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Posts posted by CaleyStag

  1. It won't hamper us that much this year.

    Cox and Blumstein are only 20 and are likely to feature regularly. Can't remember if Odhiambo is 21 or not? The likes of Morrison and Ross, even Shinnie have shown a lot of potential as well so wouldn't bother me to see them on the bench.

    I don't agree with it either but looking at some of the young players we have in our squad it really dosen't bother me at all.

    Yeah he's 21, but as you say with Cox and potentially Blumstein in the matchday squad that leaves one slot available for a youngster. I agree that it shouldnt really be a major issue.

    Also I would expect Butcher to take in younger defenders looking at the age of our current backline

    Tokely (31) Munro (29) Golabek (35) Proctor (26)

    Doesn't look too bad, could do with a young, solid, pacey CB. I like the look of Phil Jones; youngster who broke into the Blackburn first team last season. Had a brilliant debut (think it was against Chelsea).

    Or if we wanted a nippy, overlapping LB as Golly isn't the spriteliest, we could hijack Ashley Cole's move to Real Madrid. They're offering ?30m, I reckon if we offered ?500,000 plus unlimited text messages, it could swing the deal in our favour.

  2. More stuff like this needs to happen. I know the club is young and generates about as much income as my door-to-door car washing service when I was 14, but it's too primitive. Even something as basic as a scoreboard is deemed too costworthy and heavy maintenance. I'm not knocking the club, I love the club, but it could just do with a bit more pizazz.

  3. When we arrived back at TCS from the 2-1 away defeat against Motherwell on the second day of the 07/08 season he was in the car park with a full on afro and signed my programme. Must be worth a fortune by now....

  4. First few games I thought they were going to ruin this World Cup for me. But I've got used to the noise and I quite like them. Especially when they are actually played, rather than just blasted. The crowd got some pretty good sounds going with them.

  5. Good news, glad to see we have finally dabbled in the market. A keeper was a priority so i am very glad we now have cover for esson. This blumenshtein seems promising, hopefully he can fit in to our attack. I guess he will be fighting for erics place as he wont dethrown rooney hayes of foran

    Not unless ICT change to 4-4-2 with Hayes and Foran on either wing with Blumenshtein partnering Rooney up front.

    The thought of this turned me on.

  6. I've never been prouder of Germany. I hate Argentina, and I'm so glad that short, fat, coked-up disgrace of a human being won't be getting his dirty cheating 'Hand of God' on the World Cup.

    England at least scored against ze Germans. That makes us better than Argentina. That's how it works right? :blush: And Messi has been shown to be the over-hyped one trick pony that he is. I hate him, and his dismal, goalless World Cup campaign has delighted me to no end.

    Here's some interesting reading:

    Wayne Rooney, Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo = 1 Goal.

    Asamoah Gyan (Ghana), Robert Vittek (Slovakia) and Landon Donovan (USA) = 11 Goals.

    Stick that in your stats pipe and smoke it.

  7. I wanted England to do well for my own personal glory and pride, but now you have given me another reason to want us to do well at the World Cup. Scotland fans claim to be some of the most patriotic in the world, supporting your country and team to the very end. It's a shame you can't let England fans do the same.


  8. Wonder if they mean a British based foreigner or a foreigner who is actually coming from abroad. Also interested about this youngster from England. Again no clues, is it an English youngster or a young player who is playing in England?

  9. Until one of the "bigger" teams screw up and they play the "genuine error" card and decide not to uphold the rule.

    In most cases adequate rules already exist....it's just that those charged with enforcing them are totally inept.

    Agree with CaleyD. Are you trying to tell me that if Celtic are found to have fielded a player who was on a suspension, that the powers-that-be would kick them out? And even if they did, the club would find some loophole or appeal the decision without too much resistance from the authorities.

    It's all too easy when it's the Dumbarton's and the Montrose's that step even slightly out of line to come down on them like a ton of bricks, because there would not be such an uproar as there would be if either of the OF or even any of the other top SPL sides commited the same offence.

    They may well claim to be equally fair to all teams that participate in the competition, but I can't help being sceptical of how long this will work for before someone decides to test it, and gets what they want.

  10. anything but that boring Nessie article. I liked Caley cat - he seemed to have a bit of interaction with the fans.

    Not the cat! What has a cat got to do with the club, Inverness or the surrounding area? At least Nessie was relevant. An eagle, a dolphin, Nessie, the Highlander...anything appropriate. But the cat is just a character with no attachment to Inverness Caledonian Thistle.

    The cat was a design from schoolkids. ICaT

    I know, but it's still a nothing character. Couldn't it be more relevant?

  11. anything but that boring Nessie article. I liked Caley cat - he seemed to have a bit of interaction with the fans.

    Not the cat! What has a cat got to do with the club, Inverness or the surrounding area? At least Nessie was relevant. An eagle, a dolphin, Nessie, the Highlander...anything appropriate. But the cat is just a character with no attachment to Inverness Caledonian Thistle.

  12. Our current stadium is situated in one of the most picturesque locations in British football. I for one hope we stay where we are.

    Totally agree - is there any stadium in Scotland locate in such a nice setting?

    Not unless you can count Claggan Parks in Fort William

    Absolutely agree. Claggan Park is a stunning location. I do love the position of the TCS though. I've sat in the north stand before and seen dolphins leaping in the Firth, and there's something quite epic about crossing the Kessock Bridge from the Black Isle side and seeing the stadium spread out in front of you. It has to be one of, if not the most dramatic location of any club in Britain.

  13. If you've ever been to Craven Cottage, Billy the Badger is a bit of a controversial character. During a game once he was sent off to the stands by the ref for breakdancing on the pitch while a game was going on. He blamed the poor sight and hearing of badgers for not realising. He was also seen during a live match annoying Avram Grant when he was Chelsea manager (Grant not the Badger!) And during another game he walked across the face of the goal while the game was going on down the other end and none of the officials spotted it.

    This is the sort of thing we need, not an oversized animal going for a leisurely stroll. Something like that could help raise the profile of the club.

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