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Posts posted by MrsICTFC

  1. Sorry for being thick but a few people have posted up about how the flag isn't relevant for the match. Well in that case what really is the big deal,it's only a big deal because people have made it a big deal? Ok yes there is all the politics behind it and so forth but if people just watched the game and forgot about it?

  2. If this is so then does it not raise the question whether the teaching methods for dyslexics are in fact the way that all pupils should be taught rather than the methods which are currently used or if in fact each individual pupil should have their teaching program individually tailored?

    When I was at college learning my trade I could not get my head around the electrical part of the course at all but I was doing really well in the hydraulics and pneumatics parts, it would have been so easy to claim to be dyselectric but instead a lecturer took me aside and the jist of the conversation was that I should try to visualise a circuit diagram in the same way that I visualised the other diagrams, after that my understanding of circuit diagrams never posed any problems for me. The problem in that case was that it was easier to visualise liquids or gasses passing through pipes than electricity passing through wires.

    I guess I am trying to say that I believe it's not really a mater of learning it's more a matter of training your brain how to learn.

    I don't think you are looking at the bigger picture, yes we struggle in certain areas. I know in school I struggled with maths but did better in Art etc. As humans in general we all have weaker areas. Someone with dyslexia may not have had issues with any of your course but when writing and reading took slightly longer. You seem to think that if you struggle with one bit that automatically means you can be labelled dyslexic, this is not the case. Most schools will know by the end of first year or sooner if someone has dyslexia, for you it would have been noticed much sooner if this was the case.

    Teaching methods for people who have dyslexia would be no use for some people so it would be a waste of school resources.

  3. A difficulty with the written language.

    The main question that comes to mind I suppose is, is this difficulty actually due to the make up of an individuals brain? or has the term dyslexia been coined to cover up inadequacies in the educational system?

    I think a study would need to be done.

    They would need to look at -

    1) Statistics in other countries

    2) Compare schools i.e. schools that have better resources, different areas, deprivation

    3) Parental contribution to education

    4) Genes i.e. is it in the family

    The problem comes that people look at someone who is having problems in school and automatically think dyslexia, it is easier. However, I still think there are people who do genuinely have dyslexia.

    What needs to be looked at is if dyslexia is abused in schools i.e. teachers just slapping the term dyslexic onto anyone with problems.

  4. It could be argued that every national flag is political. By carrying one a person is announcing that they identify themselves with that country in some way. Certainly the Rangers fans who displayed Union Flags at the Tulloch Caledonian Stadium earlier this month were making political points based on religious and racial intolerance every bit as controversial as anything the middle east can come up with.

    Sorry for the C and P but it's too long to retype a summary.

    This story opens up a lot of topics for discussion but the one I am mainly interested in is the ability of the club to censor supporters. As stated in the story ICT have a policy of removing flags and banners which may be considered offensive. One man's offence is another man's stance. Does this now make it an ejectable offence to display a "Brewster Out" banner? Will the club take action against Celtic supporters flying the tricolour, a symbol of Irish resistance against our home country? or Rangers fans flying the Union Flag, a symbol of 400 years of Westminster oppression? Like the story says this has opened up a whole new can of worms.

    I agree with the highlighted point, where will it stop if this is the case? What about offensive clothing i.e. if he had this flag printed on his t-shirt, what would happen then?

  5. Looks like the PC brigade is back in force, I was wondering where Sophia was all this time.

    It has got nothing to do with being PC. It's about having respect for other people's decisions.

    Also in relation to my question I meant banners at games, your post obviously was referring to shirt wearing at games too.

    Well that's me told then :rotflmao: But really, I don't have a problem with people wearing shirts at games (I've even done it myself [on occaison mind]), but what I do find rather sad are these big tubs of lard who wonder around in the football shirts (usually OF).

    Maybe your question should have actually been then (as based on your question alone you are sad) -

    Should big tubs of lard be allowed to wonder around in football shirts? As this seems to be your main issue?

  6. Looks like the PC brigade is back in force, I was wondering where Sophia was all this time.

    It has got nothing to do with being PC. It's about having respect for other people's decisions.

    Also in relation to my question I meant banners at games, your post obviously was referring to shirt wearing at games too.

  7. What do you think of adults wearing football shirts? Personally I think it's quite sad. Which reminds me that ICT (along with Rangers) are the first teams to bring out an XXXXXL shirt. I reckon if you can let yourself get to that size, you don't deserve a shirt.

