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Posts posted by Eagle4Caley

  1. Excellent recognition for the hard work at the club and great start to the season. Lets hope the MoM curse doesnt strike now and we continue form into having another great month.


    Well done to Yogi too considering the stick he has had since arriving.


    Just like to say I started the 'Yogi should stay' thread last season...which no doubt I'll get reminded of when it all goes 'tits up' later in the season...


    btw if the awards aren't mentioned in the media then the 'curse' doesn't strike...hopefully


    If we aren't scared to vote yes then London will be begging us for currency union.

    Our neighbours in Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and potentially the UK all use their own currencies, we should do the same. Nevermind what the SNP says, its not about what they want in independence you're voting on, the tartan petrodollar would do just fine without having to prop up banks that are apparently too big to fail.


    You make a good point about the fact that neighbouring independent countries have their own currency, but of course, the real issue here is why are the SNP not proposing that Scotland has a currency of its own and why are they so hell bent on insisting that there will be a currency union even though all the Unionist parties have said that will not happen?  It is worth bearing in mind that the Unionist parties could simply have said that they are not commenting because they will not be negotiating until such time as Scotland has voted for independence.  The fact that they have been up front about this is simply because it is not up for negotiation.  The UK does not have a currency union with other countries and there is absolutely no reason why they should make an exception in Scotland's case - in fact, there is every reason why they should not.


    The reason the SNP are desperate for a currency union is because they know their economic plans are fundamentally flawed.  The strategy for paying for all these plans for a land of milk and honey the SNP has bribed the voters with is firstly to borrow massively, secondly to rely on a level of oil related tax revenue which assumes top end estimates of productivity and oil prices, and thirdly to attract high levels of net immigration of workers into a re-energised economy who in turn will contribute large tax revenues.  It won't work and the SNP know it.  Had they confidence in their plan they would grasp at the opportunity for Scotland to have it's own currency and would promote the idea as a tangible sign of a proud and truly independent nation.


    Instead of this confident assertiveness of the strength of an independent Scotland's economy, Salmond lamely says that the unionist parties are bluffing!  It is utterly pathetic.  The SNP are reliant on a currency union so that the Bank of England can bail Scotland out when the oil revenues turn out to be well short of the SNP's hopes, when all the hoped for new jobs don't materialise and when Scotland needs to start paying back the massive sums it intends to borrow.  There is of course one way of ensuring a currency union and one way only.  That is by maintaining the political union and voting "N0".



    Although strangely there was no currency union with Eire when we i.e the UK, bailed out or 'supported' them financially

    Personally I'm sitting on the fence on this one,  which is OK since I don't have a vote, I would prefer Scotland to stay part of the Union, but can understand why there is a lot of resentment above the border for the Westminster elite, I can see a viable independent Scotland but the birth pangs might be painful (but necessity is the mother of invention, and we know Scotland is good at that), I think some of the anti-independence businesses are bluffing a bit with the cry's of doom, as I think 'Brand Scotland' could be quite a powerful thing, some of the social issues will be more challenging.


    I shall watch the vote with interest!

  3. Terrific result!  Watched the first half on the telly down here and we looked pretty good...Watkins especially, and surprisely Billy didn't look so isolated as in some recent games. Looks like the team are buying into Yogi's style of play, a few more wins like this and we can be pretty sure we should be safe for another season!


    BTW great to see the surfer flag laid out in the main stand


    Didn't see the second half as I had to go and watch a car crash! (Palace)

    • Agree 1
  4. Pleased to hear that Watkins had a good game when he came on.... I feel he could be an important player for us if he could consistently at a high tempo. Bit like Doran I suppose, you can look really really dangerous at times. There will definitely be one match this season where these guys both play brilliantly for the whole match and rip the opposition to threads!

  5. Always lovely to start the season with a win and away too... should lift a certain amount of pessimism that was on this site last week....However it's a long season and the Accies are probably in for a difficult one. Lets hope we can get some early momentum going from this win.

