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  • tm4tj

    Kilmarnock -V- Inverness CT - Report

    Killie pay the penalty


    Not quite the fireworks from last season, but nonetheless another three points in the bag for Terry's Allstars, and the dizzy heights of third in the league at the moment. Let's not get too carried away though as there are plenty clubs within touching distance and the fall from grace could be just as rapid as the rise to the top.

    Both clubs went with unchanged lineups, hardly surprising given their endeavours over the last week, although Ryan Esson was nowhere to be seen, an alleged injury keeping him away, maybe his nose is out of joint given the rave reviews of Spanish goal minder Antonio Reguero.

    Andy Shinnie continued his good form and stroked Inverness ahead after twenty-two minutes, but brother Graeme's penalty taking exploits came to an abrupt end as Cammy Bell brilliantly saved his first half spot kick. There was one firework on display. Liam Kelly let off a rocket to level the scores in the fifty-sixth minute but Billy McKay took over the penalty duties to fire home the winner after seventy-seven minutes. Inverness held on against the now ten men of Kilmarnock to earn themselves another three points and the unaccustomed position of third in the league after twelve games.

    One hundred and twenty-five visiting fans witnessed this one and a certain Immortal Howden Ender was one of them, joining up with the Caley Away fans for another great day at the 'JimmysaysayetoaKilliepie' dome. When he gets back home, I hope to have a full match report from him.

    And here is his informative overview on yesterdays game.

    Well it is yet another fine season for the CaleyAwaywithTerrryandMo Brigade and the JuanjoAway contingent from Central Station. By-passed Fanny's which unfortunately is getting a face lift and headed to the Hunting Lodge which has had more feckin management changes than Hearts of Midlothian - probably late wage packets as well. But a free shot and free pool

    (c/o GovindaJeggy) helped pass away the pre match warm-up. It was also nice not to be the oldest as the Owd Bugger from Berks flew up fer the game - by the way what has happened to The Fly ?

    Anyway, on to the football.

    For thirty minutes, up until the penalty, I would say that the display was the best ever (yes EVER) that I have seen ICT play. We were organised, sure footed, industrious and some of the movement, passing and keeping the ball was simply entertainment personified. If we had scored the penalty then I reckon we would have scored more than the six we did at this time last year. In many ways the penalty miss went against us and that, and probably a half time bollocking from the Irish equivalent of Ken Dodd, got Killie out of their slumber. As fer the Diddymans' comments after the game - well there was a penalty for them but it serves McKenzie rite fer not been born a Mac - and did the ref actually play advantage ? - the two we got were also stoneawllers although Draper may well have lost control of the ball - as fer "pulverising" us - well we simply controlled the first half and it was end to end stuff in the second half and we had more chances than them - although the last 10 minutes was nervewracking and I think they had five efforts that practically tickled our crossbar and two fine saves from Reguero. I hope it wasnt tactical to lie so deep as we went to stringing out across the 18 yard box in a return to an old "nightmare". It may well be that three games in a week took its toll. And did the diddyman not realise that TB sat in the stands fer the Tinkerville game !!

    Two reports for the price of one............this one from the immortal man himself...............

    It was a case of Ayrshire v Inverness this weekend as Caley Thistle visited Rugby Park whilst Clachnacuddin were just down the road at Somerset Park. The overall outcome was even stevens with Caley Thistle and Ayr both winning 2-1. The long journey home would evidently have been a happier one for us as we jumped up to third in the table, top the SPL goal scoring charts, another three points but the icing on the cake was the manner in how we played in the first half. I have been known to be overly critical but I would have to concede that I witnessed the finest 30 minute spell that I have ever seen from a Caley thistle outfit. Terry Butcher pointed out that we now have "consistency and confidence" to add to our CV. But in that first half we would have taken on anybody and we played as a team. In many ways we did not have one individual who stood out and some players who have performed more as individuals in the past suddenly looked like team players. We were simply commanding. We were organised, we were structured, we were industrious but we also played "keep ball" and some of the passing and movement was stunning at times.

    ANDY SHINNIE, who must be close to a Scotland cap, scored in the 15th minute. A shot from Aaron Doran was blocked and Shinnie benefitted from a subtle backheeler from Billy McKay. McKay may well have added a second minutes later but was thwarted by Cammy Bell on that occasion. We were then probably a tad fortunate not to concede a penalty as Gary Warren certainly appeared to bring down Rory McKenzie. From my viewpoint it looked like the referee had allowed advantage to be played. Perhaps that was the piece of sarcasm that Mr Shiels got upset about ?

