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Posts posted by davie

  1. Kirishima. Not quite! You are right, we've tried to keep this quiet until we have a definitive offer and that's not yet. We will have definite news this week (hopefully) after yet more negotiations (someone's been on holiday...) I appreciate your and everyone else's patience, bear with us for just a wee while longer.


    Davie Balfour, Chairman CJT.

    • Agree 1
  2. This is neither a "shambles" a "clusterf***" a "disgrace" nor a "disaster" by the Board. They had a number of applicants for the post that they whittled down to an interview and than a short list who were interviewed by the same selection criteria and John Hughes proved himself to them. As is their right, they then appointed him. There are opinions on here masquerading as fact, there are accusations without foundation and there are predictions of doom and disaster without a single shred of evidence. These do us a disservice. Please remember that CTO users are only a fraction of the ICTFC support but they are the fraction that gets the lions share of attention - and therefore can't be truly representative, but will get credence. I hanker for the old days when opinions were something that you discussed or argued over with a pint in hand and then they disappeared, not hyperbolic and ill judged internet statements that are around for the lifetime of the internet.

    • Agree 11
  3. I welcome John Hughes to Inverness. His record is similar (and certainly no worse) than previous incumbents and he brings a wealth of experience of dealing with success and adversity. His "style" of football at various clubs has been similar to the one that we enjoy every week. What he hasn't had is a great choice of move at Hartlepool and a slump at his second season at Hibs. Neither of these are things that he will carry into the job here.Bear in mind that he has won cups, got into europe and beaten off relegation (although I'm still torn about that one!) The man is a motivator.  I think he realises the opportunity that has been handed to him here and the quality of the squad that will deliver for him.


    He seems to carry more far more respect in football circles than he has thus far been afforded on here, and he deserves more. I look forward to meeting the guy and whilst he will be a very different challenge (and hopefully a pleasure)  to talk to than TB, I look forward to that. Let's get behind the guy.

    • Agree 3
  4. To be honest, I'd rather wait and see what they come up with. As I said before, I don't want to pre-empt any offer on the basis of speculation so I'll let others get on with that until next thursday. Then we can make a decision about where we go from there.

    • Agree 3

    It's a pretty poor decision in my opinion but at least we can take pride that we're the first club that the SPFL have actually listened to.  

    Did they actually listen, or was it just a 'pat on the head' exercise? knowing fine that they were not going to alter anything about the fixture!


    You know me. I don't do pat on the head without at least attempting to bite you, and it didn't feel that way to me.

  6. I realise that people might be disappointed with the outcome, but it was probably the best that Jennifer Aitchieson and I could do. The SPFL were broadly sympathetic to our plight and certainly listened to our case. They did explain their reasons for selecting the venue ( which we were aware of anyway) and did acknowledge that the game being selected by the BBC for broadcast was the reason for the 12:15 kick off. We explained the transport difficulties that this would cause, so it then became a question of what the SPFL would do to offset this, if no movement was to be made otherwise. They gave assurances that they were going to consider what they could do around buses and trains, and would come back to us next thursday with a detailed proposal. Give them their due, the details of the conference call that will take place were with us within an hour. We will hold them to what they offer us, and we will make sure that any offer is adequate. We won't pre-empt them though.

    I was prepared not to like Neil Doncaster much, but he did come across as a man who was genuinely surprised by the publicity campaign that we had waged and though his organisation had better react in a reasonable manner - we were, after all, the first supporters group they have actively engaged.The support from the media has been excellent.I get the feeling that the SPFL will think twice about doing this to us again, and they know that if they do, we will be back at them.Anybody want to bet against that being the semi final of the scottish cup :smile: ?

    Thank you to everyone on this site who took the time to support us and sign our petition. Your voice has been heard, and we appreciate you being there. Please feedback either on here or on the CJT site, and we'll do our utmost to answer you.


    edited for knackered spelling

    • Agree 9
  7. “Caley Jags Together have been invited to meet with Iain Blair, Secretary and Neil Doncaster, CEO of the SPFL at Hampden Park on 28th November to discuss the on-going concern regarding the arrangements for the League Cup semi-final game against Heart of Midlothian on 2nd February 2014.

    We go in to this meeting with unprecedented backing from Inverness Caledonian Thistle FC, football fans all over the country, local and national politicians and media. We intend to discuss the issues fully and sensibly  in order that we can come to an arrangement that suits both sets of supporters – after all they are the lifeblood of the game and we want to see as many as possible enjoy a fantastic day out in February.

