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Posts posted by mainstander

  1. they are by their own admissions Loyalists.

    Are they really? Are they not just a pair of ignorant daft laddies who probably havent got a clue what "Loyalist" really means and who maybe just fancied being Huns for the day or maybe just wanted the attention. On the other hand the plain stuipidity of these immature attention seeking tw?ts has created a lot of bad publicaty for the club which it dosent want.

    So boys, if you really are Rangers fans - clear off and dont darken our door again. On the other hand, if you claim to be Caley fans, clear off as well because we dont want your kind in this club - unless by some unusual chance you might be able to GROW UP!

  2. Oops sorry got spelling of your name wrong Mr Asterisk but just had a thought perhaps your attitude has something to do with the fact Steve Patersons aka is Pele and yours is Mr Asterisk. I rest my case .

    Maybe you were thinking that Asterix had the Gaul to create an atmosphere of disscent even on a thread which was started to support a much loved and respected Caley Thistle manager. But that maybe summs up a lot of what this forum seems to be about these days. Their are people on here who would start a fight in an empty room and complain about a smudge on a cheque for a million pounds. In fact after such a good result last Saturday some other posters must be feeling a bit lost because they dont have anything to moan about this week.

  3. I don't think I've ever sensed such widespread dissatisfaction among the ICT support at the way things are being run...both on and off the field.  You only have to look around the forums to see it.

    Or alternativley theres a bigger number than ever of natural born whingers on this forum these days.  :020:

  4. The people that really annoy me are the ones who constantly harp on that fans should realise we've found our level and be grateful for what we have.  It's exactly that kind of mentality among those running the club which has caused ICT to falter...both on and off the field.

    We may never be a Rangers or a Celtic and constantly appearing in the top 3 or 4, but with the small team mentality of some we'll be lucky if we ever make the top half of the league.

    Fear is rampant right throughout ICT at the moment...among everyone from the fans to the Board of Directors.  You can see it when the fans talk about "11th being good enough", you can see it in the team when they lose faith in the ability to play football and resort to hoofing it up the park, you can see it in the manager when he employs negative tactics or is scared to make a game changing substitute, you can see it with our Board of Directors who haven't offered the best ever player to play at ICT a new contract....either through fear of refusal, or fear that he might just accept it and they are scared nobody will be interested in coming in for him in 12 months time.  It's fear that drives them to set targets for possible signings and then keep on extending them when they aren't met because they are scared they won't find someone else.

    You can call me and others moaners if you like, but I prefer to think of it more as a desire to see ICT doing the very best they can with the resources they have...something which isn't happening at the moment.

    Why are we persisting with Brewster, Fraser and Bennett? This man should be manager AND chairman AND director of football AND groundsman AND in charge of the shop AND receptionist AND all the players. :004:

  5. Try crap supporters especially on this forum? Constantly whingeing, never happy, always looking for something to moan about and the higher the team moves up the Scottish leagues the worse some of them have got. And dont think the players dont notice it.

    Get a life or if your not happy with the one you have dont take it out on ICT and the manager!

  6. I have deliberatley put this thread on the ICT board because it is to help out the poor folk who wont have anything to moan about until the next season starts. I just wonder what certain people on this forum are going to do while Brewster and the players are off on holiday? Not having performances, results and the manager to complain about will leave such a huge hole in some peoples lives. Not having ICT's "failure" to reach unrealistic expectations will also be a huge miss for the next couple of months.

    So just to fill the gap until you can start whinging about ICT again get your alternative moans in here!  :017:

  7. Tomcaleyjag - have you left school yet or do you also still irritate the **** out of your teacher's as well? Dont worry about it son you WILL grow out of it. But I just hope for everyones sake that this happens sooner rather than later!

    PS - are you a fan of Harry Enfields "Kevin"?  :003:

  8. Seriousely, what is the man thinking? He gets recruited by what by his standards is a wee rural club which can only pay a fraction of his usual wages plus a signing on fee which hes prepared to accept because his career has hit a quiet patch. He really couldnt care less who pay's his wages whether its the club or some Scottish businessman who has people and operates in his home country. Then the minute he gets here the fans on the website cant keep there mouths shut for a minute and do nothing but slag him off. In particular theyre complaining all the time about this huge amount of money hes meant to be getting which in reality this man looks on as very modest indeed. He realises his fellow professionals feel a bit put out when they realise someone else is getting a lot more but hes wise enough to know that this is inevitable. He still gains there respect.  He scores ten goals and gets made player of the month in this strange little Scottish league. But he accepts it all graciously and just gets on with his job. But really he just cant get over all these country boys in the stands constantly moaning about the arrival of a player of his standard at there quaint little club.

  9. The Chiarman is GONE, you cant get away from that and its no smokescreen. And like it or not this actualy strengthens Brewsters position because David Sutherland will have more influence again and it was him that got Brewster back. The other thing is its not up to you to "get rid" of Brewster.

  10. Todays papers are saying that if Gretna go to the wall before the end of the season and cant fulfil there fixtures they would go out of the league and another team would have to be relegated in there place. Where might that leave us especially when points from Gretna games are cancelled so we lose 6 because we beat them 2 out of 2 while Killie only lose 3. And how did Saint Mirren do against Gretna.

    Should we be panicing?

  11. Not much being said here about this. Im a bit surprised becuse they seem to be in big difficultys. I think a lot of ICT fans have a soft spot for Clach. So what do you think is going to happen to them and what is the problem or is it just the Corbett's against David Dowling. Should Caley Thistle take them over and use Grant Street as a training ground or could ICT put the all weather pitch their?

    Thought's anybody?

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