    Both goalkeepers were brought in to action but Cammy Bell to centre stage when he saved a Graeme Shinnie penalty just before half time. I suspect that Graeme did not make the contact that he was looking for and Bell may well have done his homework watching the Ibrox goal. Bell guessed right, went all out to his right and parried, and even got back up to parry the ball away from Roberts. In many ways missing that penalty took us of our stride. I am convinced that if it had gone in then we may well have eclipsed the six goal achievement of last season.

    As it turned out Shiels would have given his team a right rollicking at half time and they came out like men possessed, determined to up their game. I note that one of the comments made after the game by Mr Shiels was that they "pulverised" us in second half - now that is sarcasm !! Sure Kilmarnock were a better team but it was still end to end stuff. Bell again thwarted McKay in the 53rd minute and three minutes later we took a sucker punch. LIAM KELLY scored and added to his goal at Parkhead the previous week. It was a well struck 30 yard drive which Reguero had no chance to save.

    Then there was the moment that turned the game and Bell was again at the centre of the action, Shane Sutherland put Draper through and Bell clattered him. In many ways it may be argued that Draper "played" for it and may also have lost control of the ball but it was a penalty in anybody's book and the only possible outcome was a red card. None of the Killie players made any sort of appeal as if they knew what was going to happen.

    It looked to me that Graeme Shinnie was going to take it but the ball had been smuggled away by BILLY MCKAY who showed his level of confidence by putting the replacement keeper Letheren the wrong way. For the next 15 minutes we were "pulverised" and how Kilmarnock did not score is down to luck and solid defending. It also appeared that the efforts and emotion of the last week suddenly caught up with us and we were camped deep in our own half. I reckon that there was at least five efforts from Kille that scraped the top of our crossbar but Reguero and the troops in the firing line stood firm.

    I have to agree with Mr Shiels that Kille should have had a penalty but there were three stonewallers yesterday, two being in our favour. Mr Shiels was evidently not watching the Highland derby as it appears that he did not note that Mr Butcher was sitting in the stands. If Mr Butcher is deemed to be "clever" and "charismatic" then what is Mr Shiels' psychological profile of Craig Brown ?!!

    And lets all hope that the month of October brings the first trophy of the season to Inverness as Mr Butcher must be a firm favourite to pick up the Manager of the month accolade. Terry also appeared to suggest that suspensions and injuries tampered with his team selection last season. The picking of the starting eleven against Hearts must be a difficult dilemna for him. But at approximately 13.55 on Staurday 10th November 2012 there may be a new team sitting top of the SPL. (cue smiley!!)

    And for good measure, report number two..................

    As IHE alluded to above, Inverness were quick out of the blocks and Aaron Doran was close to opening the scoring in the third minute after latching onto a neat flick from Andy Shinnie, but his shot from the angle of the box just cleared the junction of post and bar. Andy Shinnie should have been awarded a free kick if not a penalty as he broke into the box and was uncerimoniously upended right on the line, but no foul was Norris' judgement. He was later to wind up Kenny Shiels by not awarding them anything, according to the Killie manager.

    Jones was next to have a pop at goal but he missed the target and the hard working Billy McKay tried his luck after fifteen minutes but he pulled his shot wide.

    Kilmarnock were woken up by all this activity around their box and the dangerous Rory McKenzie brought out a great save from Antonio Reguero, who dived low to his right to push his shot to safety, Gary Warren turning the loose ball behind for a corner.

    Three minutes later and Inverness broke the deadlock with a well worked goal. Phillip Roberts threaded a ball through to Doran on the edge of the box. His shot was charged down inside the box but Mckay was quickest to react and backheeled the ball into the path of Andy Shinnie who stroked the ball under Cammy Bell.

    A wayward pass across his defence from McKeown set McKay in on goal, but as he took the ball to the edge of the six-yard box, Bell blocked his effort with his legs and the chance was gone.

    McKenzie was denied a penalty claim as he went down under challenge inside the box and Shiels was not amused, but he did appear to go down rather easily.

    Reguero again earned his crust by diving low to his left to thwart a low strike by McKenzie from twenty yards, just a minute after Bell had saved from Roberts at the other end.

    Drama as half-time approached. Lee Johnson blocked Andy Shinnie as he waltzed into the box and the referee pointed to the spot only for brother Graeme to be foiled by Bell who was doing his utmost to keep Killie in the game. He clawed the ball away with a sprawling one handed save then reacted brilliantly to punch the rebound away from the advancing Roberts, top class stuff from Cammy.

