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Caley Mad In Berks

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Posts posted by Caley Mad In Berks

  1. Deserving of his own thread.

    What a save that was today, the one in the second half, full stretch back arched and fingertip, it had everything.  Well done again mikey and thanks for that, it made my day, you have made a happy man very old, but the save was incredible, Gordon Banks, eat yer heart out.

    I'll go along with that.  As I said on the matchday thread, it was a truly world class save, worthy indeed of the great GB.  His great save against Pele was more instinctive, wheareas Fraser was initially going the wrong way, before climing to the corner to get a vital hand to it.  Save of the season without a doubt.  Well done Mike.

  2. Just home after watching the match on Setanta with a rabid Gers fan.  I'd say he is as happy as I am.  For once we got the rub of the green with refereeing decisions.  A dodgy penalty -- thank goodness it was against Mark Brown with his record at saving penalties.  I think he should have stopped what was in all fairness a poorly taken kick.  Then the Tics had a decent goal chalked off for offside.  Give that linesman a bottle of champagne.  Not to mention Celtic hitting the post!.  Still, the second half performance was immense.  We created lots of chances and thoroughly deserved the odd bit of good luck.  Cowie, Black and Rankin were top class.  If one of them doesn't play for Scotland soon there's no justice.  They far outclassed Scott Brown.  Marius missed some good chances but his ball holding and distribution as a lone striker were teriffic.  Mike Fraser's save near the end was world class.  No failures today on a day which in its own way comes close to the immortal 3-1 victory over the Tic.

  3. Sacked, unsurprisingly, after only a few unsuccessful months at Brentford.  Wouldn't be surprised to see him looking north of the border again, especially if an SPL manager gets the Scotland job.  Good luck to him anyway.  Always had a bit of time for him, both as player and manager.

  4. I've just spent 3 days in Sneck.  On previous visits to watch matches I've just stayed one night and never gone near the town centre.  This time I did and was sadenned to see so many empty shops and so many charity shops and 'cheap' shops (?1 and 99p stores etc).  I really felt it was run down.  To answer my own question, I assume the advent of the Eastgate mall and other out of town retail parks have taken their toll.  Nevertheless, I was amazed.  Badly in need of regeneration. Views?

  5. [.

    Bobby was the son of the Bobby Bolt who came to Inverness from the Rangers to play for Clach.

    You mean Caley don't you Jock?  Don't think Bobby senior was ever with the Lilleywhites.  Correct me if I'm wrong.

  6. His command of his box was excellent and good to see his kicking back to normal.

    Kicking back to normal??  I thought it was only fair to middling on Saturday myself, but the rest of his game was spot on.  As others have said, three clean sheets speak for themselves.

  7. Just back down south after a week end in Sneck.  Fabulous to see Marius's first SPL goals - so nearly a hat trick too with his great shot in last minute.  Well deserving of his MoM.  Hope that gives him the confidence now to go on and bag a barrowload (as Dargo did in his first season after a slow start).  Hope we have enough fit players for Celtic match after all the injuries we picked up.  It'll be back to Setanta for me next week end.  Thought there was not much life in the Innes pre game.  Do most folk go to Social club now?

  8. or I could say

    ... it is an acronym for Sensible, Committed, Overseas, Troubleshooting Technological, Young-man

    And there's me thinking it might have stood for

    S illy C rotchety O ld T echie T rained Y ob

    Just joking!

    People think mine probably stands for my original football supporting allegiances combined with where I live, but it actually stands for :-

    C lever

    A miable

    L adykiller

    E very

    Y oung (or)

    M iddle

    A ged

    D ame

    I n

    N ewbury

    B erks

    E njoys

    R eal

    K inky

    Sex  with!

  9. Yes, I feel he's had a bit of a bum deal.  I know he made a bad error in his one game in first team, but I think to drop him after one game was unfair.  If the club felt that Fraser needed a rest, then I think they should have stuck with Zibi for a few games. There are many more high profile keepers than him who have made costly mistakes in recent times, Robinson and Carson for England, to name but two.  Having said that, I must admit that Fraser has been good since he came back in.

  10. I see Owen slipped quietly into the Burnley management job a couple of weeks ago, and what a great start he has made, 7 points out of 9 including two away wins. Quite a step up from Scottish League 1 to English Championship.  Fair play to him.  Makes you wonder what we missed when he was a contender for our job.  Not that I voted for him for ICT to be honest, but I didn't vote for Brewster either.  However, all things considered I feel Brew is doing OK.

  11. OK - I am getting to the stage where I have to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH


    I usually don't get involved in poster/moderator disputes. But, am I missing something here in the Yngwie/Johnboyspat? Is there some history to it which I don't know about?  Otherwise, I can't see the need for Scotty, as senior site administrator to leap to Yngwie's defense in his post which included the above forceful quotes.  Without taking sides, I thought that Yngwie was quite capable of defending himself, and I certainly didn't interpret Johnboy's post which seemed to kick things off, as unduly 'having a pop at moderators'.  Surely your moderators, Scotty, don't need to be wrapped up in cotton wool.  I'm sure they can take care of themselves in minor disputes, leaving you to intervene in more serious cases.  That's my view on it anyway.

  12. I never quite grasped why Parky was always immune to any criticism.  When things went wrong, Brew, or Charlie get all the flak.  It takes two to tango, why did Donald escape the wrath of the fans.  Nobody has a bad word to say about him.  Is he that good?

    Very good question.  I've often wondered the same thing myself.  Just what was it that made DP so revered and imune from criticism?  I'll be interested to see how his successor does (whoever he may be)

  13. Justice was done in the end. Croatia were miles better than England.  I don't think I've ever seen such a soft penalty.  I don't think even that many England supporters would think they deserved a draw tonight.  They've been poor right through the qualifying stages, hugely flattered by a few 3-0 wins over poor opposition, and finally found out when the chips were down.  Bye bye McLaren, and I'm sure not many will miss him.

  14. Yes, best of luck to NI.  They've sort of crept up the outside towards qualifying.  I hope all the next results fall their way.  I've a lot of time for their ex manager, Lawrie Sanchez.  I liked him when he was at Wycombe.  He did a similar job for NI as Walter Smith did for us, by restoring some pride after a long spell in the doldrums, before moving back to club management.  I just hope that McLeish is not similarly tempted before the World Cup. 

  15. Yet another glorius failure!. I've lost count of how many of these I've endured in my 50+ years watching Scotland.  Its made worse this time by the fact that England, who, from any easy group, haven't really deserved to qualify but probably will now.  Still, I'll console myself with the knowledge that means they'll now be stuck with McLaren until after the World Cup.

  16. Did anyone else see him interviewed in the live press conference at the Scotland team Loch Lomand base?  I was most impressed with his level headedness, and the way he conducted himself.  Obviously he is an intelligent, articulate man, qualities I have not often associated with too many footballers.  If his display on the field tomorrow matches his display in the press conference, then we have a real chance.  Here's hoping.

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