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Posts posted by gingerjaggy

  1. 59 minutes ago, Kingsmills said:

    Last night's performance and result raises a long list of questions but surely the most pertinent is why on earth did Liam Hughes play for 97 minutes ?

    The thing I don't get is one week ago we had to use Hughes in Perth but yogi said he was only fit enough for 60-70 mins and yet he has played every minute of the last 3 games and he seems rank rotten.

    • Agree 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, ForzaCaley said:

    Do we have the same Falkirk supporting friend? Lol. My friend said exactly the same, plus that he will become stubborn playing certain players continually out of position and the majority of his signing will prove somewhat 'iffy'.....

    Pretty similar to ourselves sadly. He called it the 'Yogi Effect' a terminology I suspect we will become familiar with :(


    My worry is that some of our better players may move on if this is all we got to look forward to and not being played in their best postions

    • Agree 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, DoofersDad said:

    We weren't knocked out of the League Cup by lower league opposition - it was worse than that.  We got knocked out by County :cry:

    And if i remember rightly we were 2-0 down in that one and rallied to get back in but left it to late again in what was another abject performance

    • Agree 3
  4. Why we couldn't have more offensive players on the pitch from the start and take the game. We didnt turn up in the first half and until we gifted them both goals before half time then hibs didnt look to threatening either although they looked more composed on the ball. Like saturday if we started with a more offensive line up and take the game to the opposition from the start then we have a much better chance of winning games. The worry for me was we only showed urgency when we were 2-0 down and in real danger of losing our crown. Why was there no urgency from the start and show us being superior as the higher league club. Frankly we have only shown anything when we were desperate and it has been too late. We need to pick a few wins now by any means and crawl over the line to remain in the premiership and regroup next season and try and recruit a better balanced squad. HUghes always said it was hard to buy strikers because they dont want to play second fiddle to a main one but yet most other clubs in the premiership have 3 or 4 to choose from to keep it competitive, why not us? After the dream season it has been a dogs dinner of a season and although season's like last year won't happen every season i dont think anyone could have imagined how bad this one is looking to turnout. 

  5. Well at least we fought for it but why were we in that position in the first place. we played more offensive players in the second half and i didnt hear hibs dominating we didnt we do that in the first half they were there for the taking and from hearing tremarco and hughes have missed sitters. Very disgruntled  

  6. Last season showed that Hughes style of play definitely works and is exciting to watch but only with the right personnel. I agree with one of the comments that we lack pace and I think i have made the point that we really do miss Watkins. This season has been a problem with injuries and that has certainly played a major part in this season's inconsistencies. To sack him would be foolish at this stage of the season as has been said we have a chance to win the cup and be back in Europe.  

  7. 35 minutes ago, Laurence said:

    Injuries are due to our style of play. ( Good English may be owing to our style of play )

    If you dally on the ball and kick sideways the opposition know what you are up too and close you down. This means they catch you with heavy tackles. If you play Butcher style and get rid up field quickly defences don't press but retreat to cover the long pass. Hence you don't get caught with the ball . So I feel the style of our play is contributing to our many injuries.

    Teams have got used to our style this season, last season they were taken by surprise, now they know we we won't punt up field they are on to us like a ton of bricks.

    With regard to Hughes he has passed his sell by date.  Maybe not this season but he will eventually take us down. 

    He took over from Butcher ( a dirty word ) but he inherited  a decent squad, That squad has started to disappear, and the replacements are not as good.   It can be seen at Newport too, which after Butcher with the new manager  has started to win games, true the new manager has turned them around, but the salient test it is the players Butcher left and sorted out. 

    Some replacements like Tansey and  Fon Williams are good , but others are not.

    Another point I would make is the tactics are poor. I will give one example.  We were winning one nil in the cup final, with a few minutes left. We got a free kick on the edge of the box, what did we do?.

    We attacked, virtually all our players went up field  . Well you know what happened the free kick was cleared we had one man back, Falkirk broke on the counter, professional foul, resulted  and  we had a sending off.

    Bad tactics in the extreme, never criticised because we got the win. It happens all the time. The team is not trained to shut the stable door.

    Sorry for the diatribe, but I am fed up with the way the team are playing.


    Tremarco's mistake under no pressure has nothing to do with Hughes or tactics. We still had enough cover and we still plenty of time so to start playing more cautiously would have been more dangerous. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, cif73 said:

    Good to be positive and I agree with much of what you say but your radio reference sounds like you were saved the borefest of attending so you can't really appreciate just how lame it was

    The first 70 mins sounded like it but then we had chances in the last 20 and I appreciate I wasn't there so I don't know. I suppose one positive is we cant get much worse I hope.

  9. bit of an overreaction on here but it is definitely very worrying now. By the way some are talking we are already down but I think Killie will be our saving grace. Who says the cup is a distraction? We win on wed and the fight for places may help our league form and will stop the rot which may just save our season. But the lack of goals is seriously worrying but we have what we have we just have to find away to claw ourselves to safety. I agree though that we have to move away from this possession style and go more direct. The radio made it sound like we had a lot of chances near the end so maybe things might change but we need it sooner rather than later.

    • Agree 2
  10. Ok I think we need to calm down. I am worried and a potential play off is hovering dangerously close. I haven't seen us play this season but it has been frustrating to perform well one week and then terrible. We have outplayed Celtic on their own turf for 50 minutes and beaten the sheep. Those performances were full of in your face direct play that we created from. Why cant we do that all the time? I do believe our biggest loss has been Watkins with his pace to change the tempo in a game, we haven't got that. This years team is not as good but would it be the end of the world if we didn't make the top 6 but survived and got to another final and potential defence of the trophy is good. Next week is huge with a 6 pointer with Hamilton, opportunity to get to Hampden and the derby. Win all 3 by any means and top 6 is still on with a semi to come which may just see us hit form. Lose and its a very rocky end to what has been a inconsistent season. If we do beat Hamilton and killie are at pittordrie we could go 8 clear and although the hard work doesn't stop I will definitely breathe a little easier.


    • Agree 3
  11. decent first half. I'm really impressed with storeys movement pulling out wide and Roberts looks lively. We seem to be passing really well but its the final third letting us down. If we continue then we can win this as Aberdeen, a team gunning for the title, have looked very ordinary indeed.

  12. 4 hours ago, DEANO96 said:

    Interesting to hear quite a few of the supporters down at yesterday's game saying that we deserved to win, better team and so on. Well both the "sportscenes" commentator and "open all mikes" commentator seemed to think that Motherwell should have been the team to score and that they were the better side! 

    Whenever I listen to either, I can't help but think that the commentators are looking for reasons to slag us off! 

    Is it just me or does anyone else think this? 

    its not you i listened to Open all mics and Chic Dung was certainly sounded much more enthusiastic for Motherwell but the goal even he couldn't short change us with the goal.  

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