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Posts posted by mainstander

  1. davieB if you think about it Dodds doesnt have anything to gain by hacking down Robson. Hes with ICT until the end of the season and therefore stands to gain from any progress they make in the cup and wont lose out from DU going out.

    I also think hes proffessional enough to do the job hes paid for.

    Perhaps the more likely sceneario is that in the situation you describe he would perhaps be wary of the stick hed get from ICT fans if he gave away the penalty, shy off the tackle perhaps letting Robson through to score.

  2. So thats 2-1 to Aberdeen - in late equalisers across three 1 all draws this season I mean.  To start with you feel gutted but I have to say I agree with yngwie, chibber and kencar.  I'll definately take a point away to the third placed team and would have before the game. I think we deserved to win tho.

    We also have a pretty good record against the upper teams. Six out of six v the Huns, three draws v Dons, a draw v Hearts and also v Celtic.

    I know this wont go down very well with some people on this board but I feel sorry for Brewster. The radio says **** be out for 2 months with a dislocated shoulder. The guy can clearly still do it on the field but at his age he cant have too long left so this is a big blow. However **** keep himself fit and Im sure **** be back.

    And even without him United have still got Dods so lets not knock Brew too much!

  3. Here we are again with west of Scotland bigotry running the show. Thank's to being the Proddy Club it seems Rangers are big enough to even steal the manager away from the national team. The Orange baggage that comes with them also means they have corupted the national flag and the word Loyal to the extent that anyone else who uses them are imediatly tarred with the Rangers brush.

    My uncle was a Jags man so why cant it be Caley Thistle Army. He once told me Caley were called the Rangers of the north. It wasnt just the blue strips there was also the same arrogence within the Caley support. Not nearly as bad as Rangers but for some reason folk of the Hun mentality seemed to be attracted to Caley.

  4. Personally, I think CC should rotate the squad a bit and give a few of the players such as Bayne a rest from their recent hectic festive fixtures.

    Is that not what Brew did against Ayr United last season and almost came unstuck. I think Charlie should have no more than a cuople of changes and if one happen's to be Bayne then he probably deserves the rest. As for the second, Black might be back.

  5. 1MSB youre first post here is out of order partly because its bollox in approaching ten different respects (not bad going for a short post) and certainly because it may well be illegal. You have pronounced a public judgment on an alleged incident in a local licenced premises and if charges have been made with regard to this then you could be in contempt of court. As the poster you will be personally liable. Maybe Kingsmills could confirm this for us.

    Could I also point out that apart from all these bookings and yesterdays sending off, Ian Black was also sent off within minutes of taking the field on his inmternational debut in front of a large crowd at his own home stadium.

    Having seen the pictures on Scotsport I think it was a disgrace. Infact Im surprised he didnt get a second red card for wrestling with all these people on the touchline after he got the first.

  6. When CC got the job the question of Robbo arose and was quickly slapped down by David Sutherland. I think DS said that JR was a worthy member of the ICT hall of fame and he would be staying there.

    But anyway thats irrelevent. CC is doing fine and always has done.

  7. Dan Clark at least you have the grace to be apolagetic in almost Dickensian proportions about the ***** you eventually get round to talking about!

    Lets get a grip folks. Caley Thistle were bloody lucky to win the first division. They were also extremly fortunate to survive the Partick Thistle farce when no one knew if anyone would get promoted at all and also the very first season when all looked lost for a very long time.

    Then they should have gone the way of other promoted clubs such as Livingston who finished third in there first season and then almost got relegated in there second but amazingly and to a large extent thanks to five straight wins at the end UNDER CHARLIE! they got a new record SPL points score at the end.

    In November they were even sitting a point above the previous record breaking season but now after the recent thin patch I see the mindless and brainless among us seem to want to sack the manager. Kneejerkers! Or just plain jerks?

    For God sake people. Just because you havent had too much of your Satutrday afternoon  dose of self gratification don't take it out on Charlie and the team. These boys together earn as much in a week as a certain single OF players. Get a grip of reality and just be bloody glad you're in the SPL at all never mind for a third season.

    Even better if you could possibly manage to be positive and actually support your team out of this recent bad spell rather than whing like some bairn thats had there sweeties nicked!

  8. I know that by posting this Im contributing to my own point but this thread at 82 items is one of the longest threads that theres ever been on an ICT football matter.

    Fans from other clubs will be reading this and laughing like drains at the turmoil they misstakenly think there is within ICT.

    Why do the fans of the fastest developing club in Britain over the last 12 years whinge so much? In fact for some reason since the club got to the SPL the whinging has got even worse. Its really such a shame that some of you cant just enjoy the massive success you're club has had. But on the other hand as I said earlier I think some people just need football as a means of expressing there dissatisfaction with somethng deep down.

    Smell the coffee for God sake folks!

  9. Thank God for people like absent friend. You are a breathe of fresh air and a welcome relief from the obsessive negativity of people like CH2 who seem to need football as a means of expressing there dis satisfaction. I think football managers play a very important part in society. How would people like CH2 otherwise find a means of moaning?

  10. EWS. Thank you so much for revealing this hitherto hidden talent of yours! What an incredibly authoratative and extensive report card you have written there on Charlie Christie's weaknesses and competance as a manager. Where on earth did you aquire all of this impeckable tactical knowledge of football? Perhaps from your brother who seems to be an even more accurate observer of CC's use of the long ball than you are? But no matter - what a glaring omission the Board seem to have made by apointing Christie when you were obviously available to do a so much better and more perceptave job!

  11. Bit if a struggle finding something to complain about today Sandy? Get a grip! The Courier is the Inverness paper just the same as it's fellow brodsheet the Ross shire Journal and the North Star as well are the Ross shire papers. As such the Courier already does more Ross County reporting than either of the Ross shire papers do of ICT, which is quite fairly none at all.

    Im sure you would be among the first to complain if any Inverness paper was faling to report ICT news because of the space it was giving up to Ross County news. In fact it doesnt seem all that long since ICT fans were complaning about just that on this site.

    I think the Courier got it right. Big story from the areas next door to your own. Give it limited coverage.

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