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Posts posted by sheepslagger

  1. If it wasnt for my emotional tie with the club I would never think of going onto a board of a company which has lost money in the majority of the years that it has been in existence. But the tie is there and however I try I cannae lose it so I have to try my best but my experience is with business, property, not football clubs, so I have to take advice and help from people that know more than me in promotions and sponsorship matters , but also ideas are needed to increase our footfall from everyone who associates with ICT  The club now owns the stadium. Thats an important start.  We are setting up a ICTFC Foundation where we are looking at taking the club more out to the community .  

    Look at Hearts.  How successful they have been pulling together now .  Financially secure due firstly to Ann Budge, who saved them, then the fans have taken that over with their monthly £20 etc etc. foundation contributions, but they only did that when they went into administration.  When the **** hit the fan , big time, the fans got together and now they are blossoming, compared to the aftermath of the demise of Vlad. But it happened after a major disaster.

    We need to get round the club and help .  No point in glib "sack the board"..  I`d resign in a minute if it helped the club. Its nothing to do with me, its about the club. 

    So if you want to know something and I can answer the question, just ask.  Worst I can say is no.  Never ask never get, but more importantly is what we can all do for the club. 


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  2. As a member of Caleythistleonline for many years, before being invited to join the board of our club I`m pretty sure that every member of that board does all they can to help and promote our club.  The big problem is the "all they can" bit . 

    I started supporting Thistle in 1974 and have been through the highs and lows up to now and it was a great honour to have been  asked to join the board of the club that I love passionately, but I, and the rest of the club need as much help as possible. To say sack the board is easy.  If the board firmly believed that this would help the club to a better, brighter and financially secure future the Companies House 288a  forms would be signed and on the table. We d go on masse.  If anyone has the golden bullet out there or an Abramovich in the wings dinna hold back cos I for one have only one thing in mind and that is getting and keeping our club up where it belongs, in the SPL.  

    At the moment an Abramovich isnt likely so the team and club need all the support we can muster and get a flow of positive ideas on how to make the Stadium noisy again. Have people smiling again , and I get the fact that the results arent the best just now, I was at East End Park on Saturday, but that is a few games, we re now in our 25th years an we`ve done a hell of a lots since 1994.  

    I replied, I think, to everyone that posted comments on that thing on Facebook last week about me, to hopefully make sure that they were aware that the club is listening and that I would personally be delighted to speak to anyone and everyone that wants to speak to me or anyone at the club about our club, but a basic Sack the board without a plan B doesnt work. You need an alternative. 

    ICTFC, as you will see from the accounts, runs at a huge loss, and has done for the majority of the years it has been in existance, and relegation has made this worse. We need to be clever to increase our income, from season tickets to sponsorships to whatever can be thought about.  We need constructive ideas. 

    Thats my rant over, but if anyone wants info from me or can provide good ideas to help our club you now know where I am.


    BTW I have no idea who the bird on the bike is on the profile pic. Good pic though.


    • Like 1
  3. 17 hours ago, caleyboy said:

    I really do see where you are coming from Sheepslagger but our club needs a board which can secure and improve our financial stability which enables us to compete in the top league. We have NEVER had a board able to achieve this. I don't doubt the members of our board are supporters but we really need more than that. I know many wouldn't agree but I really feel we are in need of a "Roy MacGregor" who is a massive supporter and is prepared to put his money where his mouth is.

    There`s the delicate balancing act .  Firstly we need to find a Roy McGregor or persuade Warren Buffet that he had a Heeland granny cos without that we need more bums on seats . The Roy effect didnt keep them up though, did it ? Now.  I was at the game on Saturday , we have found the back of the net, and we are now 2nd in the league.  This team deserve more support cos I think with total backing Robbo can get us up this year.  The only way financial security can be self financing through the supporters and the sponsors. Period.  Maybe an ICT Foundation similar to Motherwell or Hearts.  These clubs seem now to be stable without the need for a Roy.  Anne Budge rescued hearts but got her dosh back and look where they are. 

    It could be worse..................we could support Dundee United....!!

    And I m happy to be told that Im talking bollocks as long as someone has a better idea that gets and keeps our club where it belongs ..SPL...

  4. 13 hours ago, Shorty said:

    Surely responsibility for communication now falls to the new CEO in the first instance? Think I am right in saying we have heard nothing from Yvonne Crook since her husband's cousin appointment her?

    I ve met Mrs Crook and she is probably the hardest working person in tat stadium , bar none.  If you have anything you want to put to her to improve this this club , just write to her at the club and I m positive she ll get back to you. Or write to the Chairman directly.

  5. Are there any board members that aren't fans ? Opportunists ?  For what reason ?  Surely the only reason to be a member of a board of a club such as ours would be for the love of the club . Having met a couple of them socially I m finding it difficult to see the opportunities that could arise other than working for a business for no recompense . I m pretty certain that if anyone can think of any way we can increase our season tickets or attendances in general no one is aloof or arrogant enough to not accept help.  Its not a them and us thing . We are all part of OUR club .

    We need as much positivity in this club as we can get .

    Here endeth my rant.

