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Posts posted by Kirishima

  1. Im sure they'll will find it hard to keep over a thousand fans of the pitch.

    After the game has ended a.k.a the final whistle has sounded, yes you're right, and I don't think they'd even try.

    But before the game has ended, they will absolutely stop you, and probably make an example out of anyone disrupting a game in play. All im saying is, its hard enough getting a job as it is, without a caution to your name as well. If that's what happens to some, then I wonder if it will be worth it?

    It will be a party and a great day out regardless.

  2. what a load of pish.

    yes the invasions after the goals were wrong but how often have we seen it at caley stadium.celtic fans did the same in the scottish cup when miller robbed us at the end.anyway , even if the club cop a wee fine i'm sure it'll be the sweetest fine they've ever had.


    nothing wrong with storming the pitch after the game on sat though and thats exactly what i'll be doing :lol:

    Thats the spirit, as long as its not your money eh? If you are on the pitch, you may get a caution from the Police, and you may be required to declare that on any job or further education application. The club may get a fine, but if they do, you can guarantee you will get one too.

    Personally I don't give two hee haws if people do go onto the pitch early, but you can bet your bottom dollar (you may need it if you do a premature pitch rush) that the stewards and Police are well aware of the possibility of people coming on early, and they will be very draconian with people who do.

    "But Celtic did it..." aye, off to Parkhead then.

  3. Agree with Joe, what a load of nonsense.

    I mind when Dundee Utd were up here a few years back, needing to win to survive. Robson's penalty saw a pitch invasion, pretty sure there was one one at the end too. Don't remember any fuss about those scenes, and rightly so.

    Last Saturday was just sheer enjoyment. There was no malice involved, and the folk on the pitch cleared themselves off it very quickly. It seems like every ounce of enjoyment and fun is being kicked out of football. Next we'll have wee printed sheets stuck to our seats telling us the dos and donts at every match. Going to a match is in danger of becoming a totally soulless experience.

    Nobody's saying it's malice. The fact is the game lasts until the ref blows the final whistle. Until then it's a spectator sport, and what possible purpose is there to run on before the whistle? ICT, TB, MM, the players and I dare say, the majority of fans, simply do not want the last game of the season disrupted until the referee blows the whistle to end the SFL days. Enjoyment? No problem! After the whistle.

  4. :lol: Terry's a much better manager than him.

    He took us straight up the table and he'd done much more than Adams

    Very poor. RC went on a cup run, and won 2 games where they punched above their weight....and that's enough to be selected in the manager of the year awards? 2 games? Who selects the managers? Farcical.

  5. In 2008/09, The Highland Council spent ?877 million on the provision of public services

    The economic downturn means a slowdown in housing and other developments which not only leads to a reduction in fee income for the Planning and Development Service but also has an impact on the growth in council tax income.

    A report to the Housing and Social Work Committee for the period to 30 June 2009 identified a

    projected overspend of ?3.4 million in the social work budget for 2009/10 and advised that action was

    being taken to recover the overspend.

    The report noted that Highland Council?s asset management performance was below average with 42% of its properties in poor condition and 36% not suitable for current use.

    • 3.5% of working age people in Highland claim Job Seekers Allowance, lower than the averages for Scotland and Great Britain (both 4.1%)
    • 4.8% of working age people in Highland receive Income Support (IS), lower than both the Scotland average of 6.3% and the Great Britain average of 5.5%.
    • 0.9% of working age people in Highland are long term unemployed compared with 1.6% of people in Scotland overall and the same in Great Britain.
    • 6.6% of working age people in Highland receive Incapacity Benefit /SevereDisibility Allowance, below the Scotland average of 7.9% but higher than the Great Britain average of 6.2%.
    • 6.6% of people aged under 65 in Highland receive Disibility Living Allowance, lower than the Scotland average of 7.9% but slightly above the Great Britain average of 6.2%.
    • 1.0% of people aged over 16 in Highland receive CA, slightly less than the Scotland average of 1.1%.
    • Despite incomes in Highland being less than the Scotland average the number of people of people of pensionable age in Highland receiving PC is lower, 20.1%, than the Scotland average of 24.% but just higher than the Great Britain average of 19.6%.

    Basically, people in the Highlands are no malingerers, but housing is a shambles, wages are low, and social work is overspending even though I imagine it needs more not less money. There are economies to be made, for example, in Fort William, a population of 9000, there are 700 or so primary school kids

    7-8 primary schools in a 4-mile radius each with a 100 kids or thereabouts...waste...of...money.

  6. Hayes pilaged Ayr, so impressive, like a young McGeady...3 years please, then i'll relax...

    Calm down! That wee traitor McGeady wishes he was as good as Hayes. I'd have Hayes over him anytime.