  6. I was sat with CaleyMad and pretty much echo his thoughts, and those of others...first half our line-up didn't really work at all going forward, although we looked quite comfortable defensively bar two mistakes for Brum goals. I thought Doran, Tansy and Vincent coming on made a difference and brought Christie in the game more...Doran actually looks quite a threat and if he pushes on this season could be crucial as will Christie getting more and more game time.....I'm a bit surprised to see Vincent operating on the wing as he did in the second half


    Which brings me to Watkins, who didn't seem to be in the game much, although some nice flicks....I feel he must contribute more for us to have a good season....and poor old Billy, so isolated yesterday (and much of last season)...just hope the plan is that Christie plays more often, up front, to give him some support


    In some respects 3-1 did flatter BCFC given the number of actual chances they created and that we had so nearly equalised just before the penalty!


    btw I thought Lewis Horan (trialist) looked a decent replacement for Raven when the latter had to go off early, and it would be good to sign him up


    Great to meet up with CaleyMad and Gringo (and Mrs Gringo) ...and bumping into Zoid (and Mrs Zoid) at half-time

    • Agree 1
  7. So England are out.  No more than they deserved.  Unfancied Costa Rica have beaten both the sides who beat England, and in doing so played with a passion and work ethic that England could never match. 

    England have been poor for years imo, only the media building them up to be potential world beaters.  They have no world class players, a poor defence, little creativity, and no strike power.

    Costa Rica and Chile in this world cup, both unfancied central/south American sides, have shown how the game should be played.  Good luck to them. I hope they go all the way.


    Couldn't agree more.... the fact that Rooney who has been useless at virtually every tournament, is still considered by the sporting press as our best player beggars belief...says more about the vanities of the EPL than anything

  8. Dear England, As your nearest neighbours we would like to offer condolences for your sad loss.  At times like this it can be hard to find the right words, so we've made a short video instead.




    Don't worry when you get independence we wont vote for Scotland in the Eurovision Song Contest!

    • Agree 2

    Well said Lawrence.  Scotland should support their neighbour England.  After all, England are well known for their unstinting love for their neighbour France.


    Yeah but they're French!



    Anyway I'm supporting Australia...the fact that Mile Jedinak is their Captain has absolutely nothing to do with it!

  10. Well said Lawrence.  Scotland should support their neighbour England.  After all, England are well known for their unstinting love for their neighbour France.


    Yeah but they're French!



    Absolutly fantastic of the club and chairman to give the lad a tour.

    Its also made me realise that in the 18 years i have followed ICT i have never had a tour of the background scenes lol


    I think my brother will quite like being called a 'lad' ...he's 61


    Oh and for the sake of accuracy apparently it was Wednesday not Tuesday he was there!



    It was Wednesday as he was just leaving when I arrived....any other day and he might have had to put up with my showing him around instead of the Chairman...or, god forbid, both of us :lol:



    Ah ha...He did mentioned this other guy turned up as well... so it was you!

  12. That's a great story. Nice bike too :smile:

    When you're up next you can teach us all how to sing and make a noise for 90 mins like the Palace fans do :wink::whistle:

    I best bring a drum  (and the Crystals) ...those last 15mins when Palace came back from 0-3 to level with Liverpool and destroy their title dreams will live long in the memory for the sheer crescendo of noise....from the whole ground.... ICT could be a bit of a challenge!

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  13. Mile Jedinak (Captain of Palace) will pull on the armband for Australia...their my team


    I have no beef with a Scot not wanting to support England, seeing that overrated oaf Rooney in the side when he's does F all is enough to make me wince!

  14. Absolutly fantastic of the club and chairman to give the lad a tour.

    Its also made me realise that in the 18 years i have followed ICT i have never had a tour of the background scenes lol


    I think my brother will quite like being called a 'lad' ...he's 61


    Oh and for the sake of accuracy apparently it was Wednesday not Tuesday he was there!

    • Agree 2
  15. So my brother Chas decides to go on a 5day 1600 mile trip from Southeast London on his motor bike and takes in Inverness...'drop into Caley Thistle' I say, so last Tuesday he did just that at 8 in the morning and lo and behold the first person he see's is the Chairman....'Hello' says Chas 'I've driven all the way up from Kent, and my brother supports your club and flies up to see matches here'...... and the very nice Mr Cameron invites him in, shows him around the ground and the Trophy room and also gives him a signed team photo for me! My brother describes our Chairman as a 'really nice guy' he also rather liked the City


    I think there could be two of us on the plane up next season .... and possibly my wife and eldest daughter will be paying visits too!


    Can't wait for next season




    • Agree 18
  16. Seen the highlights on BBC website... can't help thinking Brill should have done better with goals 2,4 and 6...but that said he seemed to keep the score down with other saves..... we looked way too open, and probably need to think about 'Parking a bus' or two against this lot next year.... we also need a forward up front with Billy who can 'bully' their defenders

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