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03: Full Members
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Everything posted by CaleyMad

  1. awaiting the arrival of Heillandee (its been so long since iv been on here i dont even know if they are a member)
  2. Spare Change? Hungry and Homeless! Will Dance for Food
  3. Chatroom open, Radio on, Sky Sports on, Drink Chilled, Crisps Chrispy The only thing that would have made it better if i had found my season ticket and was at the match :/
  4. The one game i wanted to go to.... 1. been looking for my season ticket for an hour and still cant find it 2. if i did find my season ticket then iv missed the train and the bus Mon the Dundee so i dont miss us getting promoted
  5. ht ict 9 rc 0 ft ict 15 rc 0 ict scorer: esson rc scorer: n/a attendance 329
  6. Only last week that a lorry overtook me when i was about to turn right. Luckily i had looked in the mirrir and seen him coming. Fecking Baille Brothers. and also cars that seems both lanes of the roundabout means straight ahead. Had to do an emergency stop on the roundabout haha.
  7. I only came on here to say Mobraw has been sacked.... beatme to it :|
  8. 1. Yep its a waired remote 2. no i havent got it going 3. iv tried changing the settings controls
  9. I am currently running Microsoft Windows Seven 64bit on my laptop and recently bought Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 for it. That works a treat. I also bought a Xbox 360 style pc controler for it as shown here. After hours of trying i couldnt get the controller to work and eventually found out its a common problem. I then discovered that i had to download a XBCD driver from HERE Eventually got it working on xbcd config but it still wasnt working on the game. I then downloaded XPADDER and set it all up working perfectly. It still isnt working on the game. I go to the control page and try to change the button's from there but it isnt picking up my contoller for some strange reason. Anybody got an idea and using my mouse and keyboard isnt a good one.
  10. General Nonsence threads cant go off-topic, just mentioning the original topic.....
  11. Those have already got a thread of its own. I remember it a couple of months ago., This thread was iniitally for the players profiles
  12. My claim to fame Shane Sutherland asked me on faebook chat is i knew him. then he went offline
  13. None of the links are working for me there working for me
  14. Nick Ross Daniel Park Kyle Allison Kevin Stewart Dave Gillipsie Dougie Imrie Graeme Shinnie Add to list
  15. Kilmarnocks Team Selection Tokely Tokely Tokely Tokely Tokely Tokely Tokely Tokely Tokely Tokely Tokely this post signifys Tokely can play where you put him... infact he can play all 11 starting postitions at once. shh shh shh Turn over, you have an hour :022:
  16. someone who confuses me with there gender identity
  17. shhh... i dont think people relise why i wasnt on CTO for a while... thats because i couldnt get my laptop charged when i was in Turkey. :022:
  18. R.I.P edited to add better LINK
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