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Posts posted by Bronson

  1. Think we're looking at different perspectives Rig. I'm not thinking about spl football at all just now. I just think that we will see our team playing more open attacking football in the 1st division than we have ever done in the spl.

    I'm certainly not of the opinion that we will win the league or anything like it, but I do think we should be one of the stronger teams in the division, esp as we have held onto the bulk of our ex spl squad. That should mean we see a better quality of football, as rather than struggling for survival, we should be in the mix for the top 4 in the 1st.

  2. Now that the dust has settled I am looking forward to next season a lot. Think we'll see a lot of goals and attacking football.

    I thought we'd have lost a lot of players but by my calculations we've only lost Fraser, Kerr and Morais (can't think of any other first team players.) None of the aforementioned are any big loss apart from Morais, but then he blew hot and cold.

    If we can add a couple of new young faces, then we well be in with a shout.

    As a team, we are used to finding promising youngsters or those who are deemed to have failed at a higher level and giving them a second chance.

    The last few seasons the quality of football on display was woeful and i often found mself asking when the last time i saw a goal being scored by us in the north stand end was.

    In Rooney, Barrowman, Foran and Odiambo I think we have as good a forwrd line as any other team in the league.

  3. And i alson found in the gsrage a pile of my old calvin and hobbes book. Inside one was a touchijng noter from caley canary from the fiorsrt highland march. Written on a3 paper, folded neatly, it was signhed and sdated by him and contained one word only -


  4. Had a couple fo drinks tonight after clearing out the gargage and came across a blast from the past.

    I recall tht following na ict game red card riley and stirling observer stayed at mine. Well riley did but sandy ended upe at the atxpayers expense. staying elsewher.

    Anyhoo. That was the last time riley stayed at mine. Today whilst clearing trhe agrage i found a pair of those wanky white trainers thta neds wear. Size 4 or something like that. Now i'm a size 12, so after a bit of thought i remembered that they must have been rileys. He got a hard time for liking them as he did for liking justin timberlakse.

    On inspecting the said shoes, i found that all those years ago i had written in permanent marker "**** shoes" on the soels in huge letters. Howvere riley never got his shoes bakc.

    I also remember the night IHe asted at mine and ended up with his shoe s full of shaving foam.

    I also found an interesting photo of ihe and someone on mantis's website with the curious ttle of "match the faces withth arses".

    Happy days, and all lower league days. Esp an interesting day in Falkirk with schennachie (get back online ya big fudd) the guy with the elpephantisis testicle, the story of the ****** horn, the guy with the hole in his head and the nutters trip to dumfries. Bring it on, the spl killed the ict spirit.

    I for one cannot wait for lower leagfue football.

  5. Any electricians out there who could be able to help me out? Neeeding a broken light repaired and fitted in our living room and also a power point fitted in loft so we can boost aerial signal to enable us to a signal on tv in the bedroom. I'd prob end up blowing up the house!!!

  6. I joined the highland marchers for the walk to the stadium today and was hugely disappointed by the lack of support they were shown. They put so much effort in over the last week and there was only a group of 19 that walked to the stadium (including the marchers).

    Think they deserved a lot better than that. Set the tone for the day really.

  7. Couple of songs I always used to listen to at full volume before a fight or when hitting the bag in training. Really got me pumping - F@cking Hostile by Pantera and Mouth for War by Pantera. Classic heavy metal stuff. Bet the swetty sustlers in the main stand would get a shock when their ears started to bleed!

  8. Haven't been able to check it out myself, but I wonder how the bottom half of the league table would look for the season if we only included the games the bootom six played against eache other.

    I have always thought that we struggle to beat the teams around us in the league and seem to raise our game considerably against the supposed better teams

  9. One of my my best memories was at one of the player of the year awards several years ago. May well have been the night before the first highland march. All the players had long gone with the exception of wyness and tokely. Dennis sat quietly in the corner while Ross danced like a nutter with the rest of us.

    The highlight of the night was Ross doing his breakdancing to MC Hammer's "You can't touch this". Truely one of those "you had to be there" moments. Pure class! :rotflmao:

    If your reading this Ross how about a repeat performance if we survive relegation, and Caley D, If Ross should score, the aforementioned song should his signature tune.

  10. Its a shame you had that experience, we had a geat craic, so much so that i was in an alcohol induced slumber by 9.30pm!!!

    Only unfriendliness we experienced was on leaving the club when we had the misfortune to meet a rather unpleasent taxi drive who appeared to think Ict fans were fair game! - I politely explained the highway code in regard to pedestrains and sent him on his way!

  11. Lionel could play all night long and still not impress some posters, he makes the simple aspect of defending look easy. He was overheard telling Maurice Malpas, it's "my destiny" to keep Ict in the premier league and i truly believe he means it. I hope Lionel can keep his endless love affair with Ict going and sail on into our teams history as our best ever left back. Still.

  12. Since Butcher and Malpas arrived they have given Imrie the role of striker, which in my opinion he has failed to fulfill. I am fast losing patience with him as he seems hugely ineffective and the only thing he seems able to do is run about like a headless chicken.

    I am also sick and tired of reading his comments in the press. Over the last few weeks I have read that he disagrees with Butchers analysis of him as a "nippy forward" who harrasses defenders, thinking that there is more to his play than that. I then read him talking up his chances of getting a move to a bigger team, believe it was Rangers that he mentioned. Then today he is talking about hopefully winning a Scotland B call up.

    Come on Dougie get a grip, since playing as a striker you ain't scored a single goal and the novelty is starting to wear off. Either put up or shut up!

  13. I can vouch for the hospitality in this howf and intend to be there

    so set up the drinks!!!

    Its not too far to stagger to the away gate and handy for the celebration

    dram after the game - hopefully.


    I'll be there, enjoyed several enjoyable days in absent friend and big t fan's company amongst others. Lets hope we are the ones celebrating in the bar after the game!

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