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Posts posted by Ayeseetee

  1. It was the first minister who said " We Will be Good neighbours"

    Great Britain did save France from Nazi oppression during my lifetime .

    I won a packet at the bookies betting France to win the world Cup - what a team that was?

    I did support Lens at one time and has a Maison in the Pas de Calaise

    You have to get up early in the morning to put me on the back foot

    Many posters have tried but few have the ability = . Eagle ?

    With your stereotype outlook on your hum drum life

    And I was thinking starting a world cup thread was a good idea... now we have to pick up all the toys laurence keeps throwing out of his pram.
    • Agree 1
  2. mckay got subbed he had a good 60 or so minutes and a few shots on target he was also playing (for about a minute) with sanchez on the pitch good night for him all that was missing was the goal.


    He also took a few hard knocks so I was glad when he was subbed he might have picked up a serious injury with some of that tackles I seen getting thrown around!

  3. Anyone know if this game is streaming online?

    I sent you a pm explaining why that would be infringing copyright laws :tongueincheek:



    Mckay is looking good when he gets the ball although there are usually 2 defenders on him straight away and in typical south american style they are all over him when a corner/cross comes in...... but it is good experience for the lad!

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  4. According to a football app on my phone he is in the starting 11 again for tonights match against chile at 1am!

    (Taking it with a grain of salt until I find a more reliable source)



    But if it is true will this be the first time an ict player has played against a barcalona player assuming alexis sanchez starts aswell?


    I see The Rangers are coming north for a week-long pre-season 'training camp'! Not sure if they're staying in Inverness. Thankfully we're not playing them. I don't want anything to do with them until we have to play them. They've games lined up against Brora and Buckie. (appropriate!)

    Then I read that they're jetting off to the USA and Canada for a 4 game tour! Are they not currently getting-by on loans? Or are they already dipping-in to season-ticket funds? And they wonder where their money goes. They just don't learn.

    From what I hear, they're spending the £400k+ they have received for hosting Commonwealth games events on the US tour


    What a waste... that money could be spent on a decent player because god knows they need one.



    I still think hearts are going to walk all over them next season! :lol:

  6. I've often been very skeptical over the standard of the Scottish game compared to the English tiers.  I know it was only a friendly, but I saw ICT play Charlton in the summer and I thought Charlton were rubbish.  Even more so when you consider that the Charlton players were probably on about fives time what our players are on a week.  I know Coventry are in disarray at the moment, but thought when we played them, they were hopeless too.  The day we beat Charlton, Dundee United beat Wigan.

    Didn't celtic also beat liverpool that day?



    Edit: yeah they did....


  7. Thank goodness some of the people from earlier in this thread aren't scouts after some of the gushing praise over two minutes of footage!  One person's "lost for words", another claims he's "amazing"!  Holy moly!

    I dont think the name of the show he won helped.... going to reserve my judgement in the future ben got this huge thread yet marley watkins is miles better!



    But like I said marley did not win a sky sports reality football comp or play under Mourinho at inter also the pics of him with ronaldo it was too much to live up to.

  8. Great news!


    should probably also add this:


    The Englishman, who has made 78 appearances in his two season with Inverness while scoring nine goals, will also start on the road to a coaching career with the backing of chairman Kenny Cameron and manager John Hughes.


    "I am keen to start my coaching badges and have discussed and agreed this with the chairman and John as I see this adding a further dimension to my game and I am keen to help and assist the club in any way I can."





    Sounds like a win - win

  9. You lot get me going


    When Scotland entered the World Cup I think Munich. All of England were behind them

    Now due to the "little man syndrome", which prevails north of the border, we get this nonsense

    Because all english people are saints and I have never heard "scottish football is crap" or "who are ict and why not support a real team" I dont hate you as individuals but collectively oh yeah!









    And for comparison








    Why don't the english support germany when england get knocked out?.....our queen is german!

  10. What'll we do about a third shirt? Poor County won't have to change to their away kit at home will they?!

    Nope they are introducing a new thrid kit exclusively for games in dingwall it is currently being tested at the ict nuclear base in dounreay... A friendly with chernobyl fc is also on the cards apparently!

    (Supporters are advised to bring a spare set of internal organs)


    As mentioned above it's to do with some Subway shops catering to Halal specs. So removing pork and stocking animals who have been prepared in the halal manner.

    There is a lot of poor information about this. To prepare an animal via the halal method in the UK the animal is normally shock stunned and has it's throat cut. This is the same method for normal abattoir animal slaughter. The only difference being is the animal must be blessed in accordance with Halal by a Muslim...Jew or Christian.

    I can't see what the fuss is really.

    As for Subway as our sponsor... Bit gutted. I wanted a completely different bread American company....


    So I am not allowed to order bacon in certain stores because of someone else's religion?

    I doubt a pork only subway would go down well in the middle east but a new stadium to stone women to death...sign them up!



    I dont really care about the sponsor only the cash they can bring to a club I mean when was the last time you made a purchase based on what someone had written on their shirt?


    Hell I still dont even know what the orion group did...

    • Agree 1
  12. Here's something to ponder. Subway is a franchise so is it Subway that is the sponsor or is it the owner of the three Inverness, one Nairn and one Elgin franchises who is the sponsor but using the Subway logo.

    I would Imagine all the higher ups of subway have the final say 6 figures is alot of advertising for 5 stores!

  13. :amazed:



    Hopefully that's just a sticker stuck on and the real thing will look a lot better.



    I just deleted my comment when I realized it may not be real... but do they really have to put the slogan on the shirt?




    Rhetorical question



    Yeah....if you like a bit of chicken etc in your mayonaise sandwich


    I always get the prawn Marie-rose so I wouldn't know plus the last time I checked subway only did crab meat :yuk:

  15. There's one in the Eastgate.  I didn't know there was one in the Longman until a few months ago!

    Oh yeah...seems pointless having the two stores so close!



    The longman one is pretty well hidden.

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