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Posts posted by FoolPhysio

  1. The biggest laugh was the quote: " "A mountain of work has been done over the summer to get to this point and I believe there is much more that can be done," said SPFL chief executive Neil Doncaster."


    Translates as: "We argued and argued and argued, then wee Hamish said "why dinnae we jus dae whit rae English dae?" and we all agreed. And went to lunch before hitting the course for 18 holes.

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  2. We must ask St Mirren to parade the League Cup prior to the game to get our lads really fired up!

    What's a League Cup . . . ?

    Its one of these.......


    attachicon.gifLeague cup.jpg

    Twas tongue in cheek Alex.

    Also known as the Who-Cares Cup.

    Never really understood it myself - the Scottish Cup, like the FA Cup, seems to take precedence and yet it is one of only two major cup competitions in the season. Strange how people seem to dismiss it so readily. Usually when they are no longer in it of course . . . :-)

  3. In light of us signing another Northern Ireland born player can I take this opportunity to point out that the red hand flag is the flag of the Unionist and not the flag of Northern Ireland as one or two of our fans appear to think. The recognised, though not official, flag of Northern Ireland is red saltire on white background.

    I never actually knew that! It puts some things into perspective for me now, in a different context. Helpful to know.

  4. Why don't we put up a banner at the next derby - "We promise not to call you Gypos if you promise not to call us Tinks".

    Surely that would be welcomed as we will all just be stating where we stand on this and wish to be in full compliance of the law.

  5. I think he's a left footer . . .

    What's his religion got to do with it?

    Sorry, wrong Forum . . . . ;-D

    Yes, he definitely looks like a promising prospect but it all depends on how well he adapts, plus the fact he will be a target for the usual suspects who use brute force over ability to put a player out of the game. we will see how he copes with the "attention".

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  6. He feared going stale at ICT.

    He won't have to worry about that at Hibs, he will be run ragged due to their ineffective defence collapsing after 10 minutes into each match.

    It will certainly be "challenging"!

  7. The Dingwall End  :tongueincheek:


    End of Dingwall?  Dingwall's end?



    How about "Temporary North Stand" don't think there's any point bigging it up into something it's not



    And on a related note, hey Dougal, just for you mucker - the I-wish-I-was-in-Dingwall End.  Oh, you already are . . .

  8. There was a link to a clip on here a while back, a game at Telford Street in the 50s/60s, and there were surprisingly high numbers of wummin there.


    And a surprisingly low standard of football.


  9. Remember bdu98196, this is Dougal we are talking about. He doesn't live in the here-and-now, only in the past. And on the subject of GMS, he obviously thinks we only trial one player a decade and flipped the coin wrong when it came to the "yes/no" choice.

    What a dingbat. But all the more humorous for it.

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