    Fair enough, my bad, he's like a young Aaron Lennon

  7. Cut Defence??????????????

    So we can lose more of our soldiers due to crap kit? You can tell you have never served or had family serving. If anything we should spend more on defence. If you want more money in the highlands, try not spending it on stupid "art works" or multiple xmas dinners for council members. The money spent on the firework displays could be put to much better use. It goes on and on. The reason there is no money is because it spent in the wrong places but defence is not one of them.

    Defence spending of that magnitude isn't exactly kit, it's trident weapons systems, nuclear armaments, satellites, intelligence networks, missiles, staff, etc etc. What does defence bring the Highlands?

    Ok, for some, artworks are a luxury, but they've been cut, and amount to a few grand here and there, from the Scottish Art Council, not from Highalnd Council, so not within the HC's realm...

    I agree there is a lot of frivolity but defence is the largest single waste of taxpayers money. And I have had two relatives killed in war, for your information.

    You're right a lot of the budget is spent on the items you mention but it is also spent on helicopters, armoured vehicles etc. things that save lives. What does defence bring to the highlands? Safety. I am sorry you have had to suffer the heartache of losing relatives due to war. I would have thought that would have made you see it from the other side, guess not.

    You preach against the military spending and defence yet have a signature advocating war, strange. Each to their own.

    That quote is exactly there for the right reason. "Strike at what is weak". It does not advocate war, it is a quote of a philosopher that was also a strategist.

    Im not getting into the arguments of war, just saying that defence spending is beyond reason. Of course soldiers deserve kit, they are promised it, it's a right, and they die sometimes because they dont get it. There's plenty money for every soldier to be kitted out and in the right vehicles, but its spent instead on new technology, consultants, contractors, etc. all for an industry of war. The money is there in defence already, its just spent wrongly. You could cut that budget in half, and still have enough to kit out all soldiers, if it was spent correctly. It's not spent correctly.

  8. Cut Defence??????????????

    So we can lose more of our soldiers due to crap kit? You can tell you have never served or had family serving. If anything we should spend more on defence. If you want more money in the highlands, try not spending it on stupid "art works" or multiple xmas dinners for council members. The money spent on the firework displays could be put to much better use. It goes on and on. The reason there is no money is because it spent in the wrong places but defence is not one of them.

    Defence spending of that magnitude isn't exactly kit, it's trident weapons systems, nuclear armaments, satellites, intelligence networks, missiles, staff, etc etc. What does defence bring the Highlands?

    Ok, for some, artworks are a luxury, but they've been cut, and amount to a few grand here and there, from the Scottish Art Council, not from Highalnd Council, so not within the HC's realm...

    I agree there is a lot of frivolity but defence is the largest single waste of taxpayers money. And I have had two relatives killed in war, for your information.

  9. Tony Mowbray by a country mile .

    Mowbray done well at Hibs though. We need a manager that is consistently sh*te. Always thought Sandy Clark was rubbish.

    Yeah, Mowbray doesnt get a bad rep because he was using his attractive, attacking style...but in truth, he bought rubbish players.

    Liam Brady was pretty rubbish too...lost 5-2 to Neuch?tel Xamax from Switzerland in Uefa cup...

  10. Now, I am no mathematician, but it would appear that Dundee will be struggling to win this league now. The juggernaut has run out of fuel, the bubble is absolutely flat and their bottles are totally burst. As Victor Meldrew said the other night, I don't believe it!

    How you can possibly allow a wee team from the Highlands of Scotland to catch up, overtake and then pull away is against all odds surely. What next, Ross County to win the Cup? I'm so pleased that Leigh, (hiya pal) got his hands on a minor trophy, after all, why should we have all the fun.

    Oh, Heilan Dee, would you like us to club together and get yer loon an ICT Champions T shirt for his Xmas.

    Anyway, Terry likes fitba....................

    All the eggs are in one basket, and they've all hatched. The fat lady has sung. We've crossed the bridge.

    It's amazing how Dundee threw it away. Their players have to be ashamed of themselves really. They got lazy, got arrogant and paid the price. They never, ever thought any club could go on a run like that. But they were wrong, and ICT turned up the heat to lava settings, and Dundee simply couldnt get motivated again...it's a crying sham(e)

  11. ICT have been relatively blessed with managers, Pele, Robertson, and now Butcher.

    I wonder who is the worst scottish manager or manager of a scottish team?

    I'd say John Barnes, Bobby Williamson, Graham Rix, Peter Grant, Liam Brady,

  12. Airdrie have really done well huh? wonder if we beat Ayr will they have a fighting chance...that would be some turnaround at both ends of the table...

