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Posts posted by gordieict

  1. I won't believe it until its confirmed. By one of the clubs.

    Luke I admire you unflinching postivity towards everything ICT, I hope its not to big a shock when you realise everything is not as rosy as you think

    • Agree 4
  2. Dont think anyone is panicing Alex, just a lot of people confused over a lot of conflicting communication, assumption and rumour on where Hayes will be playing next season. I am the first one to admit our chances of holding onto him are slim to none and am under no illusions that our offer to him will in no doubt be double if not trebled or more by other clubs

    If, according to media reports, he has only verbally agreed terms with Aberdeen while on holiday then what would stop him phoning Tel to say thanks gaffer for a few good years but i'm off east to cuddle some sheep?

    Think Alex was meaning that Hayes was panicing as it came out before he informed ICT, well thats how I read it anyway

  3. Panic panic.........someones released news before I've had a chance to explain things to Inverness. in these days of modern technology I cannot believe communication between agent and player would not happen regardless of where in the world each was.

    Think you have hit the nail on the head Alex, I very much doubt AFC would put up an official announcement unless it was true and subject to a medical he will sign

  4. Considering Butcher once said 'he'd have a full team of ross tokely's' in his first season with us, I can't see how he'd in any way show rosscoe any sort of disrespect by not at least offering him a contract which he thought was at least fair.


    Sorry but I think you are being taken in by TB spin. What respect did he show to Munro, none and I don't doubt for a minute he would do the same to Tokely

    • Agree 2
  5. Hi

    When I know come onto ICT online all the writing on my screen has gone very small, not happening with other sites, realise its probably something I have done but cant figure it out, can anyone help please?

  6. I do not think that club is in a position to keep players on for loyalties sake, I am afraid we don't have the financial clout to do this as nice as it would be. However I think there are valid footballing reason's to keep Tokely on and I worry that TB will force him out the door and replace him with an inferior player without the passion for the club, after all it has happened before with likes of Munro. I know things can't stay the same for ever and players like Tokely's time will be up soon but please lets make sure we have adequate replacements before we do this.

    • Agree 3
  7. To say that last season was a let down is an understatement, but a new one is upon us and I think this could one of the most important pre-seasons in our history. TB has to get it right and as he is the man in the job we need to get behind him and hope that he does get it right.

    • Agree 2
  8. If and when Newco Rangers are disallowed access to the SPL it would be down to every club in the league to adjust their spending accordingly. If they could raise money by asking the fans to do something as suggested by CaleyD then fair play to them but if not they'd have to tighten their belts, Ross County gaining promotion this season will go a long way to offset any loss we would feel by getting rid of the cheats, our budgets are set with relegation in mind and there is bound to be back up plans should we find ourselves in the 1st Division. In case you have short memories there are no old firm teams in the first division to boost income. In my opinion if there was an untapped revenue stream available to the club should Rangers be gone then the club should be attempting to tap into it whilst Rangers are in the SPL, not doing so is folly.

    I think that if ICT did return to Division 1 then part time might well be on the cards this time

  9. I think this is a difficult one but I have to be honest and say no I wouldn't put in more money to uphold sporting integrity as I have more pressing and worthwhile causes I need my cash for.

    I would be curious to hear all the thoughts of the other SPL clubs, yes for the sake of sporting integrity they should be forced to start again in Division 3. For the likes of ICT could they afford to lose the revenue of the SKY deal along with Rangers visits up here? Our attendances are dwindling and while the County gates will be a great help these should be looked at additional income which the club need as opposed to trying to replace income that we have lost.

    What I don't get is how the SPL and FIFA have totally different stances on sporting integrity.

  10. (*) what was the Shapla called for years before it was the Shapla? It's on the tip of my tongue!!! You could get an under age drink in there is the late 60s.

    The Tryst ... and they were still doing underage drinking in the 80s !

    Was it not also known as Treetops for a while, possibly AFTER it was the Tryst?

    Was it not 'The Hebridean' after 'The Tryst' ?

    Yes, I believe it was ... and after that the downstairs bar became "Rumours" while the upstairs changed names to "Waves" ...

    Think that was other way about and downstairs was Waves

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