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Posts posted by sheepslagger

  1. Sure someone mentioned already but I m always repeating myself, its an age thing. Just like to congratulate Tremarco and Hughes decision to put him on. He did a perfect job at a perfect time and broke up everything. Brilliant.


    Did exactly what it says on the tin. BRAW

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  2. Latest big rumour coming from the supporters, that used to have a famous team, is that Mr Mackay was spotted in Aberdeen yesterday and that an announcement is expected today. What that announcement is I havent been told.


    Its just what I have been telt from my Cuz in the Granite City. Probably pi5h but you never can tell .


    Anybody heard anything ?

  3. The biggest problem we had was the desire didnt appear to be there and I think that may have alot to do with Richie Foran not being on the park. We seriously missed him.


    Why Raven wasnt on the pitch is a complete mystery to me. Felt sorry for Billy. No service. 


    We can get better !  There is hope ..

  4. The decison is beyond belief. Unless you`re a Hearts supporter of course. Do they need this much help ?


    Shows how much the SPFL think about anyone outside the central belt. F**K ALL was the answer you were searching for !


    Need big support against this. MSPs etc...

  5. United supporters, that I ve talked to all go on about that bloody bird. I didnt see it on the roof as there were more interesting things for me to watch on the park.


    Then again if you were a United supporter the antics of a half daft bird made far better viewing than seeing your team being played off your own park.


    I saw ICT against Arbroath close season and I feel the United game was just about as one sided as that. Just a pity about the lack of goals.


    Happy Heelander !!

  6. Great performance today. All over the pitch.  No real weaknesses and totally committed.


    We simply bullied United . Better in every department.


    Also good stewards no bother what so ever from any of them. One even stopped me when I was going in on my own and handed me a spare complimentary ticket somone had given him.  Braw !


    And Terry at the end .........superb.


    BRAW DAY !

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  7. AT the start it was get "above County "and thats enough.  We re 4th.!!!!  Would have bitten your arm, not to mention any other appendage you may have, if 4th place was mentioned back in August. 


    That team, with maybe a couple of additions, and Billy back to his predatory ways, will come on leaps and bounds next year.


    I m looking forward to the new season. Got my 2 season tickets. 


    Europe................. next year. 


    Say No to Camp Nou...for now.

  8. If all else fails could fall back on the old favourite used for Dennis Wyness, Only one Aaron Doran....used to be ***** but now he`s alright etc etc etc.


    It scans , if nothing else.

  9. Still trying to work out what was the best bit.  The goals, the comeback or his greetin puss. They were the best team they played by far the best . Their players were far better stronger fitter faster and better disciplined..........and of course better led.    And they still couldnt beat us.....and they havent since Adam was in short trousers....


    Life`s a b1tch Derek....is it not ?  

  10. Good luck to the lad.  Thought he was a good player for us and hopefully for him he ll blossom into a better player in time.  Still no as good as Sir Bobby Mann though!


    Ahh that 4- 3 Scottish cup win when we were 3 - 0 down at half time. Memories...............

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