    Ayr or Airdrie...two teams enter...one team leaves

  13. No money? Oh there's money! Lots of it...it's all borrowed but there's no shortage of money..


    42 billion on defence

    31 billion on interest payments

    ...and who knows how much wasted by councils up and down the country on consultants, seminars, meetings, travel, etc.

    Anyway, there is no such thing as good government. Governments, by their very nature, are bad. Even SNP, which I support. It is the world we have created.

    Cut defence and i'm sure inverness could get a few hundred thousand quid

  14. Press and Jourmal

    Caledonian "Productions" Tobias Leask and Grant Skinner's "statement"...though no info on their website for how fans get refunds etc etc. It's very poor, Highland Hospice is a great charity but 45 quid is a sizeable amount, and at the end of the day, this was a money-making scheme with a charity twist. Poor organisation right across the board really.

    It's such a shame for the charity. Caledonian Productions obviously thought people would buy an inferior product because of the charity angly and they'd cream money off the top. So poorly thought out and managed it's not surprising.

  15. I'm thinking more of a Peter Lawwell type character. He came to football with no background in the game and a huge business knowledge. Albeit not totally without failure but definitely a success.

    Thing is, against a 12-man board/clique, what chance does any CEO have? Unless that 12-man board mirrors the CEO's appetite/vision, its a recipe for disaster. GS was appointed as they though a football man would be good PR. It was. But what they failed to realise was he is not an administrator.

    As Craig Brown stated, it's the SFA's makeup that makes progress/change unlikely. They meet so seldom, agree on very little, and take an age to approve anything, that reealistically, under the present SFA set up, nothing radical or meaningful will ever happen.

    A hard nose CEO will still be handcuffed as much as a softy one would be. It's kind of like sending Mike Tyson and Graham Norton into a pen of 7 hungry lions...it matters not what either do, as the lions have the upper hand by a country mile. (I made that analogy myself...another glass of wine for my cleverness :D )

  16. Craig Brown

    "Im astonished...I was 16 years workin for the SFA...worked under three CEOs...i thought Gordon was an inspired appointment...the wheels turn very slowly at the SFA because of the committee structure and it must be frustrating for a guy who's full if initiative and i'm sure Gordon is and was...I think the committe structure would get to him...he must have been frustrated for sure"

    Jim Traynor and Chic Young despise GS because he was media/football/agent/executive/SFA and got the plum job...those two have egos the size of dinosaurs, and know nothing, sod all, hee haw, about football..they're hacks that feed off controversy alone, that's all they have. C'mon! Traynor? Really?

    Traynor vs Craig Brown...tough choice :023:

    GS is a football man who couldn't do s*** because of the SFA committee

  17. When David Taylor left in 2007 for UEFA he said ""You don't have to walk far to see poor facilities and the government should be doing something about it," said Taylor...We need 1500 upgraded pitches across Scotland. This would bring up to speed with Holland and Norway."

    Andy Roxburgh said in 2009 about the SFA "They do need help, there's no doubt about that. It needs community help, political help and it needs funding."

    GS resigning wont change a thing. Peat has a year to go as president but should leave now. Current VP Campbell Ogilvie is rumoured to be in the running for CEO.

    CaleyD, i agree, until we see this report, we can't attack or praise it...however, as the quotes and plenty of people's opinions agree on, its not GS or indeed Peat (though he is an obstacle to change, no doubt) that is the problem.


    16 team league

    500m pound investment from government

    SFA/SPL/SFL radicalised

    More playing areas, less housing

    Get kids playing football, not video games

    What will happen

    16 team league (will be voted down - vested interests)

    500m pound investment from government (will say over 15 years, and never do it)

    SFA/SPL/SFL (again, voted down - vested interests)

    More playing areas, less housing (playing areas dont make money, that's what matters to govt and councils)

    Get kids playing football, not video games (in this day and age, some parents are either too busy working or in many cases now sadly, too lazy or selfish - video games - much easier thanks...)

    Firstly, need new laws in the game - no voting with vested interests!

  18. I wonder when we get to see this report? It doesnt take a genius to work out whats wrong - infact, most avid supporters of the game would probably be able to come up with a solid report.

    The Scottish game fails because we close community centres and increase policing. We build on green belts and allow video games to take over. No amount of reports or rejigging will get kids back playing footie every night for hours unless its grassroots, community led, basic society and family improvements.

    Its no fluke developing countries produce stars - time spent playing as youth equals good players.

    we need the SFA and SPL to become pals, first and foremost. I think GS was doing his best...

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