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Posts posted by davie




    Dragan, you have posted elsewhere that fans should be doing more to take control of their clubs and having a say in how they are run....this seems to be in stark contrast to your comments and views on this thread.


    ICT have protected their own financial position by ring-fencing the income from the average visiting Hearts support and are making a donation to a fans group who are helping to keep their club operating while another fans driven organisation attempts to find a way for their club to continue.


    Nothing at all in any of that is damaging ICT....quite the opposite.  There's also no hint of supporting those responsible for Hearts getting into the position they have, nor is it supporting a return to a regime who are likely to run the club in similar fashion in the future (should they survive)....in fact, it's not supporting any of the groups looking to make a bid to take over the club.


    Not only is your economic evaluation of the offer clearly wrong, your moral evaluation also seems to suffering somewhat as well.

    Your post lacks cohesion and clarity. What are you trying to say? No matter how much you bleat my opinion will not change.


    We have great board who apply a great deal of dilligence to the governance of our team.


    Our role should not be to help finance Heart's successes of the past few years. It is none of our business. Have you conducted due dilligence on this organisation that you are proposing to finance. Do you even know who they are?


    You clearly have not got any background in business or economics.



    1.  The offer protects ICT's financial position as income from the average visiting club is ring-fenced.  i.e. no split of income will be offered from the first 650 tickets.

    2.  The club will benefit to the tune of £15 for every additional (full paying) Hearts fan that attends as a result of the offer.

    3.  Your claims that this somehow supports a corrupt regime are unfounded.

    4.  Yes, as a matter of fact I did do some due diligence on the 1874 Fighting Fund...maybe you should too before digging yourself a deeper hole.

    5.  Qualified as a Financial Consultant aged 18, held position as Senior Compliance Auditor, Senior Risk Management Officer, Head Analyst (Change Management), Project Manager (Change Management)...all for a major banking group.  Does that count as having a sufficient background in business or economics to allow me to comment on this subject?


    All for a major banking group? Check you out! All for a major banking group?


    That instills trust in us all oh wise one. All for a major banking group? I would be keeping that to myself sonny after the recent performance of MAJOR BANKING GROUPS. You could be unemployable with a CV like that my boy. Especially if you are now backing UKIOS Bank Group.


    Sorry in answer to question number 5 you are probably the last person I would ask on this subject.


    ALL FOR A MAJOR BANKING GROUP. Who the feck do you think you are? 












    GET A GRIP!!!!!!!!



    As Chairman of caley Jags Together, I was genuinely interested in your ideas about membership etc, and would have raised them at my next meeting with Kenny Cameron. In light of that last post - won't be happening. I realise that you appear to be new around this forum and appear to be wanting to point score, but that is out of order. If someone presents you with  a counter argument, could you do them the good grace of arguing back instead of spewing vitriol at someone you don't know. That's how we work. If you want to discuss your ideas, PM me please - but don't expect me to get into a haranguing match on this forum. Cheers, Davie Balfour.

    • Agree 4



    The joys of being a simple forum member...

    Has Scotty sacked ya :P

    I suppose it depends on the meaning of the term "simple" ?!! But I am looking to sample Watkins and Agadstein although they will only get into this team via suspensions or injuries.

    Ross and Warren are quite good at picking up injuries with the latter and Richie not bad at getting suspended either.



  3. I enjoyed that, with the added bonus of it being my daughter's first ICTFC game! First half start was brilliant, great goal by Doran and good work at the long throw for Foran's goal. The game changed when they replaced Ledley for Kayal and he brought much more power to their midfield which made it much more easy to suck in Doran and Vincent and allow them to pressurise Raven. Their first goal was scrappy and Draper and Vincent got in a bit of a fankle, but at 2-1 Doran was denied a clear penalty. Yes he might have been looking for it and Ross was in the clear but the Celtic No5 puts the arm into his back, levers him off the ball and that's a penalty. Balde's challenge on Brill was a strange on in that it was a studs up lunge, definitely a yellow but could easily have been a red. Matthew's goal was plain good play by them. For anyone who thought Billy Mckay was lethargic yesterday, have a look who had tracked back 50 yards, tackled and set Doran off on the run for the penalty shout. No 7. Great effort from everyone, still top of the league and they're no. BTW great support for us and I thought the parkhead stewards were a great improvement on seasons past. Just stop flinging things at the bus please - I nearly sh*t myself!

    • Agree 1
  4. Good lord. Dragan, this is about looking to help an integral part of the football scene in Scotland (which Hearts are) who are currently in a dire state. It makes no comment about how they got there, what mismanagement or "cheating" took place. It certainly doesn't assist the Lithuanian paymasters who have caused the clubs woes. It could just as easily be Dunfermline etc, and I think its an admirably altruistic stance from Kenny Cameron and the Board.

    It does us no harm whatsoever, and certainly won't dilute any desire I have to play them off the park on Saturday - that's where we repay them for the semi final.

    • Agree 2
  5. How to get more people watching this team is something I scratch my head about on a daily basis. The club are pretty good in terms of pricing, access, taking supporters points on board and trying to get more kids along on the grounds that they are tomorrows paying customers. Then I see stats that suggest that the picture is pretty stable (by and large) over a number of years and you begin to think that maybe that's just the crowds that we will get.

    I also think that there's a growing disconnect between people and sport at a local level. They don't play, they don't contribute, they don't support. Participation seems to range from playing FIFA or football manager and then graduating on to buying a sky subscription, and that's it. How local clubs compete against the draw of watching Barcelona or Bayern or PSG or Man Utd on the telly I don't know. Factor in a tightening of economic belts and watching televised football as well as going to games becomes the territory of the affluent. It's not the "working man's game" it used to be and it suffers for that.

