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Everything posted by StrathspeyHibby

  1. That'll be number 18, Akpo Sodje (definitely not 16 - Lewis [stevenson] has far too much class.) Sodje was in our line-up the last time both sides met at Easter Road. Can't recall if there was anything in that game that might have sparked something between the two, but that's the only previous time they'd have come up against one another. That's a fair understatement there! You're absolutely correct though, and while we do desperately need that shake up, I still have serious doubts as to whether we have the correct manager in place to implement it as required. I thank heavens for that purple patch over February/March, as otherwise, I'm in no doubt we'd currently be bound for the first division. It has been a truly horrific season. You were very deserved winners, yet again, last night. Mr Butcher is surely in with a very good shout for another 'manager of the month' award now. In a season where my team have left me seriously questioning why I put myself through it every week, your team have been a welcome breath of fresh air to watch (last year likewise) whenever I've made the trip up (not just for Hibs games either!), on the two occasions at Easter Road, and in the televised games I've seen. With any luck I'll manage to take in a couple of your pre-season games when we have nothing going on. I also can't for the life of me understand why Grant Munro is being released. Even if there are financial motives for doing so. He's looked the typical committed, solid yet unspectacular model pro of the ilk that so often prove vital assets to their teams every time I've watched him (has he had a testimonial in his time?) Surely even a one-year extension wouldn't have done any harm? You've got a few talented players on your books at the minute, but what has always come across extremely well to me is their attitudes and worth ethic as a unit. Our pathetic, workshy lot could really do with taking heed of that example. I hope you manage to finish off your season on a high at Hamilton on Saturday and good luck in advance for 2011-2012. All the best as ever.
  2. This one will definitely be pay at the gate, so no need to worry about buying tickets in advance. Hope to see a fair travelling support a week on Saturday, and I'd like to think the stewarding issues you were unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end of on your previous visit are not repeated. I certainly hope it doesn't dissuade many of you from attending again.
  3. I had wondered when you'd make an appearance, TCK Disappointed you're still giving it laldy with the 'Cultured Centreback' thing and your tirade against Jones (Bamba on the other hand I concur wholeheartedly!) The last Hibs player you could probably label 'cultured' would be Franck Sauzee. Hoggy on the other hand you would term solid, wholehearted, brave, committed, no-nonsense and intelligent, but certainly not cultured. Rob Jones was a good player in his own right. We were very, very fortunate to have Chris and Rob at the club at the same time. Both had their own individual strengths and weaknesses, and are cracking individual players but together, they complemented one another excellently, cancelled out each other's weaknesses, and ultimately formed an outstanding partnership that was ended (upon Jones' sale) all too prematurely. I've never witnessed a better central defensive partnership at Hibs in my lifetime, and reckon it may be a good while until we see the likes again. You reckon - http://community.cal...post__p__297943 There's a fair number of us disappointed to various degrees about his departure. Certainly, given that he's a great idol of mine, I am absolutely gutted, and a signed shirt of his still takes pride of place on one of the more prominent walls in my household. And even including his heavy detractors, you'd be hard pushed to find anyone willing to question his commitment, professionalism and character. A number of our players also share the same dismay, most notably, our 20-year-old first choice centre-half desperately in need of a steady partner, who loved playing alongside Chris (not that they were allowed to play together much after Calderwood came in) and was learning a great deal from him. Instead he's having to play alongside Francis Dickoh every week: the less said about whom the better! I'm chuffed to pieces for Chris after the goal and reports on his performance I've heard both on this board and elsewhere since the weekend - especially the latter given his ridiculous lack of game time of late. I'm convinced he will thrive under TB's stewardship, and with any luck will recover the confidence that was ebbed away at in his last year at Hibs. A clean break with a manager, teammates and supporters who will get behind him completely is the absolute least he deserves. Congratulations on your progression in the Scottish. My fingers will be firmly crossed for you all against whichever of the Bigot Brothers you end up playing. I might just pop up for the St Johnstone game on the 19th given I'll be back in Aviemore as of next Wednesday and Hibs don't play until the Sunday. All the best as ever.
  4. There's a fair bit of nonsense circulating tonight surrounding both Hibs and Hearts. The rumours linking both with Rooney tonight appear to have stemmed from the Daily Record's online transfer window deadline countdown (the font of all knowledge of course!!). My contacts have certainly been very quiet in relation to Rooney for a good few days now. We've also just announced the rather underwhelming signing of Charlton striker Akpo Sodje, and I'd suggest that will be pretty much it from our end. Dont think its over just yet for the Hibees, my source tells me they are looking for another 5 goalies before the window shuts. Nooooooooo!!!!! :biggrin:
  5. There's a fair bit of nonsense circulating tonight surrounding both Hibs and Hearts. The rumours linking both with Rooney tonight appear to have stemmed from the Daily Record's online transfer window deadline countdown (the font of all knowledge of course!!). My contacts have certainly been very quiet in relation to Rooney for a good few days now. We've also just announced the rather underwhelming signing of Charlton striker Akpo Sodje, and I'd suggest that will be pretty much it from our end.
  6. Not heard anything about Rooney, but it was mentioned on Sportsound that you may have signed Rory McAlister from Brechin. I just don't know what to say about that one! Haven't heard a bean about McAlister whatsoever, and am not listening to Sportsound, but in any case, I hope not!
  7. Not exactly surprised, no, as a few deals we've had in the pipeline this window have fallen by the wayside for a variety of reasons. Just the way things are going at the club just now. I also wouldn't really blame him for turning us down, given our current predicament, and lack of any signs of light at the end of the tunnel. Hell, I travel home and away every week and can't see where our next goal is going to come from, let alone our next point or three. There's so much wrong at Hibs on so many levels it's unreal. Re: the points made by ajsict92, you're absolutely right about nothing making sense. I could understand the keeper coming in if we were planning to release either one of dropsy Smith or the permanently injured Stack, but there has been nothing of the sort. We have Brown who has been by far and away our best player all season, dropped with bizarre reasoning (again!) given for doing so, and replaced by the weakest of our three senior goalkeepers, whilst the third has been told he will be getting his chance shortly. We also have young Thomas Flynn still on our books as well, and now this chap. It's like Hughes' delusional 'goalkeeping school' malarkey from last season all over again. We are desperate for a centre half to partner Paul Hanlon and a striker (or two if we're being greedy!), yet can't manage to convince any of such players we've approached to sign. Typical Hibs. Has there been anything further said re: Rooney at your end?
  8. Hi folks. Friendly Hibby here in peace. You've just acquired a cracking centre half. In response to an earlier post, no he's not the tallest at a shade over 5'11'', but that's not to decry his ability in the air. He's a solid and reliable player if unspectacular, and doesn't have it in him to give any less than 100% at any stage - I include friendlies, bounce games, etc in that. He is an outstanding professional with an attitude to match that, is honest as the day is long, will be a fantastic ambassador for any club, and an exceptional role model for young players. He is also an absolute gentleman with time for everyone, especially supporters. If I had a couple of slight criticisms, it would be that he could use his strength to his advantage a tad more and his distribution could be better. I'm absolutely gutted at how events have transpired with Chris over the last year or so - due in no small part to both our current and previous manager - and am truly saddened to see him leave under such circumstances. He's always been a great idol of mine and will continue to follow his career keenly (hope you don't mind if I check in on here every so often to see how he's been getting on ). Hope all goes well for him at Inverness. He deserves a clean break. All the very best for the rest of the season. Always had a soft spot for Caley (except against my lot of course!!), and have a great deal of admiration for the job Terry's doing with your club.
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