leagie in the next few games. Our games arent very well oganised with a run of hard ones and then a run of easyer one's and the hard ones are coming up again.  :009:

  5. I dont think we should get too exited about this. I think the Courier has overcooked it quite badly and is due some egg on it's face as a result. They started the story then they said who the person was but did the guy ever intend doing much anyway. Maybe the Courier has frightend him off.

  6. The paper says that Brewster could be going to Dunfemline as manager. I heard it on the radio aswell except they said he could be returning to his old club and before he actualy said Dunfermline I just about sh@t myself. So what hapens here. Does he get compinsation from United if they scak him and then next day walk straight in to another job which maybe isnt as well payed but he will still do alright out of it plus his pay off from the Grocer.

  7. Todays press is awful. The Sun dont mention ICT until the 19th paragraph of their report. Even the upmarket broadsheet Herald can do no better than 37 mentions of Rangers or names connected with Rangers to 12 for ICT.

  8. The moderators must immediately remove at least the last offensive, racist, part at that last text.

    However I cant in any way agree with nogbads suggestion since I do not think Marvin Andrews would be a good aqisition.

    His fitness is very suspect. His knee is nackered. At Raith he is playing on a "pay per play" basis (so is he really on a 3 year contract?) I think his wage demands would be exessive and I wouldnt be surprised if they are being payed by some sponsor at Raith. Also CC would probably feel oblidged to play him if he had him and leave Dods or Munro on the bench. Its fair enough in the 2nd division if you hapen to have a "personality" player who might do a job for you but its different in the SPL.

    Also remember what happened to Hately at County or even McSwegin, Hamilton etc. It just didnt work.

    In any case Marvin says God wants him to to go Kirkcaldy, not Inverness!

  9. The fundamentle problem here is that the economics of football is crazy. You have a full time pool of players who only work productively - ie in home games - an average of 90 minutes every fortnight. This means that gate receits dont come close to paying for their wages so you have to look at other sources of income.

    This is where TV comes in. They pay big money so are entitled to call the shots when it comes to what they want to transmit. You cant have it both ways. If you want to balance the books you have to accept lost revinue as a result of what Setanta etc require.

    Televised football is very attractive indeed when you can watch the best in the world, or even your own side from time to time, from the comnfort of youre living room, quaffing a few beers. But there is a down side for clubs taking the money.

    I think the relationship is called "Faustian" (?) but I'm not sure why. It certainly involves selling out and taking a hit in order to survive.

  10. They no longer have any excuse for this. In days gone by, Scotsport was a STV produced programme used by Grampian. You could expect a degree of Central Belt bias because it was a programme produced for a CB audience. But now the whole operation is STV but obviously they have chosen to ignore their obligation to the whole country. Sure the programme is a whole lot better since the Dreadful Duo left, but that was more or less ineviatible and their still struggling. Now they have more problems since their losing theyre presenter.

    If you dont like Scotsport dont watch it.

  11. For goodness sake, what's the next ridiculous complaint that somebody from another planet is going to invent? What a load of kneejerk p!sh the first post in this thread really is but I do largely agree with the posts which follow that.

    Ross Tokely is battling his way back from a serious injury and we should just be pleased he was only out for a couple of months rather than a year. He is not fully fit yet so will continue to get better but if the manager didnt think that Ross was the best man for the right back job, he simply wouldn't play him there until he was absolutely 100%.

    By the way, I doubt if there is a defender in the SPL who can cope with Sproule's pace.

    PS - presumably if the team don't get their first win on Sunday against Celtic, ne©ksor(e) will be wanting to sack the manager.

  12. As far as Proctor is concerned, it's like this....if you go into a grocer's shop and eye up a loaf of bread priced at 99p, no grocer in the world would give you the goods if you offer him 50p. Ansd no customer in the world would keep hassling the grocer for a cut price... unless, of course, that customer was desperate.

    Similarly, if the Grocer wants to buy anything, he should expect to pay the going rate.

    In the case of Dods, there's the additional consideration that David Sutherland has said that no player who fits into the manager's plans will be sold. That makes it difficult to go back on. To be honest I've not been all that impressed by Dods's commitment this season. I'm torn between letting this loaf of bread go for a good price before it reaches it's sell by date and continuing to stick 2 fingers up at DUFC.

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