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Posts posted by FoolPhysio

  1. Wow, Charles, you're not bitter about it at all are you?  It reads as posts from someone who lost the argument.


    I agree with some of what you say but much of it as bad as the type of people you are describing.  It comes across as rather distasteful actually and I expected better from you.


    A lot of people passionately believe in the independance message and today they will be very disappointed that the result was not in their favour.  Your initial post of not being triumphalist in victory was totally washed away in what I can only call vitriol.  Not helpful.


    As supporters of the side that prevailed, we need to be opening the way to a constructive dialogue and welcoming all people, regardless of their origin or beliefs, to work together to make a successful and prosperous nation for all to benefit in.  We need to close the divisions that have been created during this process and heal wounds.  Together Everyone Achieves More!

    • Agree 1
  2. Watching the attack that led to the goal, there is no way that was a deliberate handball.


    But in the end, it doesn't matter now, the fact was we simply did not impose ourselves on them from the start and we failed to make the grade.


    Still one cup to go and a league position to protect.  The night is still young.

  3. Though Crawford Allan was very poor as ref. Some terrible challenges that warranted further punishment went unchecked and a lack of flow to the game wasnt helped by his picky approach towards itty bitty fouls.


    Wasn't at the game so was listening on the radio, but from what the commentators were discussing it sounded like those that were punished were questionable as well.  If his intention was to set a marker for what was and was not acceptable, sounds like that fell flat over the piece when he suddenly realised that a red may be called upon.


    We seem to be back to the position we were two season ago when no matter what the opposition did to us in their 18 yarder, we seemed to never get a penalty.

  4. You guys should try getting the management of the establishment to import some beer from Canada.

    Canadian is a favorite, and Ironhorse from just up country here in B.C., is a nice one with body to it.


    When exported to country that makes weak, tasteless, beer (next door to you) then I am sure it is!  :wink:

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