    Half-Time 0-1

    Strong stuff must have been said in the Killie dressing room and the home side looked more determined in the second half. McKay was once more stopped by Bell and ten minutes after the break Liam Kelly set off his rocket. He turned on the edge of the centre circle strode forward unchallenged then unleashed an unstoppable shot into Reguero's postage stamp corner. The keeper did manage to get his finger tips to it as it whistled high into the net for a stunning goal from thirty yards out.

    Andy Shinnie almost restored the advantage as he brilliantly turned in the box after chesting down another probing ball from Roberts, but Bell was equal to it again producing another top drawer save. Moments later and Bell once more saved a Shinnie shot from distance.

    Another penalty for Inverness after Ross Draper burst into the box and Bell tripped him as he took the ball away from him. Bell was sent packing and Billy McKay was confident enough to slap the resultant spot kick past reserve keeper Kyle Letheren.

    To their credit, Killie pushed hard for an equaliser and Reguero pulled off another great save to deny Paul Heffernan. It was becoming a tense final few minutes and McKenzie and Harkins narrowly missed the target as they had a final flourish, but it was too little too late for the Ayrshire men.

    Full Time 1-2

    3rd Nov 2012
    Scottish Premier League
    Rugby Park, Kilmarnock

    1 - Kelly (56)
    kilmarnock.png TEAM: Bell, O'Hara, O'Leary, Nelson, McKeown, McKenzie, Johnson (Letheren 77), Pascali, Kelly, Dayton (Harkins 70), Sheridan (Heffernan 65)
    SUBS: Tesselaar, Fowler, Perez, Sissoko
    Booked: Heffernan (83)
    Sent Off: Bell (76)

    Inverness C.T.
    2 - A.Shinnie (22), McKay (pen.77)
    inverness.png TEAM: Reguero, Raven, Warren, Meekings, G.Shinnie, Doran, Tudur-Jones, Draper, Roberts (Sutherland 74), A.Shinnie (Foran 88), McKay
    SUBS: Mathieson, Cooper, Morrison, Polworth, Pepper
    Booked: Warren (32), A.Shinnie (74), Sutherland (83)
    Sent Off: none

    Euan Norris

    Immortal Howden Ender gives us a breakdown of each player and his MotM went to the ever improving and classy Owain


    REGUERO 4:- Is he a feckin catch or wot ? He didnt put a foot wrong and you can see that he has a bit of skill and pace and is practically a sweeper. I reckon his parents will never forget beinng serenaded at half time !!

    RAVEN 3:- I thought that he had a poor game and that is not proctorising. He made a few wayward passes and clearances - although unlike Proctor wasn't punished - and that is the part of the game that he needs to concentrate on. Defensively he is sound and I think that TB has told him not to be clever and get rid asap.

    G.SHINNIE 4:- Another solid performance and continues to be a fine attacking force as well. He really does communicate well with Doran and, probably less surprising, his bruvver. As fer the penalty he didnt strike the ball well enuff and the keeper was moving to the right before he struck it. Bell simply guessed correctly. He also wanted to take the second pen as well.

    WARREN 4:- Another fine performance although he could have given away a penalty with a mistimed tackle. He is also gelling very nicely with Meekings.

    MEEKINGS 4:- As above although quiter than usual was just as effective as ever.

    ROBERTS 3:- Still think that the lad is being asked to fit in to a system that does him no favours - but the system is effective and he will benefit from the experience. He also suffers a bit cos Doran is usually the man to find and OTJ is improving all the time as well. He appears to be thinking more about defending than he is about attacking.

    OTJ 5:- Feckin master class boyo and has led to me having to eat some humble pie. He looked for the ball every time and did he waste any pass ?

    DRAPER 4:- Not at his best yesterday but a great foil fer OTJ. He is always going to get behind or run at defences and what a run fer the penalty. He also showed experience by going fer the pen.

    SHINNIE 4:- Hate to say it but I feel that he is a better player when Foran isn't there as we do not employ the hoof and play to his feet plus he has a rambling role which suits him to a tee.

    DORAN 4:- Beginning to show more industry and consistency. We know that he has the talent and he is begging to show more maturity. He is looking more like a team player than an individual.

    MCKAY 3:- Harsh but he could have got a hat-trick. Shows his confidence that there was no way that anbody else was going to take the spot kick. Having said that his wee backheel fer Shinnie's goal was an impressive assist. Run his wee erse off as ever and fitting that his goal choked his fellow countryman !!

    SUTHERLAND 3:- Did nowt wrong and nowt to remember either. Just slotted back in to the wide right role.

    FORAN 2:- On to waste some time - but is he causing a dilemma fer next week or not ?

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