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Posts posted by Kirishima

  1. ICT lose away to Ross County, draw away to PT, draw away to QOS, but win the rest, taking the SPL title on the last day with a win against Dundee.

    I believe!

    That would be an achievement which would surely earn TB a sainthood.

    Well he'd better get his sunday best out as if we can win the home games, which is very possible, plus grab a couple of away wins at Mordor and Air then draws away to Plastic and Queens then St Terry will be born.

  2. Just spent 15 mins writing down how i think the top 5 teams results will go. Ended up with the following

    ICT 68 pts

    Dundee 65 pts

    RCounty 62 pts

    Dunfermline 61 pts

    QOS 61 pts

    ICT have enough home games plus two winnable away games (est 7 dropped pts out of 30 possible)

    Dundee have too many tough away games, they are going to drop many points. (16 out of 33 dropped)

    RCounty 5 games on the trot with top 5 teams (2 away) plus hibs then away games - out of steam (16 out of 36 dropped)

    Dunfermline will come on very strong, will help ICT, but too late for them (9 points out of 30 dropped)

    QOS lots of away games, but will help ICT at home against top 5 (14 out of 36 dropped)

    ICT lose away to Ross County, draw away to PT, draw away to QOS, but win the rest, taking the SPL title on the last day with a win against Dundee.

    I believe!

  3. (Birddog: using words like "in reality" and calling people "lazy"...these are customers not volunteers, they pay money, lots of it, and are on this forum offering ideas...)

    From the poll it seems price and queues are the main bugbear for 80 people which is not a bad sample. I doubt much will ever happen on price, as that is probably agreed to in contract, and if reduced at ICT would have to be reduced in all other grounds, so it's unfortunate ICT have agreed to such price hikes without reason, and probably too late to fix without ripping up contracts.

    However, the queues seem to be an area where improvements could be made, and easily. IDEAS: Pie and Drink Runners/ Queue flow barriers/ Supervisor/Queue coordinators to move people from serving area to serving area if one is quiet/ Order takers in queues for drinks/ pre-prepare drinks (hot)/ More experienced staff from Inverness area.

  4. Revbirdog, glad to see you are the self appointed "voice of the people" and the 80 or so others who voted are merely wasting everyones time...

    There is clearly an issue with the queues, and has been for many moons. It affects the matchday atmosphere dramatically. Nobody is saying they expect haute cuisine, or rely on their pie as their main meal of the week. What they are saying is that there are people who spend all of half time waiting to get some food/drink and can't. That's unacceptable, by anyones standard.

  5. Cant guarantee he will fix each and every issue to your satisfaction Kirishima as he will only be one board member out of a group, but I can guarantee you that he will try to address everything he can and he will take it to the boardroom in a manner that no-one else does right now.

    As Don says, its a big task, but having known Kenny for a number of years, I am sure he will relish the challenge.

    Well, I shall wait and see. His intentions may be very honourable, but as you alluded to, it's not solely up to him, which perhaps is the snag here, I will defer to your knowledge here, as I know him not from Eve, but there is very little about the club that gets me excited or hopeful thesedays when talking about the non-playing side, the camel was wheeled off into the sunset a while ago. Still, it is positive, yes, and time will tell if it makes an ounce of difference!

  6. By that argument, we should only worry about the stadium if the team are doing badly, or in the off-season...cannot see the logic in any of that. There is no correlation between wanting answers to the security of the club, where shareholders may have been duped, and wanting the team to win/be promoted. Supporting the club includes and extends beyond the pitch...it's possible to do more than one thing at a time! The board, would however, not agree with me on this one...

  7. Until lasting improvements appear i'll keep my sceptical hat on for now. The club have in the past few years failed in so many areas of customer service, it isn't funny. From ejecting supporters wrongly, to ignoring business opportunities such as online ticketing, to refusing information that should be in the public domain, to refuse to interact with fans, to bungling contracts, to costing the club money, to bringing the club into disrepute, to removing volunteers for silly reasons, to failing to consult fans, and worst of all alienating fans.

    If Mr Cameron can address all these issues, then i'll be impressed...

  8. IDEA Pie runners. This idea was brought up many moons ago because a lot of the issues were that elderly or those with mobility issues were unable to get any refreshments. This is a serious matter, and although it was brought up in the defunct BB, nothing was ever tried. Pie runners/Bovril/Tea/Coffee runners could be waiting in the wings for 3.45pm and set off around the stadium. This would allow the queues to be reduced, keep people in their seats, increase sales and most importantly, help those with mobility issues.

  9. Well, I hope it is uppermost in everbody's mind. Lost a lot of respect for the Courier over this, they are quiet pathetic (sic) really and obviously in the pockets of their advertisers. Hope that there is a bandwagon coming I can jump on, else I'll start building one of my own... :rolleyes:

  10. Not a peep from the Courier on the stadium. Lots about Alan Savage's lady friend suing him,which of course is much more pertinent to the folk of Inverness. But no questions about the stadium, one sees.