    We thank everyone who has supported our campaign so far and will update everyone as soon as we are able to. Please continue to sign our petition at http://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/spfl-change-the-time-of-the-ict-v-hearts-semi-final

    • Agree 1
  8. It's well respected as an award, and the recipient is equally well respected. Kenny is a fan of the club as well as Chairman and his commitment and passion for it are unbounded. Have one conversation with the man and you will realise this. Another great achievement for ICTFC.

    • Agree 1
  9. If we can get as many people to sign this as possible, I'd love to give it to Neil Doncaster where it might be least comfortable (metaphorically speaking of course) BTW, Fergus Ewing MSP; David Stewart MSP, Leader of The Council and Cllr. Richard Laird have all indicated their support. You really should join them and petition at http://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/spfl-change-the-time-of-the-ict-v-hearts-semi-final?sign_only=fe

  10. We recieved a reply today from the SPFL to arrange an urgent meeting between CJT and Iain Blair and Neil Doncaster at the SPFL. We will see what the outcome of that meeting is, but it is heartening that a speedy reply has been recieved. We'll keep you posted.


    Davie Balfour

    • Agree 11
  11. Yes. The full text of the letter sent to the SPFL is now on line at  http://www.ictsupporterstrust.co.uk/ We'll publish the reply that we get, and any of the letters of support that we have requested - and there's a few of them. We were featured in nearly every scottish daily today, on sportsound last night and we're not finished yet. We need our fans at this game, and we will find a way to get them there in comfort and safety.


    Thanks for your support.


    Davie Balfour

    • Agree 16
  12. Never mind as chair of Caley Jags Together, as a fan I am raging about this. If the SPL wanted to voice their contempt of us, they really couldn't have done it any better. CJT will fight this with every available weapon, and we will publish a detailed statement here later on tonight or early tomorrow. This is one we really need to fight as quickly and loudly as possible - it just isn't on.

    • Agree 17
  13. I suppose, like everyone else I'm just glad this is over. The longer it dragged on, the more Terry and Maurice's achievements would have been soured by the nature of their departure and they achieved too much at this club for that to happen. I'm glad the club offered Mo the chance to take over the reins and minimise the fallout from Terry's departure and  I know how desperately disappointed Kenny Cameron will be right now, but he and his board have conducted business the way that Caley Thistle always do - the right way and they are to be congratulated on that. Like every Caley Thistle fan, I am now anxious about what comes next but I'm heartened by the statement tonight but I'm at least thankful for this international break as we draw breath.

    As Kenny says, we have a fantastic pedigree of appointing bosses and I look forward to seeing who emerges as candidates. In amongst all of this, don't forget the team who have got us this far in our best seaon to date and please get along to the Saints game in numbers to give them your loud, clear and unconditional support. They deserve it.

    Davie Balfour

    • Agree 7
  14. Today was a day that made me so proud to support Caley Thistle. It would have been no injustice to see us win by 4 or 5 goals, and we were inches away from it. In every position we bettered Hibs, and their players and fans were utterly subdued at the end. Shinnie, Foran and Ross bettered the others on the park merely by virtue of being better tha excellent. Watching Ben Williams going to be interviewed was like watching a man going to his own funeral, and he admitted so himself. It took Hibs rep a while to find anyone willing to face the press. I spoke to Kenny Cameron after the game, and he described both the team and the support as "magnificent" and due thanks. I think he understates things. He also spoke of the fans as being one of the main reasons that this team play out of their skins time and time again; words of a man who cares passionately for his club, and with that fierce passion at the helm we will always succeed. Whatever reason Terry Butcher had for being at the game in the company of his representative, in the Hibs stand is his, and his alone, to explain but it is not the behaviour the Caley Thistle fans would expect or demand of him, no matter the outcome of this saga. Today our team showed why we deserve to be second top of this league, and they also showed why that level of achievement is not dependant on one man, and never will be. Second top? better believe it, it's the least we can achieve this year.

    • Agree 9
  15. Aaron Doran had a great game today, and just about shaded Foran in the standout stakes. We played some great football, and if Draper had scored from the move that set him up you could close the bets on goal of the season. As it was, Shinnie's goal wasn't far behind. We completely dominated the first half and seemed to take our foot off the gas a wee bit after we scored the second but it was a comprehensive victory. Keep this going and the match against Celtic here in december could be really interesting, in terms of who goes into christmas top of the league.

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