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Everything posted by MacAngus7

  1. Hi Lads, Ive got a quite a fair amount of caley charity match Tees if anybody would be interested in buying them. Decent tops (if your a caley fan) and for a fiver!
  2. Fantastic result for us yesterday. That was the first we all played together yesterday with only 6 from the central belt playing with the rest from dingwall and alness. Our tactics were spot and spoke well to each other and always shouted encouragement rather going off our head at each other. The important bit is that we raised £510 pounds from yesterday with an attendence just over 100. Thanks to the Caley team and the small support they brought over the bridge. See you next year when we take the trip to Inverness. The pressure is on for you lot to win at home.
  3. Sure its right here. https://www.justgiving.com/Ruairaidh-Gray
  4. Happy to announce that Pat Munro and Highnet are sponsoring the game. Both have given generously to cover the pitch hire and cover the match officials. Thank you to both!
  5. Remember folks the only way can make this a success if you come down to watch your team. Would be great to see a caley support down for this.
  6. Would be good to see a caley support there to cheer you lot on.
  7. https://www.facebook.com/events/158829944284298/159010740932885/?notif_t=plan_mall_activity here is fb event page
  8. The goal keeper from last years team William MacMillian is sorting out the team for you lot. here is his twitter account @ba_hm10
  9. Its that time again folks. Once every year I stumble onto this forum of yours to announce the 2nd annual Fan's Derby Match. This year it will be held at the jubilee parks behind the Global Energy Arena. Friends of the Caley team are welcomed to come down and of course the fans of ICT to help cheer the lads on. Last years game saw County win on Penalties to lift the Trophy. I think ICT have something to prove this year.
  10. I'm sorry but when did inverness caledonian thistle achieve greatness in the first place? Pretty vague for a team that's been going since 1994.
  11. Hello caley chaps had to put this on here so you lot can do your homework for next year. 1st half http://www.youtube.c...ed/qCqEPcWwi3M" and 2nd Enjoy We raised over £1000 at the game. This will be defently up north next year desipte how each team get on in the premier league.
  12. Unlucky to the caley tonight, was a hard hard match from both sides. Thanks to everyone on the sneck side that made things happen. A video will be up for the highlights.
  13. 4 weeks to go guys. Got a few prizes to raffle off at half time!
  14. Bugger.....that is no better than twitter re restricting remarks. Donated. Thank you very much!
  15. Careful what you say. You might not see yer ball again. But thats what the sign says at the roundabout
  16. The more the merrier! We can only make money for the charity if people come along to watch the game. Here is the facebook page for it. Please share if you wish :) http://www.facebook.com/events/347077695346266/
  17. Was at the landfill yesterday to get a ball signed by the team for the raffle at half time. Your club expect a win at this just to let's you know ;)
  18. Hi guys if you can't make it to watch the game here is a just giving page link. http://www.justgiving.com/Sally-Gray0 Cheers!
  19. Alright you lot. There's going to be an artictle about the game in the courier on Friday. Be sure to pick up a copy
  20. The reason for going to the times is get punters to go to the game. Won't be able to raise cash if nobody was there
  21. Im going to be on cuillin fm at 7.30pm to talk about the game. Make sure to tune in :)
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