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Posts posted by gingerjaggy

  1. f1 and f2 are not right behind the goals though they are the adjoining sections to the north stand before it curves around and away from the ptich so it would still be pretty close to the pitch. But even if the young ones are their if their are more singers along the north as well it should make a bigger impact 

  2. Watched the highlights and yes it is only 5 minutes but I cant believe we didn't win with so many clear cut chances but I suppose that is the way it goes sometimes. What I am encouraged by though is a return of our passing play which was quick , incisive and ripped teams apart earlier in the season. It looked like we got in behind and opened up the Aberdeen numerous times so with that in mind I am still confident we can do the job against our next two opponents who will hold the key to our league finish. 

  3. Next week is huge but even a draw may still be enough. Saints are the main danger as they seem to have this nack of making a late charge and slipping ahead of a few to grab a European spot. But a draw would keep us 4 ahead effectively 5 with the goal difference and they have Celtic, Utd and Aberdeen to finish off the season. We have an opportunity now against all the teams around us before we play Celtic so this is the time to do it. Today was always going to be tough which could either way so to come away with defeat is disappointing but not surprising.If Celtic do us a FAVOUR FOR ONCE and win tomorrow then we could almost rap it in two games next week. A win at saints would be 7 ahead with those three to play and if we win against Utd they are gone and Utd who have to face Aberdeen next week could also be out so if we get just two wins its over and we can look forward to the final.As always Football never pans out that easy but I still think we have enough and if we can perform like the Semi and the first half today then we look to have a great chance of finishing it off.  

  4. instead of season ticket holders and shareholders first they should allow all those at the semi to buy first and then open to sts and shareholders and then general sale. It may make it easier to get the loyal supporters together to make a noise. I moved from my seat on Sunday to go and stand with the group that carried the drum. Best decision ever even if the first half was spent trying to get rid of those two dickhead G4S guys. I remember last year buying a ticket on general sale for final and I wanted to be near the back with the singers but instead I was stuck at the front and not able to stand. So I can fully understand where IHE is coming from but at the same time for the club I want as many people their backing us. We will not get all of them but even just a few hundred start to come regularly to support the team then it can only be to the clubs advantage and development. The only other option is to create supporters groups under the main umbrella CJT so that different groups of people can take it in with the same people they know.  

  5. Happy days and some actual common sense in Scottish football shock horror. Josh should not have been punished in the first place for the incompetency of the officials. So now that it is all happy we can move on and look forward to bringing on another day at Hampden and return the cup to the highlands for the first time 

  6. It is an absolute farce that this has happened but there are some important issues here. Firstly they say that had one of the 6 officials seen it then this would have never made it to this ludicrous stage and we would be concentrating on Aberdeen on Saturday. So in a stadium where all the tims saw it and I certainly saw it how did one of the 6 not see it and yet we have not seen anything on the fate of the officials. Here is a question I wonder if Celtic had won would the compliance officer have got involved. I listened to sportsound sound tonight and yes it is a dire programme but I couldnt believe my ears when Chick Young and Murdo Mcleod where defending us. Tom English and the boring drone that is Willie ******* Miller believe that this is right because it is apparently in the rules and that we should stop moaning because we could have had it changed but didnt and now its come to kick us in the stones it is to late. The other two think this nonsense. But the question is what is Celtic's real game here? Yes they are pissed off and because of some of the cretins that they call supporters have thrown their toys out of the pram they send a letter to the SFA. Why? they are not going to get a replay or reinstated and I am sure the club themselves didn't have getting Josh banned as part of their plan as it doesnt help them in anyway. When the Guidetti dive happened at Tynecastle Delia was asked afterwards and he said you win some and you lose some. After Sunday they have to send a letter to be given their god given right to an explanation which of course has opened up all this conspiracy crap. 

  7. I Understand that the SFA and the sponsors want the premier cup competition final to be played in an full stadium which is being beamed live on national television. But think back 12 months ago was Celtic park full for Dundee Utd and St Johnstone - no and there was no fuss. so even if there are empty seats, then as people have said if the Scottish authorities for once can work out sensible pricing then the so called worry of empty spaces may not be as bad as people think. They have the power now to show people all across the world that although it is two teams with small supports they can still produce a spectacle and bring in plenty of supporters. Whether this will happen time will tell but their track record is not promising. 

