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03: Full Members
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Everything posted by CaleyMad

  1. When you were DJing, it was no doubt pish. The only software for DJing I have is Rekordbox... which only selects the track to the deck required... ps 4 deck. If you read the question, it said PRODUCTION software, dick. Different between Mixing software and production software. also I am currently on spark fm as we speak http://sparksunderland.com/radioplayer/ I have also been supported by Tiesto, Jacob van Hage, Shawnn and Pauly van Doorn with this track http://www10.zippyshare.com/v/78256797/file.html Also I don't use sync buttons and don't bother with any alignment tools. and I still use vinyl decks and still can create a better atmosphere than what you would. CaleyD, You are still a ar se-hole 3 years down the line. Have fun on football forums whilst I get supported by the worlds biggest dj and also djing in a few clubs in glasgow in summer.. p.s ban me, don't give a fuuuu ck.
  2. Actually its between 2100 and 2300 every Thursday on www.realcityradio.com This is my djing set-up with TWO 500 watt speakers and all my equipent costing over £2000 ... then i have production software and hardware. www.facebook.com/swebster.music Also if anyone is looking for a DJ for party's.... hello!
  3. still feels like **** :/

  4. anyone want to get me a lucazade sport? I have no power to do anything :/ think I might be ill!

  5. Facebook is boring tonight! Nobody to decent talk to! Mehhhhhh!

  6. im such a loltard :/

  7. just seen the rota and iv got tomorrow off... BOOST. Spring Cleaninf my room tomorrow :)

  8. Call of Duty.... how i missed you :')

  9. absolutly raging how cadbury heroes don't have 'dreams' anymore!!!

  10. some people have no respect for other peoples property!!

  11. I'm a big gay yellow bear

  12. Let the drinking commence!

  13. I love tomato sauce

  14. just had one of those mini-heart attacks.....seriously why?... i was sleeping!

  15. has just been found out that my ICTFC mug is being held hostage!!! Phft.... Least i have my St Mirren Cup for back-up!

  16. Its 0426, thats officially 'make a cheese toastie' time!

  17. fell asleep at half 3, just woken up just now.... just lost 9 hours 15mins of Call of Duty :/

  18. in work, on my knee's, surrounded by sausages! normal day for me!

  19. Conga Profile Pic? Ayeee!

  20. anyone else noticed my sudden decrease of facebook status's in the past 24 hours

  21. has been to more St Mirren games than i have ICT! But thanks to Fraser Watson, Josh Silvers and Shane Johnstone for such an amazing banter today!!

  22. standing outside TCS. totally freezing. forgot my jacket :(

  23. Just had the best Christmas Meal at my Granny and Granda's... Homemade stuff is awesome.... Then also I got the best christmas gift EVER from them!

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