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Posts posted by Ayeseetee

  1. honestly though I do hear a fair bit of swearing and have probably contributed to them with a few "FFS" shouted  but if there was any kids around I would have said sorry...


    I guess the club doesn't want to pick side because both lose sales maybe there should be a child friendly part of the main stand for people with young kids but I suspect some may object to that!

  2. I know a regular ICT fan who took along 2 primary school age boys to the Celtic game sitting in the North Stand. Directly in front of them were 4 adult Celtic fans, wearing their colours and who were all worse the wear presumably from drink. No great problem there then according to some of the posters on this topic. EXCEPT these 'fans' spent all game swearing and shouting loudly.

    When the parent of the boys reported this to the police they were told that it was nothing to do with them, it was the stewards responsibility. Well sorry it damn well is the police responsibility if there is public disorder in the guise of swearing in front of kids in public.

    It is also the stewards responsibility. If it falls to neither the police or stewards then why do we bother employing them. The club are sticking their heads in the sand over this issue.


    I would stoop to their level and tell the police they were singing sectarian songs*


    *also works with abusive rangers fans

  3. I think this talk about low crowds is a bit silly considering inverness only has a population of about 70,000 people and if 3500 fans turn up that's 5% of the population, I bet you would find lower percentages at other clubs all over the uk!

  4. Hoping inverness will look like this on tonights weather report!




    "A massive smug cloud is expected to travel north and collide with a whirlwind of anguish and desperation, the tragedy has already cost the adams family their jobs"

    • Agree 3
  5. I know of some celtic fans, living in Inverness, who attend our home games most of the time. Some of them have been known to get home tickets for Celtic games. It also happens with fans of a couple of other clubs.


    My view on all this is that it would be brilliant if we could return to the days when we could attend a match with our opposition supporting mates without hassle and without animosity. Many of you are not old enough to remember those times but they did happen.



    I just need to look at the rugby and how they are trusted to drink alcohol at games :blink:

  6. It's about the future. Our future.


    I couldn't agree more my orginal post was just to point out a few reasons why it might have happened and I noticed I have not condemmed it yet so I will!


    Anything that goes beyond a peaceful chat is not in the favour of democracy and both jim and some yes voters where full blown shouting at each other and splatting that egg on his back just makes it look like we are not open to a prodcutive debate and these are the storys the media love to sensationalize and it makes scotland as awhole look bad!



    but no one was charged for jim's egging as of this time but look what happened yesterday that got a tiny news story that didn't go on the front page




    He was found guilty of deaths threats but an egg gets the most coverage...

  7. The upgrading this week of the UK's terror alert status got me wondering what is envisaged for Scotland in that respect.  It's not something any of us will be losing sleep over, but the first role of government is to protect its people so it is worth understanding how we are going to do this.


    Would we have our own MI5 and GCHQ, and if so, at what cost? Or do we just hope John Smeaton is in the right place at the right time?  I hope were not planning on relying on the UK for this, because nobody is going to be spying on us more than them (for commercial, economic and political advantage).


    A 75 man scottish sas is the best deterrent if you ask me


    £5,000,000 a year as apposed to £4,000,000,000 a year for tridents replacement




    3 weeks to go and the fear mongering is in overdrive funny how we get a terror alert after a rumour that america wants us to join in the bombing of iraq











  8. It's a defeatist last-resort to remain relevant in an argument they feel they're losing!

    Link 1 is from October 2012 regarding the MP's expenses scandal. No party came out of this 'smelling of roses' - MP's from all parties were culpable.

    Link 2 is now 11 years old. It's past being of any relevance to the current debate.

    Link 3. Isn't that his job to fight to keep the Union together?



    "Scottish Labour MP Jim Murphy one of the first to rescue injured people at tragic helicopter crash at Glasgow pub"



    Okay so firstly "It's a defeatist last-resort to remain relevant in an argument they feel they're losing"



    Link 1 HE STOLE FROM THE TAXPAYERS and you think it's okay because others did it guess what most partys are mixed up in that child abuse scandel but thats okay is it?


    Link 2 140,000 innocent men women and children were killed in that ILLEGAL war if time has relevance tell the jews to get over ww2 and maybe we should give germany its army back? :slapme:


    Link 3 If it was leaked on wiki-leaks its probably a bad thing especially as he tried to keep it from the scottish people



    I would expect any other human being to run in and help those in need and I praise him for that but the scales are still heavily outweighed.

  9. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/politics/scots-politicians-caught-up-in-rent-1388577






    "it was revealed that throughout 2009, Jim Murphy was in charge of organising a coalition of Unionist parties whose aim was to "block an independence referendum" in Scotland. The documents state:Throughout 2009, UK Secretary of State for Scotland Jim Murphy played a leadership role in organizing the opposition parties"






    And he has the cheek to moan about having an egg thrown at him......

  10. Given that FIFA recently admitted Gibraltar as a full member, they are more likely to allow a Shetland team in than to kick Scotland out.




    The sfa felt that team gb was a threat to scottish football and this is way bigger than that so not sure what to think but I feel better after you brought up Gibraltar thanks!

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