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Posts posted by GMD11UK

  1. OK so before i put a link in, i wanted to make a couple of things clear:

    • i know recording at the stadium is not allowed but i wasn't exactly the only one.
    • i am pretty sure the forum frowns upon such footage from games that isn't officially endorsed.
    • i know i might get some hassle from it (but i hope i dont).


    For all the fans i know either that missed the game due to a variety or reasons or some people might just want to view the celebrations again i have attained footage of the proceedings (hardly anything during kick-off to final whistle mostly just post match stuff), and i have put them in a shoddily shot montage for those who may be interested.

    Any objections? any admins that say no, i will adhere.


  2. pretty sure other teams would want a cut of profits seeing as their teams are featured getting humped by super-caley.

    might be a price worth paying though. would have been good for this season to have the highlights proceeded by an intro by Butcher,Malpas & Munro.

    Doesn't have to even be a dvd, digital download maybe? fans can buy redeemable codes from the shop etc. and then download the package thru the site, include artwork if they want to stick it on a dvd.

    wouldn't cost much or take up anyones time too much, just make sure the team doing the highlights get something out of it (beer or free tix).

  3. Has there not been cameras at most games this season? could we not stick some highlights on a dvd, all the goals, some interviews with the players and TB & MM.

    Sure even if it was cheaply made it might be something to raise some cash for a rainy day.

  4. ?450 ish i would imagine if they said they were taking ?100 off the season ticket for 1st div footy.

    better start the season ticket fund!! any donations welcomed and thanked with hugs (3 sec limit).

  5. highland league?!? are we gonna raid nairn county for players instead of ross county now?!?! we came up quickly due to our core set of players who we kept on stupidly short term contracts and sold of at the first instance to help pay for Graeme Bennett to fanny about in the stands doing......something?!?!?

    we should have kept onto players like ian black, don cowie and john rankin instead we sold or released them them off for a quick buck an shot ourselves in the foot getting rid of the core of our team and getting in seasonal players who don't know the caley style of play.

    we are only 6 points of the top group with fixtures against the bottom teams coming up so we could pick up lots of points if we play like we did in the first half today and be right in the mix with the rest of the teams, this will be a tough season for not just us but everyone else stuck in division 1 due to a 1 up 1 down rule so we need to get these loses out of the way and start preparing for a war with the likes of county, partick, raith, dundee and qots.

  6. if you can see into the future can you predict when i will get my game back from my mate, he's had it for ages.

    well he had an opportunity to bring in some players but withing the caley budget which is roughly the same as my granny's coin jar so he got what he could on let say "limited resources".

  7. i think if i were to sit 10 yards from you and shout at you for over an hour abuse and just generally not nice things you'd tell me to die in an very uncomfortable manner, so i think it was unprofessional but alas his god given right to tell those muppets that ross rounty are over the bridge if they're unhappy here.

  8. post-1754-1255224311.jpg

    Why is it whenever a team has a bad run of results instead of giving the coaching staff time to adjust to their new surroundings and players the fans like an angry mob call for the head of the manager to leave town like a leper banished forever!

    Terry should be given more time (at least a year) to use what he has squad wise and find out what works, and who needs to start filling out their applications for tesco for their new career. from what i can gather remarks were made towards certain members of the crowd during today's loss against QOTS but to be honest a lot of the main stand cronies with their flat caps and hard sweeties who love to have a good ole' moan when even the wind changes must have been provoking him and his players, its not as if he's going into McDonald's and shouting abuse at them while they're flipping burgers so fair play for him to shout back telling those muppets where to go!

    Butcher has had less than a year after the train wreck that was Brewster who came, took the money and ran. butcher took us on a good run of results and unless i am mistaken he wasn't the person on the pitch in the last game of our SPL run losing the game, it was the players who were at fault for that loss.

    Give him time to get us on a good run again before we run for the pitchforks and torches crying for his head on a post, besides, what top caliber manager would we get to come in and replace TB & MM?!!? If anyone mentions any previous managers i will shake my head in disappointment.

  9. ha ha ok, i think apart from the county match we have been playin very well overall with a good chance to be near the top this season.

    i think some players just are coasting along as the expense of players who have been with the club for awhile who want to see it do well.

  10. this is my opinion on "match fit"

    if your profession is anything to do with athleticism you should be fit at all times, my job is in the entertainment sector so thus i keep up to date with movies, games and tv etc. as it's my job to know that stuff.

    he should have been "match fit" when he signed or in a physical condition whereas he could play a full 90 mins at tge drop of a hat. if that was my profession i am sure i would be in that mindset.

  11. i think we're all blinded by him just being a caley player, if he is judged by just his workrate against other players such as:








    These are players that go out every game and go hell for leather to try and push and want to win each and every game.

    i am judging sanchez on comparing him to those players and their passion and workrate.

    calling him a tube is friendly banter, it's football not life or death but at the end of the day everyone on the pitch i the stands and in the offices want their team to win.

  12. well zadi was horrible, that guy was having a case of the mondays, which on a saturday makes it even worse. sanchez might aswell have gotten out his coloring book and sat down with some crayons in the center circle and worked on that picture of the mouse trying to catch cheese.

  13. Sarcasm doesn't really work on the internet....hmmm well i think if this guy was any more laid back he would be in a bloody coma!!

    it's a shame foran is having to do all the legwork for two now and seems to be plugging away in most of the games i have seen as of late while this tube sanchez is too busy wondering if he left his fridge door open or if he actually put the new episode of changing rooms on sky plus.

    butcher needs to make him wake up and get in the game!!!

  14. no more bringin back old managers, you never get back with your ex gf, it's kinda like before but not really and it's not as good as it was last time and blah blah blah.....NOMORE BREWSTER, give butcher a chance to pick his own team and shape it the way he and morris miner see fit!!!

  15. my bad, a 4-3-2



    lion-munro-paving stone-anyone but byrne as he would be too busy.

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