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Posts posted by bughtmaster

  1. Also, once in the SPL, the effect of pride in accomplishment beomes more pressing and the other influence of "keeping up with the Jones's " then comes into force.

    It's rather like a compulsive gambler who has a wee bit of success--he keeps on spending because he loved the way it felt when he first won and feels sure it will come good again--and soon.

    Excellent analogy Mr Pimple your Central schooling has done you proud :clapping:

  2. you should never read you own teacup, IHE you should know that, The mystics foretold that reading your own teacup bred ill fortune and that the cup would not convey its true meaning to the reader. Glad your sticking to tea though your posts keep on improving, well some of them do :lol: :lol: :lol:

  3. If there's anyone, anywhere in the whole setup with the slightest sign of a brain cell then the SFA will force the Joint Proposal for Reform and a Merger on the SFL & SPL.....just as they should have done the minute Rangers were liquidated and this whole sorry mess reached the point of no return.

    Regan will leave the SFA "by mutual consent", no position will be found for Doncaster in the new setup.

    The league reconstruction (assumng NewCo can win promotion next season) will see NewCo end up in the second tier for season 2013/14.

    The SFA, the only ones in Scottish football with any money, to bankroll the transition with SKY/ESPN not being as harsh on cutting the existing deal as they might have been because, despite what Doncaster might have us believe, they actually want a larger more competitive top league as well.

    Any attempt to give NewCo a foot up by any other means will be suicide for the game and we may as well turn out the lights the moment such an announcement is made.

    CaleyD I would like to think your prediction will win out, my concerns however revolve around new leadership in the reconstruction. Where is this going to come from, have SFA, SPL or SFL got the people to do the job. The last thing Scottish football needs now is another ****ed up league based on power struggle and greed.

    Dont get me wrong I entirely aggree with the content of your post I just hope they dont rush into things blindly to get the season underway. I would rather see a delay to the start and have a well thought out fair and honest reform.

  4. If money is so important to the SFA why has so much been spent on this whole fiasco, obviously now, there has been no intent to abide by the rules or punish the guilty club's misdemeanours despite all precedents or the gravity of the situation. Instead of squandering money on all these meetings etc.

    Quite obviously Scottish football is being led by a dictatorship devoid of scruples and now it seems that if we have interpreted Mr Cameron's words correctly then the same must be said of the ICT leadership and possibly many other clubs too

    The only good thing to come out of ths seems to be the showing from the fans that integrity should reign over money. be it naievety or not a lot of us do care what is right and wlhat is wrong.

    If Scottish football is now to be ruined then we all know where the blame lies.

    Finally I do not believe it need be the end. Restructure yes that is a necessity but the doom and gloom scenario need not happen. Find the right leadership and let Scotland set a trend that will be welcomed by many of the small countries and some of the larger countries too.

  5. First and next step should be removal from office of all those Rangers biased officials who are claiming to be the saviours of Scotish football.

    Extraordinary, emergency meetings should be called now and a complete overhaul of all bodies pertaining to Scotttish football should sit down and thrash out an entirely new concept that will restore SF to a credible entity.

    There could not be a better time to start.

    • Agree 2
  6. A big thank you to all you people keeping up with the play and keeping us informed and the reporting afterwards too, it gives us ictaholicks a fix when we cant be there, for whatever the reason, to watch the games ourselves.......much appreciated folks please keep it up.

    I too am intrigued by the two mystery names, Novo and Cooper who played last night, enlighten me too please.

    Two wins in a row and a clean sheet into the bargain is encouraging regardles of the strength of the opposition.remember they will be trying their guts out to put one overon an SPL side.

    I think the omens are good.

    Thanks again!

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