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Posts posted by Fraz

  1. 16 minutes ago, CaleyCiuin said:

    According to the girlfriend of one of the players, Cameron Ferguson signed for the Club today. I’m sure it will be announced soon. 

    Well, I'm sure that was on merit. 

    Forfar fans saying he's honking. 

    • Like 1
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  2. 33 minutes ago, tm4tj said:

    You would almost think they were doing this to spite us all for disapproving the move to Kelty and asking Gardiner to leave because our club is being ruined. This is unprecedented crass behaviour. Are they bringing the game of football into disrepute? Shocking performance from those within who have done irreperable damage to the brand.

    I have never been so disengaged from anything in my life. Not sure I can stomach much more of this.

    That's exactly what it feels like. Surely no club could be so clueless and incompetent as to act this way. The only reasonable explanation is that this is by design. It's made even more ridiculous as most fans are looking for some positivity, some kind of reason to reconnect, get their season tickets, to buy the merch. However the club refuse to communicate anything to fans (or players for that matter) regarding, well anything at all. Utterly bizarre and pathetic in equal measure. 

    • Agree 5
  3. 22 minutes ago, dougiedanger said:

    Great to see the message board so active again, but where have all these sensible, engaged and knowledgeable supporters been all these years, while SG was ripping the pish out of the club and the daft teuchters he took the fans to be?

    Been saying for years he's a *** tbh. From the Pixalot and Fan's Forum debacle it was clear he was useless and didn't want any fan engagement whatsoever. I emailed him after 'bald linesman gate' outlining a bunch of suggestions to improve the offering and the awful commentary. No acknowledgement at all. Emailed re the fans forum, same effect, emailed re family events no reply, emailed re kids Christmas parties, guess what? Only in the last few months have I ever had any kind of reply from Scott Young on the SLO email. 

    Hell, fans of various clubs were laughing at us and saying we'd made a massive mistake as he was utterly incompetent wherever he has been (similar to Ferguson). We are generally such a passive support though and even if we spoke up, what avenue would we have? Gardiner set it up so that absolutely everything had to go through him, had no SLO and no present board. Even if we got through to the board they seemed to be besotted by Gardiner for some utterly baffling reason.  

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  4. 38 minutes ago, CaleyCanary said:

    Completely agree Scotty, I find it quite astonishing that he hasn’t said a dickie bird since the playoff defeat.

    He drops further in my opinion with every passing day we don’t hear from him - he’s not the man for the job and we’re not the club for him.  

    I don't think he ever was. Just a massively overpaid big name ego booster for our lingering CEO. 

    • Agree 9
  5. 8 minutes ago, bigterrybutcher said:

    I honestly appreciate and understand your reasoning as I said I just don't agree with it . If SG was picking the team and was responsible for the performances on the park then yes I would agree with you however he's isn't big Dunk is, SG business dealings are from what I understand and read are poor and quite clearly there has been a lot of issues locally with businesses which quite frankly he deserves to be taken to task on . Indeed the handling of Billy Dodds and John Robertson by him was extremely poor . Whoever sanctioned Dunk to get 160k a year when Billy was getting 70k a year needs to be taken to task on as well as many other things . 

    The point I was making was that IF the club are to be anywhere close to being successful this season the manager needs a budget that budget will no doubt come from what is taken in from ST and Merch while the new investment consolidates the debt to make it viable .


    As I said I appreciate and understand your and others opinions its ur money not mine I just want the best Caley on the pitch to make us successful and there's only one way we do that and that's putting our hands in our pockets and investing in our club .




    I don't think there's anything to be gained going back and forth with this. You feel SG hasn't had any influence as to what's been happening on the pitch and all we need to do is give the club more money. Got it.

    • Like 1
  6. 12 minutes ago, MrCaleyjag said:

    SG is just finalising the correct shade of orange, one last act of defiance from a man who's on his way out.

    Seriously though, I've never understood why teams would release home and away for the same season. Alternate it and keep a strip for two years.

    A strips a strip in my eyes, like other middle aged posters on here, I much prefer training tops, polo's etc. 

