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Posts posted by Scotty

  1. I havent seen or read the article in full but I would agree with many on here who have differing viewpoints ....

    What the article does say (according to you guys) sounds good. However, perhaps the positives have been emphasised and the negatives glossed over or largely ignored ? .... This is no criticism of the Chairman, nor of the reporter, just 'standard operating procedure' when this kind of article appears.

    I have no issue with the chairman. I have very vocally supported him in the past both in private, and also very publicly on CaleyThistleOnline.com (before and after official status and I will continue to do so when the official status is removed at the end of the season). I think he did an absolutely tremendous job in his first stint in control and without him we quite probably would not have had a club today let alone one that is in the SPL. I am also sure he will do a sterling job again.

    I have always thought that he tends to shoot from the hip (remember Kilmarnock comments, and such like ?) so I have no doubt that what he says is both genuine and honest. I am delighted he has very publicly told other teams to stay away from our players and confirmed that he will do whatever he can to retain and improve our squad. That has got to be heartening for Charlie to hear and also for us as supporters.

    I am also quite pleased that he has been honest enough to potentially generate some flak by admitting that a 4th stand is not likely on the west side of the ground. Perhaps a small enclosure, but not a full stand. I am sure we would all like a mini San Siro at the Longman but that is neither possible nor necessary so fair play to him for saying a big stand wont happen .... and for saying that covering the uncovered wings would be a bigger priority.

    However, I hoped there might have been some additional honesty by acknowledging some of the problems that have occured over the season regarding things brought up earlier in this thread and not necessarily addressing them in the article but at least acknowledging their existence and giving the fans an undertaking to resolve them (or at least try)....

    I will reserve further comment on the article until I have actually read it in full, but my opinion so far is that it is fine in what it says, but perhaps could have said more ...

  2. I think you might find all this (and more) in a Highland News article with Charles Bannerman.

    The club havent supplied me with the article, nor asked me to put it on this site or on the 'temporary official site' nor have they added it to the site themselves (yet) .... but I am sure it is full of good stuff .... DS doesnt usually miss his mark with these types of interview and he certainly aint scared to tell it like he sees it.

  3. Delighted to hear it - Rossco epitomises the spirit of ICT and his signing will probably ensure the appearance record for the club will never be beaten ......

    Wonder who will he get for his testimonial game ? He will now be due a well deserved testimonial season ..... think we can cross St Mirren off the list ;)

  4. Jamesie - welcome to the site. If you havent done so already, feel free to submit your map location for our 'where in the world' map .... we have users from Aus, China, USA, Canada, Europe and all over the UK ... but you may be the first from NZ .......

  5. The official portion of the website is currently being run in conjunction with the club.

    I continue to add match reports, fixtures, tables, scorers etc but the 'news' articles are added directly from the stadium.

    for queries regarding anything on that portion of the site you should email the Chief Executive directly. email = mike.smith@caleythistleonline.com

  6. after 33 games the league splits into 2 for the last 5 games .... the top 6 play each other once, the bottom 6 play each other once but you cannot go from 7th to 6th ... in effect, its 2 divisions !... (you can actually finish 7th and have more points than 6th ...)

  7. :P Does that go for all of us :twisted:

    Yup - clean slate for all and a bit more freedom because its back to being unofficial .... but if any user wants to take the piss then we have a number of options before the ultimate sanction of completely banning a user or users .....

  8. mmm, well maybe i can be the first of the old feckers to post in here !

    Mr Benn was classic as was the Clangers [anyone at Aberdeen Uni - does the Clangers society still exist ? probably not] .... Mary Mungo and Midge, Trumpton, Chigley, and Camberwick Green deserve honourable mentions ...... as do the saturday morning Flash Gordon 'oldies' and the Robinson Crusoe 'dubbed from some other language' series that always came on in the school holidays .... the last two were so bad they were good !!

    now i am thinking, I am sure i will come back with more !

  9. Refs and linesmen have a hard job to do and dont always get it right. They have only a fraction of a second to decide the call and no matter what they do several thousand people from one or the other side will be ridiculing them for thier decision - especially if it is controversial.

    Having said that - these people chose to get involved in officiating the game and should be able to meet the required standard.

    I have great respect for some refs who have the balls to speak out and admit to making a mistake or saying they didnt have clear sight of an incident so couldnt award a particular decision (such as Iain Brines the other week) but too many of them show a holier-than-thou or condescending attitude and try to make it as if the game is all about them - get rid of them and keep the small crop of decent ones.

    Also - its a professional game, with professional players ... isnt it about time that at least a portion of the referees were put on professional contracts with professional wages ???? It might be a way to encourage decent refs into the game .... dont know if its still the same but even 2 or 3 years ago the referees association was bemoaning the fact that they had too few people applying .....

  10. couple of things to clear up

    • Even though the old site was official, the money to run it always came out of my pocket with no contribution from the club other than access to people at the stadium and the odd complimentary ticket ! [not that it cost much other than domain registrations and the odd charge here and there for other stuff].
      Sportnetwork did not charge for hosting as they made revenue from the ads etc

    • The idea on here is to be self financing but we will have to pay for hosting and if we go over our bandwidth we would have to pay that too. Many will have noticed the google ads at the bottom of the page and a couple of banners at the top. This is pretty much the total extent that we wish to go to with ads and hope that this will cover our costs. We may have the odd page sponsor or even a site sponsor in time and are toying with an 'affiliate' page and other stuff that you would have to physically go to a certain page to view but we will try to keep ads on the main site unobtrusive and out of users' faces so that means no popups, popunders, or 'intellitxt' ads. Even though you are required to register, we have no intention of ever making basic registration fee-based.

    • Many people have said 'Well done Scotty' - Whilst I can take credit for the first 9 years of the 'old' site, there have been quite a few people who helped out over the last 3 since I moved across the pond. None moreso than Donald (CaleyD). This new site is a joint venture between us both and we figure that it took around 1500 hours development over the course of 3 months to get to this stage so any plaudits you send to me I will greatfully accept ... but please send them Donald's way too as he is equally 'to blame' for the site - PS if its broken, its his fault !!!

    I have been heartened by most of the comments received this weekend and glad most like it. It is a little different and will take a bit of getting used to. We also had a few technical glitches that we didnt anticipate but hopefully that has eased a little. Please feel free to stick a note in the TECHNICAL SUPPORT - WEBSITE forum if you encounter difficulties.

    • Brahan Seer - not a great bar but an incredible view of the town
    • Muirtown - a crying shame - did my first underage drinking in here and played pool for them for donkeys years.
    • Columba Hotel Public bar - when it was THE place to go on a Fri/Sat
    • The Tryst - why it was popular I will never know but it was and for some reason i enjoyed it
    • Dillingers - Jimmy Terris' famous Jelly Beans - theres a man that should have developed fuel cells for NASA

  11. not to mention the 60k per place or whatever it is we get from finishing higher.

    Top 11 was the target this season and next season perhaps we can set top 6 as the ultimate goal although I would be happy for anywhere between 6-qoth again next year !

    Lets face it, the pundits are right when they say we are 'punching above our weight'. We are a small club, with a small fanbase with possibly the lowest paid players in the SPL. However, every one of those players works with his colleagues to develop team spirit and they produce the goods not only against similar size teams but also at times when it is least expected .... 'on paper' we should be relegation fodder so thank your god the game is played on grass :)

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