    • Agree 1
  8. Back in Stirling after another emotional roller coaster of supporting ICT in a semi Final. With our seats in the west stand me and my friends decided to join the the singing section with the drum. Now G4S here a lesson for you - 1st half two stewards in particular were utter pricks telling everyone to sit down and i think a few were removed which is scandalous. That whole section were looking to create an atmosphere and enjoy themselves and i have to say I can t remember much football because of it. I heard one saying that you can stand up if you just sit back down for at least 30 seconds what a bollocks rule. Anyway second half they stopped and for the whole 45 mins plus extra half an hour everyone had a great time and there was no trouble plus an excellent atmosphere. Anyway to the football and what a performance by our boys. 1st half was a slight struggle as and we survived a stone waller by Meekings who made save of the season to deny Griffiths. What a shock it was for us to see Steven McLean wave play on but how we laughed and sung hahahahahaha. Second and the pen was stonewall plus red and fantastic dispatch by Tansey who was made to wait along time as Celtic took their time getting Zaluska ready. What impressed me after that was we passed the ball and kept hold of possession making Celtic work hard a man light and it helped but we didn't create a huge amount to take the game completely. Extra time continued in the same vein as we dominated with the ball and went ahead thanks to ofere who was out on his feet but scored with a fine finish. The next incidents though had me thinking we would lose out. Esson who is still a brilliant goalkeeper had a mere from a Guedetti free kick when he should have covered it even though it did take a wicked bounce in front of him. And then Nick ross missing an open goal and from that i though pens and of course it is a lottery but Celtic with the fans behind them and having been down to 10 for most of the game would sneak it but many Thanks to Dave the Rave who scored the biggest goal in his career and sent us all into raptures. It has been a wonderful day which at the time of righting has left me very happily pissed so all i can say is SEE YOU IN MAY AND LETS MAKE HISTORY YOU WONDERFUL WONDERFUL CLUB.      

    • Agree 4
  9. the other side is that a small crowd maybe better as more will be hardcore supporters and make more noise to get behind the boys than 10,000 with 3/4 there for the day out and not much affiliation to the club

  10. I know we have been in some poor form that lets be honest could have been worse like Utd's for instance. People saying that we may struggle to pick up alot of points have to look at the other side of the coin. The other teams chasing us also have to play each other and could take points off each other. Apart from Celtic and Aberdeen everyone else are very evenly matched. The Dundee Clubs will be tight especially with difference in form and the fact the dark blues have their tales up after breaking their derby hoodo. St Johnstone have been to tannadice and comfortably beaten Utd this season and on their day can match anyone after drawing with Aberdeen and winning at Parkhead. So even if we continue to be a bit dodgy the other clubs may do us a favour. Another thing in our favour is that four of the teams have got more than just points to play for because of location. Aberdeen and Utd wont want to lose to each other St Johnstone and Dundee are derbies so even if they mathematically cant catch us they will still want to beat Utd for pride and even finishing above them.  Looking at us we narrowly lost to Aberdeen on three occasions and we certainly could have taken something at Christmas. We outplayed St Johnstone last time we played them and i know that Perth is not our happiest hunting ground but we can certainly beat them. Dundee have not been impressive in any game we have faced them and we were unlucky not to win a few weeks ago. And then the UTD games itself well they are not going to relish coming north twice so lets be positive. As Davie has said it has been fine margins in this poor run and one win could make everything different and we end the season strongly.    

    • Agree 1

    This is our first semi final in this tournament


    This is our third appearance in the Scottish Cup Semis



    Haha yes I did just notice I said that what I meant to say was the first semi final since 2004 

  12. I dont understand why there is this lack of buzz. Yes it is Celtic and its an awful Ko time on such a limited day when it comes to travel but we took 7000 to our last semi at Hampden and we weren't even a top flight club then. This is our first semi final in this tournament which is far more prestigious than the league cup and yet if it 2000 is a disgrace. At least make sure we get more than a usual home game. This is no slight on anyone who cant go we all have our reason and there are logistical problems for travel as I have said but why should we be struggling. I will be there and so will the other hard core fans that travel each week to back the team but I feel sorry for the players. We know we are going to be out numbered but to be excited to play at hampden and only see a few thousand in a game where they will need  everyone of us to help them is disappointing. I hope come 12.15 on sunday that we will have more and maybe get towards 5000 as a figure that i think is fairly respectful although judging by the sounds of it we may not even make half of that 

    • Agree 3
  13. On a side note, when it comes to maximizing revenue, couldn't we go down the English League Cup semi route, i.e. 2 legs home and away? That's as neutral as you can get, and brings in more cash. A sell out Celtic Park, and a sell out TCS. Plus double the TV revenue. Just an idea!


    Yeah but the FA cup doesn't follow that but used to be at neutral venues but changed to Wembley because of the debt in building it. Even then I think it was Wembley at the old ground and would be played at another ground if it went to a semi final replay which got scrapped   

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