    All that everyone connected can do is to keep turning up, keep shouting our name from the rooftops and supporting whatever initiatives the club comes up with - especially this year. Try and drag one of your mates along, bring the kids.  I'm of the opinion that this might be the best ICT side we'll ever have, who have a real chance of finishing even higher than last year. Ok, it could all go pete tong but I have a feeling that it won't. I just wish there were more people there to see it.

    • Agree 3
  6. We've filled the first official travel club bus and are now taking names for a second. It's dependent on numbers (we need to break even on this) so if you are going, come down on the bus with us - after all we could do with a good crowd for this title decider against our main and only rivals! Phone us to book your seat.

  7. First bus is now FULL and we're taking names for a second instalment. If there are enough people, we'll run this bus and I'll let you know by thursday if its viable. So come on, get that second omnibus on the road! £15 return? cheap as chips.

    • Agree 1
  8. Liz, its a thankless, thankless task that people do at clubs all over the country. Its yet another reason I'm so glad I don't support an old firm team! The bruises, now that's another thing altogether...

  9. Sorry if you haven't got through on the mobile straight away, but I have to switch it off at work and when life intervenes. We are looking towards a way of booking on line, which will give you confirmation of booking when you complete a web form but that's for the future. As Laura says, if you can't get through leave a text and I'll confirm it asap. Now, who else can I get to take this phone...........................

  10. What kind of an excuse is that? However, you have a point Fraz - going one game at a time is the only way forward, and I would expect a really hard game against Motherwell. OK they've lost Higdon (thank goodness) but they have added a few. Celtic? That game will have no great expectation attached to it and will take care of its self when the time comes.

  11. That was a fantastic display that could easily have been rewarded by 3 or 4 goals. Utd had no idea of how to cope with our front man, Dillon especially being terrorised all day. The midfield simply slaughtered Utd and in short we were better in every position on the park. Its looking good, very good and if we can (and i think we will) beat Motherwell, we are on the cusp of something.

  12. I scratch my head at the reasons for this. There's no doubt that the team deserve a bigger, more vocal support at home games in response to the standards that they are currently delivering and perhaps what gets me most is wondering how much better they might be in reacting to a greater support. I know that there's this "highland reserve" to be overcome, but it can be - look at Johndo. I know there's an old firm allegiance borne of generations for god knows how many murky reasons, but if we attract them young enough, ahead of that stuff they will be back. That's where we need to concentrate, and if you want evidence come to next weeks kids kick around for evidence. There's also a feeling that Inverness struggles a bit with its identity - its subsumed into a "highland" definition (being only city, capital etc) which Dingwall isnt. As Charles says (or doesn't) is that RC's season tickets (based on demographics) share is 86% of the population of Dingwall. Really? Perhaps Caley D might enlighten us at some point about just where these ST holders are at County, and you know our support might just hold up under the scrutiny. We are playing a long term game here, County are not.

    • Agree 1



    Ah Dougal, it's been a long time

    All the same.... just don't take the bait!!!!

    With all due respect I look at our stadium as a fan whereas you look at is a freeloader

    Let's face it wouldn't matter one hoot how many stands it has in your mind, just as long as you have a comfy press room with access to free hospitality with all your cronies

    Poor man's Frank Gilfeather in my opinion




    Do you pay to get into your place of employment Dougal ?


    Comfy press room......free hospitality with all of your cronies.....how I laughed. The facilities might be best described as "no frills" and hospitality extends to coffee and pies which are devoured by the central belt attendees who have starved their way up the A9. Top trolling Dougal and admirable restraint Charles.

  14. A recruitment drive by CJT for what Dougal? We've thrown whatever weight we can behind any initiative that the Club has talked to us about and will continue to do so, but it is the club that sells season tickets, not CJT. As it stands, we have more members than ever who provide a mandate for doing whatever we can to maximise the exposure and uptake of season tickets to the benefit of the supporters and the club. If there's more that we should be doing, please tell me. Every season (it would seem) starts with the same dissatisfaction at the ST uptake and size of crowds in general, but I really think that you have to look at the wider community and question what reasons they have for not buying in. I have, and there are precious few common threads that appear to link reasons for non attendance. Yes there are still too many kids in OF jerseys. Yes there are still people who question the value of the "product" but it is what it is. I could spout stats all day on this, but the most important on is that our ST position is roughly static over our SPL/ SPFL history, as is our home attendance. It would seem that indicates a fairly stable market share that will improve when more kids filter upwards to become the ST holders of the future, and that's where any recruitment drive needs to bear fruit. It's a long game. At least (unlike others) our position is honest, transparent and open. Our numbers may not rise dramatically, but the quality of the support does, and that's something to major on.

    • Agree 1
  15. I'd just like to echo LG's thoughts on this one. Its a huge commitment to run these buses week in week out and to maintain as much enthusiasm as Liz did was remarkable. Football fans always seem to be able to step up to the mark, but as LG says, we are going to have to establish a rota system for the buses so that no one gets saddled with that kind of workload on their own, and put together a clear bus policy so that everyone can work as well as Liz did. Volunteers out there? Anyone? Seriously if you can help us out, give me a shout with a PM so that we can share the load.


    In the meantime Liz, thanks a million on behalf of CJT

  16. Sad, sad news. Gem of a bloke and a great Caley Thistle man. Will be especially missed on away days. I kind of understand where the club are coming from here, but if there is a "one mikey diamond" song, I'll be joining in. RIP.

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