    A Free Press? Maybe The West Highland is the only Free Press nowadays. Poor.

  11. Either way nothing in the Courier. After running the story about sacking the stadium announcer, I would have expected a follow up story or pursuit for a statement, clarfiication, fact, or spokesman denial/comment...nothing of the sort. Why not?

    Maybe someone had a word with the reporter or maybe even the editor or maybe even the owners. :001:

    Well, either it is very poor reporting or very underhand meddling. Its one or the other, and personally, I'm not of the opinion it's the former. Things like this happen all the time, a wee phone call, chat, words such as "unfortunate", "regrettable" muttered and that's that. If anyone from the Courier is reading this, then i have a few words for you. Journalists you are not.

  12. Either way nothing in the Courier. After running the story about sacking the stadium announcer, I would have expected a follow up story or pursuit for a statement, clarfiication, fact, or spokesman denial/comment...nothing of the sort. Why not?

  13. Well, despite things looking rosy on the pitch, I hope that the board, as im sure they would wish, doesnt think people will forget the one question on people's lips.

    Yes, DS saved the club, yes, he put in money, yes he will always be remembered for that, for making ICT and a large part of its illustrious history. But we can't live on past plaudits forever.

    Look the answer may be straightforward, above board, whatever...but if it is, why is it not fortcoming? Why is their no evidence of a stadium in a trust company? Why are we raking through public documents and getting nowhere?

    Is the stadium in the trust company or not? Simple.

  14. Something like 3 players under contract for next season and no management team is what we have. It is time to sign up Butcher, Malpas, and co, and make sure if we dont go up this season, we are ready for next with the same squad, but a few more of Terry's favourites. Otherwise, it will be groundhog day.

  15. I wouldn't be making a scapegoat out of the young policeman, he made an error of judgement, as many do without the hindsight of 10 20 or 30 years that most of us have on him.

    The actual investigating officers and procurator fiscal need to be looked at much more closely. A 19 year old did not take this to court, there were numerous adults who should have known better but didn't. Don't just go for the easy target eh?

  16. If I had to guess what was going on at ICT I would say this: The club's policy is to discourage dialogue with the fans. I doubt it is an accident, oversight or coincidence any longer. There is no point, no point, in trying to come up with ideas, initiatives, etc, under this current climate.

    All I want to know is why. Why have the club gone down this road? Surely, if as David Sutherland stated recently, that the board are all wealthy, successful, great people, they know you can't treat shareholders and customers with disdain over and over without some eventual repercussions? So, the only assumption left is they are trying to detach the club from the supporters and in turn the supporters from the club. For what reason I cannot yet see.

    The board know they are antagonising the supporters, they know it's causing rifts, they know it will eventually result in action of some sort, so it's not a case of reminding them or pointing things out as once was the case. It is not ignorance.

    They are not fulfilling their roles as they should. List all the things they have messed up on and it becomes a little bit embarassing.

  17. Contact them in writing? Anonymous spokesman via press? What is this? It's a farce. I'm sorry but if Darren wants to retain some semblence of respect then he had better start showing some. I'm afriad i've heard far too much from the press, and far too little from Darren to be regarding him in any way different from the board. It is a slightly pathetic and juvenile administration at ICT. I'm usually very careful with my words, but, ach, it's beyond repair now. Waste of time.

  18. I haven't come across any information from the supporters trust on this matter. Could someone point me in the right direction if there is something stated by them over this issue. I would say the channel should be supporters - supporters trust - Darren - board - answer. Are we at the stage where the supporters trust are asking an official question yet? If not, why?

  19. Yes, Don fell on his own sword, that much is clear. But if no one (Supporters trust, Inverness Courier) asks any questions then the game's a bogey. The club (as in fans, players) need a statement from the board assuring them that the stadium (land) is not an asset, to be sold, and unless questions are asked by the supporters trust and inverness courier, then they too will be tarred by the same brush. This issue won't go away, however much DS would like it to, it's gone beyond that now, thanks to the wall of silence eminating from Longman road...

  20. Ewan Murray's piece was as sycophantic as one could get, no demanding questions asked, no new information forthcoming, rabbit in headlights stuff. Poor show.

    "But we have a pretty focused and wealthy board in place at Caley Thistle now." (David Sutherland)...really, and how is that the case? Focused on what,exactly? Wealthy as in buying players such as....?

    Great journalism, rollover and be tickled.

  21. "...he indicated that he would rather have the right to free speech as opposed to being announcer. We have acceded to this request." (Courier)

    Acceded to this request, i.e. you go along with it! That it's either free speech or a volunteer position, but not both. Who was the spokesperson...the same one that drew up Marius's contract? Can't believe they have the gall to try and justify this one...no, sorry I can completely understand it, as itis par for the course. Yet again, the club is in the paper because of stupid actions, David Sutherlands Supporters Trust rant, the ridiculous court case, and now this. The list is getting longer...I wonder if they know they are incompetent, or believe they are pretty smashing chaps all round?

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