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Posts posted by dougal

  1. Taking a side step so to speak the Great Willie Rennie is from Kelty. 
    Is it worth targeting him with our concerns especially when he is busy canvassing as he’s desperate for votes. 
    Inverness Kelty Thistle sounds so wrong on so many levels.

    Willie get Gardiner and Morrison telt ya Ken eh!!!



  2. First time I think I’ve nearly been lost for words.

    Sad thing is although how absolutely ludicrous this sounds it doesn’t surprise me like it has most by the sounds of it.

    This has taken months of organising and for this not to have been leaked speaks volumes of the internal goings on within the club and the secret meetings. 
    This is only the start of things to come.

    Boycott season tickets that’s where it will hurt them the most.

    Free masonry at its finest 







    • Agree 5
    • Well Said 1
  3. 56 minutes ago, IMMORTAL HOWDEN ENDER said:

    Fraz - sorry for the sarcastic interruption - It says a lot when CC makes that statement - Let's hope that more icons join in the chorus. Wyness Shuffle should seek out opinions - please.

    This would be the same CC who fully engaged with and  definitely never ignored the fans while he voted against them when he was a player was it? 
    Think the word hypocrisy springs to mind Green Brigader does it not?

    Im all for ex players calling out the current regime but they have to have a bit of credibility first. 


  4. 1 hour ago, old caley girl said:

    We deserve to be treated so much better Liz. I'm also with you. No money going anywhere near that man Away days only it is 

    Gardiner and Big Dunc must know their coats are on shoogly pegs when the blue rinses have turned against them. 
    Not 100% convinced  self entitlement route is the way to go though.

    Gardiner and Dunc it’s time you start packing yer bags. 



    • Agree 1
  5. So Robbo was getting paid by the club while they spent most of his time at the Global Staduim working for the media or taking in the County games? 

    Mind boggling. ICT definitely a club like no other 🥹

    Some of the revelations that are coming out now are hard to believe to be fair 


  6. 49 minutes ago, lizi said:

    the CEO obviously dodged the training in interpersonal skills as, when I’ve been anywhere nearby him, he looks at me as if I’m dirt under his shoes.   I’ve worked and been a team member in high places with people who valued me.  

    Look I know tensions are running high at the moment but let’s not get too overly dramatic. 
    In his defence he will be looking at you the same as any other fan no different  unless of course you are-an employee of the club ? Is so I apologise.




  7. An abortion of a statement which easily could have gone out right after the game. 
    Puting this nonsense out stalls them time and they hope the unrest will simply go away. 
    Staying full time I guess is still a positive but we will be in the third tier so wages will be very low safe to expect a fresh group of loans and jobbers incoming.
    The route we are going down is not sustainable. 


    • Agree 2
  8. It beggars belief that he is still on the payroll. 
    You got to wonder what other unknown secrets lie in between the walls of the dump?



    • Funny 1
  9. 22 hours ago, Jack Waddington said:

    Ok, bud, you just enjoy yourself being a Main Stand happy clapper. Make sure to not get too many Werthers Originals stuck in your false teeth before you start having a fit over the slightest form of noise at the games...

    So you realised that your actions were counter productive and you and all the neds should not have entered the field of play?

    We got there in the end 


    • Funny 1
    • Facepalm 2
  10. 22 hours ago, McMurdo said:

    What next after we merge with County and plateau? St Johnstone or perhaps Aberdeen? Do we just keep going until we have Rangers, Celtic and the Rest of Scotland FC?


    Bannerman and his ilk would allow us to merge with anyone if they saw personal gain on the horizon. 
    He’s already put it out there in the local press but back tracked immediately when he realised the outraged backlash he got from same article. 
    Morale of the story Do not trust the weasel!!!


    • Disagree 1
    • Funny 2
  11. 7 hours ago, Charles Bannerman said:

    I’ve come to the conclusion over the last couple of seasons that’s a complete U-turn on what I strongly believed 30 years ago… 

    30 years ago you were a sneaky little weasel and it appears 3 decades on not much has changed. 
    There must be another Beano or Dandy book on the horizon to spew out. 
    Just leave the football to the real football supporters off you trot to the Queens Park Running track for one last lap before the bulldozers move in.


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  12. 12 hours ago, Jack Waddington said:

    As I've said on another thread as well as on Twitter, a helluva lot of the "fans" who pitch invaded in response to the Hamilton fan, were one timers and will have never been before or again.

    The actual fans that entered the pitch went straight over to shout at the board/SG.

    Just cos you're not willing to take action and protest how our club has been run over the past few years, it doesn't give you the right to label fans who've funnelled thousands of pounds into this club as "neds" cos of their reaction.

    Jack you sound like a Ned if I’m being honest. Whether the fans were one timers as you put it or actual fans it does not make the slightest bit of difference NO fans should have been on the pitch. 
    The limited photos downloaded on line are quite frankly embarrassing not only to ICT but to Inverness as a city.



    • Facepalm 1
  13. 3 hours ago, RiG said:

    At least some people on the pitch showed a bit of fight. 

    Just shows how daft the young team are anyone who indulged in that kind of behaviour on the pitch in full view of live tv cameras have to be a few sandwiches short of a picnic. 

    Wouldn't  be surprised if there will be a few banning orders dished out as a result. 

    Having said what I found most amusing were the ones that stood at the half line but refused to cross the line like it was some sort of barrier. 




  14. 2 hours ago, IMMORTAL HOWDEN ENDER said:

    Aye bring back those glory, holy days of the 70's and 80's 😃

    Reminiscing of such an era from memory you were the only Caley fan I knew who ever ran from Elgin. But then you had previous being a Septic scarfer running from Aberdeen and Hibs casuals. 


    • Funny 1
  15. Well to be fair we as older fans were all warned from the birth that a day like this would come. 
    I have certainly being slated over the years for my views but once again I’ve being proved sadly right. 

    FACT there would be as many Invernessians celebrating last night as there would be crying. The DNA is fundamentally wrong it reminds me of dolly the genetically modified sheep. 

    Important thing is how we now go forward I personally thing part time football is a given if the clubs finances being reported are correct. 
    Sad reality is a lot of people will lose their jobs if this is the route that’s taken. 

    Regroup and restructure over the summer is the answer hopefully administration is just a malicious rumour because if that happens we will start next season with a -10 point deficit



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