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Posts posted by Bronson

  1. I'm talking in terms of total goals in a season though. If anyone has stats available i'd be interested to know the season totals for our 2 top strikers since we joined the league. So if anyone has the time or the info handy i think it would make very interesting reading.

  2. Just said something similar about Golly in another thread. Add to that how little he'd played in recent seasons due to non footballing issues I think he's been incredible, certainly in one of my top three players today.

  3. As I made the unforgivable error of starting a thread looking from a negative perspective, I thought i'd do the opposite and say what a huge season these two are having for us.

    Should we go onto win the league it will be largely down to them. Foran shows endless drive and passion and is always ready to roll up his sleeves and get stuck in and I think that he would be amazing captain material (Not that i'm criticising Munro).

    I thought his target of 20 goals this season was a bit optimistic but the way he's playing just now I can see him doing it.

    Rooney too has been worth his weight in goald. Who would have thought at the end of last season that he would have had such an amazing season.

    As a partnership is that 21 for Rooney and 14 for Foran? How does that compare of previous seasons with successful striking partners? Stewart&MacLean, Dargo/Wyness etc.

    And i've also been amazed at how influencial Golly has been for us. He is up and down the line the way Tokely used to, cant be easy at 35? But what a role model to younger players. :D

  4. We're allowed to discuss our opinions on here how we see things that's what forums are for. I disagree with the original poster and think Sanchez is a decent player, however he simply can't shoot.

    Now, i'm off to start a thread slagging off Rig.

  5. I'm sorry but what i he all about? He is without doubt the poorest excuse for a professional football player that I think i have ever witnessed. Butcher made comments this weekend about wanting to take this current squad of players into the spl for next season. God help us if that includes Stratford. Think Russel can sleep easy.

  6. Great news that we now this facility so full credit to the club!!

    Now for some technical advice! -

    I tried to view it in the wmv format and it worked - sort of! The green line that shows how far through the clip you are didn't move unless i repeatedly pressed the play button, then it would play maybe one or two frames at a time. If i stopped it and played it again it was fine until it reached the point of where it previously reached. So something obviously isn't right at my end. it took me almost 20 minutes to watch up till our 3rd goal in the county game but i had to continuously press the play button. Help pleae! but bear in mind that I am a technophobe so keep any advice idiot proof.

    Cheers :lol:

  7. The only team I fear is ICT. Lets not forget that this time last season we were looking the least likely for relegation then we blew it. Wedo seem to have a habit of shooting ourselves in the foot. But that said, the desire displayed in recent games shows exactly how much the players want it. So long may it it continue.

  8. For Weez -

    H-t 1-1

    F-t 2-1

    Ict scorer - Foran

    C*unty scorer - Barrowman

    Crowd - 5623

    1st booking - Cox

    For Bronson -

    H-t 2-0

    F-t 3-0

    Ict scorer - Rooney

    C*unty scorer - Brittain

    Crowd - 5432

    1st booking - Foran

    For Breeze -

    H-t 0-1

    F-t 2-2

    Ict scorer Hayes

    C*unty scorer - Gardyne

    Crowd - 5567

    1st booking - Munro

  9. Purpose of this thread wasn't to criticise Jonny, it was more an observation that he takes every free kick and corner, so if we get a sucession of corners on alternating sides he is required to run from corner flag to corner flag etc. This must take more out of him than others.

    His haircut which i believe GJ is referring to was the mohican that he was sporting in the photos in the courier this week.

  10. He scored a great goal last night, put hasn't been as effective in recent weeks. Noticed last week that he takes every free kick and corner, so am wondering if takes more out of him during 90 minutes. Surely we have more than one player able to take corners and free kicks?

  11. For Bronson -

    H-t 0-0

    F-t 3-0

    Ict scorer Rooney

    Airdrie scorer Waddell

    Crowd 2212

    For Weez -

    H-t 1-0

    F-t 2-0

    Ict scorer Foran

    Airdrie scorer Gemmil

    Crowd 2345

    For Breeze -

    H-t 1-1

    F-t 4-1

    Ict scorer Hayes

    Airdrie scorer O' Carroll

    Crowd 2023

  12. I'm afraid i'm not able to answer either of your questions. The flag was handed down to me by some old codger at a lower league ground years ago as he was having difficulting carrying it. I think it may have been in Dumfries. Since coming into my possession the flag has appeared at every ground in the divisions we have played at - Even Ibrox and Parkhead untill we were made to take it down, but it was up for around ten minutes.

    Regarding the size of it, i'm a bit dimenionally challenged but I believe its the biggest ICT flag I've seen. It did have pride of place on one of the ICT official posters in recent years, maybe someone will have a pic?

  13. Flag has been found. Thanks for looking after it. Might be time for it to be handed down to the next generation. Let me think about it and i'll get back to you. Feel free to take it to games in the meantime.

  14. Cheers folks. My flag was the larger of the 2. I'm sure someone just took it rather than leaving it lying. But I would like it back, so if you find out where it is, let me know.

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