    • Like 1
  6. Really enjoyed that .  Some scary moments in the first half.  Great saves from Ridgers !  Superb.  Then the second half.  That counter attacke for the second goal as just magic.  What a ball from Aaron .  Watch the replay on youtube and Polly breaking his baws to get there !  Brilliant.  George Oakley must be the most annoying bugger to play against . he just does not give up .  And that goal.  Great skill from a tight angle.

    Defense was pretty solid .  Coll and Carl were braw.  All in all a great result and now that we ve found that we can score , we will continue. 


  7. On 9/1/2018 at 8:53 PM, buckett said:

    County supporters I know feel that they are part of the whole Ross County thing. It's very much a community club, hence the large support.

    I used to feel that about ICT, but now I feel the upper management is aloof and arrogant, and I wonder if others feel likewise, and if that would contribute to the lack of support.

    "Aloof and arrogant"  So this is the reason for attendances being down this year ?  Seriously ?  

    So what would make things better ?  What kind of detail would you be expecting ?  What do County do different that ICT dont ? 

    For me , I m more interested in what Robbo has to say , before and after the game rather than whose going to supply the bog rolls this season. And how many ply they may have . Does the eminent Chairman, or chairperson nowadays, not put out a statement in every programme. 

    What is required to make things more palatable for you Mr B ?

    • Sad 1
  8. Glover.....The problem you mentioned earlier was that there wasnt feedback or correspondence coming from the club itself. This is a thing that can be changed . The footballing side is another matter. Of course we want the club to be successful and importantly be back in the SPL.  I hoenstly think that Robbos can do this , this year, but your main gripe was the club itself.  So what I m trying to find out is a positive from you.  What would you like to see done.?  I cant see the point is saying there is something wrong without coming back with idea on how to change it .

    Ots our club and we re entiled to be heard but theres no point in just stating something is wrong without coming back with how to make it right. 


  9. Mr G, what would be your suggestion into breaking this impasse ?

    I am sure that the officials from the club read this so we should put down suggestions on how to improve things for the fans and in turn the club.

  10. That was a great game to be at . Was at hospitality so surrounded by weeping Arabs!  Such joy.  We played them off the park aand were better in every department.  The only thing that slightly worried me was that we took the foot right off the gas and basically treated the second half as a training game.

    Confident ,stylish and exciting football/. If we d have won by six they couldnt have complained.  Especially delighted for Coll Donaldson.  Coming back to Tannadump after the **** time he had there.  Must have been a great boost for the lad.  Didnt put a foot wrong.

    Onwards and upwards ! 

    • Agree 1
  11. For what my opinions worth, sacking the board?  To be replaced by who ?  As stated before , I didnt see a queue of fowk lining up to volunteer.  They also didnt have cases stuffed with cash.  Unfortunately.

    The mistake, if there was one, may have been to appoint an inexeperienced manager.  This has not turned out well. His comments on Saturday after the game did him no favours and showed his lack of management skills in firstly admitting there were "bad apples" but also the fact that he hadnt removed them before. Not the cleverest.  We have good players, most of them , I think they have been badly led. 

    We have had bad good times and now we ve got bad times but I ve supported the team, Thistle, then Caley Thistle since 1974 and I m not about to stop now.


    Team needs us, more than ever.

    • Agree 7
  12. I was behind the goal and I just could not understand why if one got sent off the other one didnt?? 


    It was a head to head thing and if the ref thought Warren had fouled him or elbowed him as the Arabs were shouting about they should have had a penalty. he didnt and it wasnt so why the f88k did Warren get sent off for doing exactly what the DAB did and worse ??


    I m lost. Please enlighten me please !!


    And I m living in DAB land, so its no pleasant.

  13. Still trying to work out why Warren was sent off . Been told it was for an elbow on Shuftie but I didnt see it. I did see them putting there foreheads together but surely united player was as guilty as Warren.


    Still disappointed with the result. We could and should have put that game to bed by half time. Treated it like a training game anfter we went one nil up. United just got more and more confident as the time went on. Dropped points tonight and did not cover ourselves in glory . 

  14. Was at the game and met various officials of Celtic who all said that we were the best Scottish team they have played at Celtic park this season. TBH if it wasnt for us not playing the whistle I feel sure we could have got at least a point of those lads. Hughes got his tactics spot on. Just a break in concentration lost us the game.


    The crowd were screaming for the full time whistle and there was an audible groan when the fourth official announced the amount of extra minutes to be played.


    That was a great display from our lads.


    In fact one of the Sunday papers that I read had their keeper as man of the match. What does that say ?

    • Agree 3
  15. Just back down the road and onto a computer. That was a tidy performance. At times dull but I think you could count the amount of times we gave the ball away needlessly on one hand. That was a team.


    And the goals. Loved it.


    And we are top of the league !  Loving it


    Happy Jaggy living in Dundee !!

  16. David Sutherland was on BBC Scotland tonight at 6pm complaining about the choice of Porkheed. Did anyone catch it ?


    What was his take on it ?


    I ve got tickets for the rugby at Cardiff on the Saturday. Think that  idea s out the window !

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