    We used to do it alternative years but if memory serves since moving to Puma it's been 2 new strips every season. I presume to make more money. 

    • Agree 2
  7. 2 hours ago, bigterrybutcher said:

    I was speaking to you apologies I'm new to this - I appreciate your concern I have dealt with Scot on a number of occasions in fact I'm still waiting on a thank you for stuff I done for him / and the club . Putting that to one side for a moment - Scot Gardiner does not play for the club , he wears a club tie - he doesn't have an effect on any results which were achieved over his tenure. His wheeling and dealing has left a lot be desired and his communication skills is through a young lad via the media department so it's very sparse at best . However the point I'm trying to make is Scot is not alone in making a **** up of this and his mannerisms are very poor . After all that that shouldn't stop anyone buying a ticket or mech , the money doesn't go into his pocket it goes to the club - he's getting paid his wage for as long as his notice period allows , that's not going to change If you buy a ticket or not the only people that's being hurt here is the clubs ability to put a good product on the park and to negotiate it's debtors.  If there was ever a time to support your team it's now . I do understand your reasons for not doing so I just don't agree with the logic... its like fuk ICT because of 1 man who's on his notice I just don't get it . 🔵🔴

    You do you man. I think it's kinda bizarre and naive to suggest the dictator, sorry CEO of an organisation for 5 years has no bearing in its results. Did they not have significant bearing on the appointments such as the snr management? They also set the tone for how the organisation treats it's partners and customers. 

    Also somewhat odd to suggest that money I put into the club doesn't go into his pocket. That's literally what happens while he's still employed and I'd imagine he's the highest paid person there bar 'Dollar bills' Duncan. 

    If you're happy with your decision and the recent statement, that's great. I won't stop supporting ICT but I'm tired of been taken for a mug and it's the only power I have. 

    • Like 1
    • Well Said 4
  8. 16 minutes ago, bigterrybutcher said:

    So just I've got this straight..instead of supporting your team in its hour of need your gonna wait until August all because one man's working his notice ... 

    I assume you're talking directly to me (best to quote so it's clear). 

    I'm not sure how clear I can be. I decided some months ago well before the Kelty nonsense etc that I will not be back at Caley Stadium if Scot Gardiner is there.

    He's still there and the club refuse to say how long that will be for. I don't care if he's working his notice or not, that makes no difference to me. Gardiner should have been fired long ago for his utter incompetence but he's still around on his terms. The fact that the board have not apologised or taken any accountability for the mess we are in also speaks volumes and I see little to suggest things have changed.

    I WANT to renew and go and support the team as I've done for 15 years. The club still make that impossible for me to do at this moment. 

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  9. 6 minutes ago, bigterrybutcher said:

    Ah I'm with you . You would like to think folk would now support the club and buy there tickets.  SG will have a month's notice for every year here's been in position so he's here until a minimum of August. 

    Then I'll be buying my tickets in August. Assuming my seats are still available. Again folk are all guessing because the club, shock horror refuses to give any information.  

    • Agree 4
  10. 6 minutes ago, CELTIC1CALEY3 said:

    The biggest problem could be changing Ferguson's mindset about using local players. In that respect, I hope Lewis Hyde is brought in from the cold. Cameron Ferguson may be an actual signing which over a season might pay dividends.

    Thing is as well, what will the dressing room be like when the local guys know that he doesn't really want or rate them them but is only using them out of necessity. Hardly going to be good for the 'togetherness'.

    Perhaps with his fantastic managerial skills and man management that we've seen, he'll pull it all together 🤷‍♂️

    • Thoughtful 1
    • Sad 1
  11. 8 hours ago, IBM said:

    Yes I know season ticket holders are holding off for now waiting for SG to depart the building.  If they give us his last date we could all go down an wish him well for the future :hiding:

    They won't. I contacted the SLO and was told that they can't comment in individual contracts. So pretty much the usual from the club. No answer, you'll find out (probably in the press) when it happens. 

    Shame because even if for example there were assurances he would be gone before the end of the month I would probably just renew before I end up spending the money on something else. 