    Personally, I think this topic is quite sad. Your post basically slags off anyone who wears a shirt and those who are overweight. They don't deserve a shirt, who are you to decide?

    I am sure you do many things that others may think are sad, lets just hope they are the bigger person and can let you get on with your life.

  8. Ian Black was sitting beside my in the main stand today and was not allowed to play by Hearts who are trying to get a deal in place to get him there

    and what a black eye he had but i didnt have the guts to ask him how he got it

    Best not to, you may have ended up with one too!

  9. From live text -


    Free kick awarded for a foul by Lionel Djebi-Zadi on Mark Roberts. Free kick taken by Alan Archibald.

    Correction - 36:23

    Filipe Morais challenges Alan Archibald unfairly and gives away a free kick. Direct free kick taken by Jonathan Tuffey.


    Russell Duncan concedes a free kick for a foul on Liam Buchanan. Marc Twaddle shoots direct from the free kick, Iain Vigurs gets a block in.


    Alan Archibald fouled by Filipe Morais, the ref awards a free kick. Jonathan Tuffey takes the direct free kick.


    Filipe Morais gives away a free kick for an unfair challenge on Liam Buchanan. Free kick crossed right-footed by Paul Paton from right channel, clearance made by Ross Tokely.

    Is it me or are we giving away a lot of free kicks? That was in the space of 5 mins.

  10. Are you wanting to make a stop at the pub?

    If so go out of the train station (front doors next to ticket office). It will take you to a square small car park, stick to the right and follow the road around, you will walk past a kilt shop, go round the corner, past seconds and firsts and you will see a pub called the exchange (william hill across the road to place any bets), you could have a couple there. When you leave to walk to the stadium go out the pub and turn right, walk past mackays, turn right again, follow the road along past tk max, keep going all the way round so you have gone past the post office, you will then see a bridge, walk up onto the bridge, once on go right, follow on towards the college and keep going, past halfords, b&q and you will see the stadium.

  11. Aright. PTFC fan here, making my first trip to the ground on Sat - I've checked google maps for directions to the ground, it looks a bit of a hike but I'm not bothered by that. Is it a dodgy walk?

    I should mention I'm talking about the train station to the ground.

    It will take you approx 20 mins to walk, there will be many home supporters walking over so hopefully you can follow them. Have you been in Inverness before?

  12. Lets be honest with ourselves here, I wouldn't stay at ICTFC in it's current situation. If he wanted to be in the first division he would have stayed with County. It is too big a risk to stay at caley, he could loose staying in the SPL and for anyone that is a major blow financially and for achievement. He would be silly to stay imo!

    They've got to make what they can during a short career.

    Just to be pedantic, he would've been in the 2nd last season if he'd stayed at County.

    Thanks for the correction!

  13. Lets be honest with ourselves here, I wouldn't stay at ICTFC in it's current situation. If he wanted to be in the first division he would have stayed with County. It is too big a risk to stay at caley, he could loose staying in the SPL and for anyone that is a major blow financially and for achievement. He would be silly to stay imo!

  14. Just watched it all on Setanta with a Rangers fan. Even he admitted there wasn't 3 goals between the teams. In my opinion we were let down by our 'so-called' stars, Black and Cowie, neither of whom got in the game. Get some money for Black this month I say, he clearly has no passion for playing for us anymore. Cowie missed his opportunity 'in the shop window' if he wants to go to Rangers. Doubt he'd make their first team squad. Some good performances, especially in first half, McBain and Vigurs, although he missed a great chance, and another couple of half chances. Essen, Proctor and Hastings get pass marks too from me. Not many others. We badly need someone to take the 'all too few' chances we create.

    I was with a rangers fan watching the game and he reckons if Rangers were to sign anyone from that game it would have been Vigurs. He certainly had it in him today. Cowie seems to have dipped this season.

  15. I say they just give Rangers the three points and go for a **** up. Rangers need to keep winning so they won't settle, I feel we will be ripped to shreads.

    Dear oh dear. :rotflmao: This language is truely disgusting and this makes your anti-swearing argument completely redundant. It also make you a hypocrite. You should be ashamed of yourself.

    haha your so funny. I wouldn't class saying a p i s s up as a swear word. Where did I actually say I didn't swear though, never said that.

  16. I would say that this is the best idea.

    I know it wouldn't help the club financially, maybe lower the team morale but could it honestly get any worse under Brewster??

    We could face relegation, team morale is at it's lowest anyway. So for me something needs to be done. This is the safest way to protest, no one will get arrested, there is no abuse at any game etc.

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