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Posts posted by L_G

  1. Just when you thought you weren't going to see our local derby game this season.

    The game will be played in Inverness as a testimonial game for Roy McBain.

    More details to follow, but it's likely ticket prices will be ?10 and ?5 with some good hospitality offers.

  2. i don't really care what others think, but it is a forum so i can write my opinion, nobody will stop me from doing that even though Scott calling me an a***hole made me consider leaving this forum, i mean, why is a Mod name calling :irritated: .

    I did not call you an a**hole, please go back and read the words I typed .... I said that it was MY opinion that what you posted was a crock of sh1t ! Please do not misquote me. Also, can you please consider why you feel you can write your opinion with no-one stopping you from doing it (which we have not), yet you do not feel it is appropriate for the the moderators, admin, or the founder of the site to do likewise ? We are fellow posters not some "staff" of yours !

    I understand you are upset, angry and pissed off that we lost heavily tonight but at the end of the day lets not make this what it is not. You have expressed your opinion and I have not slagged you off, just your opinion ... It may have been a hearty disagreement of your opinion but then again, your opinion was quite strong in and of itself !!!

    Well why write the words, i quote, "crock of *****" when a simple, i disagree was more appropriate. Yeah, i am still pissed off and will be until at least the weekend until Mon, when i have a forfeit bet consequence to do :(.

    So does that mean Terry should get to keep his job on Monday once you have calmed down. I along with others think you are way off the mark. Terry Butcher has been and still is a great manager and as someone mentioned elsewhere, it's down to him that we have the strength of squad we have. The players have tremendous respect for him. Tonight was a tactical gamble which didn't pay off, but it was only the CIS cup. A cup run is great if it happens, but the league must come first. I was at the game tonight and yes I'm disappointed, but we had a young team out tonight and they did okay. Tuffy may have let in 6, but he made some great saves too.


    I'll keep on supporting the team and Terry Butcher for the time being if that's okay with you.

  3. It seems that everyone is in agreement that the ICT fans did very little to merit such attention from Lothian & Borders finest and G4S.

    I'm not sure how this would be taken further, or whether it would do any good, but it seems like the sort of issue that either the Supporters Club or Supporters Trust should be making comment on and requesting clarification from Hibs, at the very least, as to why these measures were taken and why supporters were treated so. Individual emails are easy to ignore but one from a supporters group surely has to be taken more seriously? It's becoming an all to regular occurrence and as others have agreed, is fast becoming an issue that stops people from attending matches.

    Is there anyone on here from either group that agrees their organisation should be backing up the ICT supporters who were ejected yesterday and would like to follow that up?

    Supporters Trust e-mail is info@ictsupporterstrust.co.uk and the Trust mobile number is 07879221569. Feel free to get in touch or copy us into any e-mail you decide to send. I have already spoken to someone tonight about someone who was ejected and I'll certainly raise it with ICT in the morning to see if there is anything they can do.

    • Agree 1
  4. For the peeple who were at Fleetwood - I have just had an invite to take my family of four to the home game at York - FREE tomorrow.

    Look at that place - on a home game there is only Carling/Worthington on draft but all at ?2.25 a pint - double voddies and splash fer ?2.00. A fast food stall fer max of ?2.00 per portion, a supporters club shop - and ya can watch the feckin game in the toilets - Luton scored twice whilst I hjad a dumped and I got action replays - of the goals I hasten to add.

    Give me a Yellow Jacket with IHE on it and I will "police" the joint at TCS. :twothumbsup:

    I think you will find that you already have a yellow jacket, just Mrs IHE won't let you out wearing it. lol

  5. Really shocked when I heard this news. I didn't realise she had been ill.

    The Coia Bus (Iain Coia Travel (ICT)) was a welcome and regular visitor to Aberdeen when we played there. This provided an important link for the Central belt fans. Caley Ally will be sadly missed.

    Love to all the family at this sad time and hope you get some comfort from these messages.

    ps It's nice to see some of the older forum users coming out of the woodwork to share their sympathies.

    Lots of love to Iain and family :bighug:

  6. The sponsor on the stips the boys are using for pre friendly is a big white rectangular box with orion group in it stuck on the front of last seasons strip. I appreciate it is just a make do strip but it looks awful. Pictures of the strip are on caleyjags.com,

    Thats my issue I hope its not the same box style on the new one!

    I suspect that the white box was a temporary solution to cover the Flybe logo while they await the arrival of their new kit.

  7. While we wait on more information how about a bit of fun.

    If you were in charge of naming the new facility, what would you call it and why?

    I'll start with "Shoes Off Saloon"....in recognition of that momentous act of fan unity.

    The 'moan inn

    In the same vein .... The Cross Bar :angry:

    The Cross Bar is excellent Scotty

  8. Why such negativity? Yes we have talked about it for years, but this is the first time I have actually see it get to this stage. If it doesn't go ahead it will be because the planning or licences aren't granted and not anything to do with the football club.

    I don't think the aim is to make it exclusive in any way and while I don't imagine we would see Social Club prices, I don't think they would make them ridiculous as that would defeat the purpose of offering a fans facility.

    Premier concourses are a fairly new concept and if it all goes to plan we would be one of the first grounds in Scotland to have one. Seems worth pursuing in my opinion.

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