    • Agree 1
  12. I can see what they were going for and I generally like stripes but the black sleeves and the 8 bit blocky graphics of the black looks rubbish. Bit of a mess, may look better in person. 

    So this is a special 30 year anniversary strip? Don't see much special about it. 

    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, Ken Ross said:

    So Morrison has gone, Gardiner is going and Kelty is dead in the water. If I remember correctly those were the three main demands from the supporters in this forum and also the wider community. To get Ferguson out at this moment in time will cost a fortune that we just don’t have currently.
    I too am frustrated that we don’t have all the information we could have but I also remember being totally misled by Gardiner and his pals when they announced plans and cash windfalls as facts long before they were signed and sealed, so if the board aren’t giving much away just now maybe just maybe they are waiting until the deals are done and signed and written in stone before they announce what’s happening .

    If we don’t buy our season tickets and merchandise then we all know what will happen. I’d rather lose money trying to keep the club alive than have the money in the bank and sod all to do on a Saturday afternoon. 
    Doubt I’ll make many friends with this but it’s way I see it.


    If I recall most weren't asking for Morrison to go. Gardiner certainly and he hasn't gone, he's still there. I have asked the club how long his notice is and told that it's confidential 🤣. Kelty too once it was announced 3 weeks ago has gone yeah, but they deserve absolutely no credit for that as it was an absolutely ludicrous idea that if like any normal club had even a modicum of communication with their fans would know. Ferguson should walk for his abject failure and having the brass neck of being paid £240,000 in the Championship but then why should he when the custodians of our apparently skint club have offered that disgusting amount.

    I won't be giving a penny until Gardiner is GONE and there are assurances that our accounts are in order and submitted. The fact that my season ticket is more expensive this year after relegation plus after their announcement which shows no accountability nor apology has not softened my view. 

    15 year season ticket holder and I'm not rich enough to throw way £400 on a whim and have plenty things I could do on a Saturday afternoon between my coaching and family duties. 

    • Like 1
    • Well Said 13
  14. 40 minutes ago, STFU said:

    That's fine unless you operate in an environment which relies heavily on reputation, goodwill and common decency.

    Treat others how you wish to be treated yourself and all that.

    Indeed and for a board who complained it was impossible to bring players up here so that the football side would have to move to Kelty, this is hardly making it appealing to any future players! 

    • Like 1
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  15. 54 minutes ago, DWH said:

    A God awful mess : who on earth thought it was a good idea to appoint Gardiner in the first place and why given his clearly antagonistic / authoritarian attitude did we not give him the boot much earlier ( I guess the answer to the latter question is the cost of paying him off)....??


    A lot of really bad decisions / appointments have been made since 2015 :  really disappointing as this is in complete contrast to how the club was run during our first 20 years.


    Let's hope we can avoid administration not only for the penalty perspective but also from the way it reflects on a club.

    Why would they sack Gardiner? Not long before quitting and leaving us in this state The (former) Chairman said that Gardiner had been 'loyal' and had been doing a good job. 

    That terrified me because it clearly demonstrated the huge disconnect between the board and the reality of the situation with the fans and Gardiner. Did he not hear fans singing 'Gardiner GTF' week after week? 🤷‍♂️

    The first thing I thought any half decent board would do after relegation would be to get rid of Gardiner but nope, we doubled down and with 'delight' announced the Kelty move. 

    Personally I think it was just easier for them to employ him, let him tell them how amazing he was doing. Nobody seemed to ever have the backbone to question him, his decisions, his attitude, his methods or his recruitment. Some people have been saying for years he's detrimental to the club, nobody listened. Just pathetic all round. 

    • Agree 9
  16. The cobbled together rules are somewhat contradicting. These rules in concert would effectively mean that any club having any kind of insolvency event would have to close its doors for 3 years, which would be absolutely ridiculous. 

    Unless I'm missing something here?

    • Agree 1
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  17. Thing is he's not gone, he's hanging on like a dried on skid mark on a toilet bowl. He's created a situation where he's held so much control that everything has to go through him and he's the only one 'able' to much of the processes. DD about has expressed this much better than I can. 

    My red line is as it has been for months, no ST until he's gone. He's still there slithering around. 

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