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03: Full Members
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Everything posted by Georgeios

  1. Up town this morning saw loads of people got home n realised I forgot to brush my hair after my shower ;-( fluffy ;-)

  2. Like if you agree in three seconds

  3. I'm having another YouTube night ;-)

  4. Using children as a weapon is a sign of a child

  5. Dune cool as ****!!!!

  6. Legs better wake up soon I've work in a hour ;-/

  7. Lawnmower Man... Wouldnt stand up in todays world ;-/

  8. I'm not having a go, but tonight's result is proof you need players with passion n not just an Ego.. :-)

  9. Just punched myself in the face while brushing my teeth ;-( FML

  10. Trimmed my sideburns ;(

  11. Thought I had slept in this morning, then remembered I don't start till 1630, oh well two shower day ;-)

  12. Please exscuse my lack of Support I had my son up and also had to work ;(
  13. Been a long day n no snuggles tonight ;(

  14. Winner ;) managed to talk the wee man in to letting me watch Despicable Me instead of Spectacular Spider-Man ;-) I've missed Mr Gru

  15. That'll be the top six group dusted off
  16. Best get in the shower..

  17. The tink got a cracking big bite out some
  18. Putting the fat kid in goal because your a tactical genius

  19. Feet up watching peppa pig, how I've missed it, Wee man's been asleep 20 shhhhh I'm still watching ;-) just watched a New Ben n Holly too ;)

  20. Getting my boy at 0930 but I'm working till 1300, think I'll remove the landladys yellow card from the other week ;-)

  21. The moment you get news about your son via Facebook brilliant ;-/

  22. It's freeeeeezing ;-)

  23. I'm that bored I fancy going out to kick a cat or something.... Who's in ;-)

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