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Posts posted by Bronson

  1. Quote for tonights Highland Snooze from Proctor "His (brewster) motto has always been that any god and consistent performances in the reserves won't go un-noticed. All you can do is give 100 percent"

    Unless of course your name is Dean MacDonald, who has been given no chance at all this season despite scoring regularly for the reserves and wasn't even in the team for the reserves against Rangers.  :rolleyes02:

  2. havent actually got tickets yet, posting this in the hope that Weez might actually get the hint to buy tickets for my Xmas  :004:

    I saw the sex pistols on their last reunion tour and thought they were actually very good, even better than the Stiff little fingers who supported them.

    Had the misfotune of seeing Take that in belast with weez last month, and have tickets for runrig in december too. Just found out today she's also bought tickets for Boyzone in june. But got a feeling i'll be working  :023:  :004: :003:

    Went to see the pogues in glasgow 2 years ago and was so looking forward to it, but was very disappointed by the shambolic figure that is Shane MacGowan. The band were excellent, but Macgowan disappeared for 15 minutes at a time whilst always clutching his bottle think it was Martini.

    But as my pal said, at least  we saw the genius before he kills himself!

  3. So if the only camera at the game showed the footage that i saw (which onlyshows the chase,then follows the ball,missing the contact made) then how can people be so clear that it was a puch, slap, minor,or major contact?

    Not trying to defend what he did, but as the footage was inconclusive, how can anyone be sure what took place?

  4. I've still not been able to see what actually happened, the highlights on the bbc were crap as usual, didn't see the scotsport highlights either and for some reason cant get the online video to work but the audio works!!

  5. Think its time to come down from your high horse wynesslegend.

    I thought this was a supporters site?

    So many of you delight in slagging off individual players, directors and our manager.

    If you don't want to support the club then maybe you should stay away from this page and amuse yourself in some other way. I could make a few suggestions if that would help.

    Have you yourslef not been slagging off tokely for weeks prior to his sending off?

    I thought Fraser was as poor as ever. His "attempt" to save the third goal was shocking and his positioning throughout the game was dreadful.

    I agree however that the suspension of Bayne and Tokely is a boost.

    You have also said you are glad that he will be be suspended as he will no longer be in the team. Hardly the words of a supportive supporter.

    The majority of views on here re Brewster are negative simply because he as failed to show any knowledge or ability as a manager. as a player yes,  but not a manager.

    If you don't like what peopl are posting i suggest you should be the one to look for an alternative leisure pursuit.

  6. So it appears that Brewster has also lost the dressing room.  :029:  Things just get better and better.  It would be interesting to find out what actually happened.

    If he walked off because he was subbed then i suppose its understanable he was angry, but to walk out shows a complete lack of respect for team mates and suporters.

    If his walking out was what led to us having to make a sub then somethingreally is rotten within the club.

  7. I am really starting to believe that brewster simply is not cut out to be a manager. I have seen nothing this season to suggest he can motivate players, is team selections are mind boggling and his lack of tactics are embarrassing.

    I heard his post match interview and yet again he said he thought we played well in parts. No we didn't we were 5hit. It took us 40 minutes to have a shot at goal.

    In his interview he described Ross tokely as making a disgraceful challenge and letting himself and his team mates down. Methinks he is looking for a scapegoat.

    The lad sayt next to me said at half time "i'd take Bayne off before he gets sent off"

    Yet again i watched from the stand as Brewster stood watching his team fall apart and no nothing about it. Again he leaves Niculae on the bench, again Wyness fails to score. Again MacDonald left on the bench, again we played dreadful long ball football.

    I have only left 2 ict matches before full time in my life, and both have been in the last week. (against dons in cup).

    I am seriously worried about where Brewster is taking this club and that supporters are loosing patience. Today one of the chants from the North stand made things plain and simple -"Brewster, your a wa nker".

    At least in previous games we have lost due to errors but played some very good passing football, but the last few games have been dreadful to watch.

    If I was a gambler, i would be tempted to put money on Brewster being the 1st manager that ICT have sacked. (Or maybe second if baltacha was sacked! Can't remember!"

  8. My concern this far into the season is simply that Brewster does not know his best team yet. Wyness has played regularly alongside Niculae and although Marius has atruggled to find the net i think he has done a lot of the spadework for dennis. Niculae has been left out of the last 2 games and wyness has failed to score. Coincidence perhaps?

    Our second top scorer (Cowie), has certainly in my opnion been our player of the season. Yet when we go to ibrox Bewster drops himin favour of Proctor. Proctor can't have had many minutes on the park yet this season but finds himself first pick all of a sudden.

    Rankin has disappeared completely, and Brewster simply doesn't seem to grasp what subsitutes are all about.

    I think all of this underlines how little skill/knowledge/experience Brewster has as a manager. He has had time to settle back in, but seems no further forward than we were when he arrived.

    On a positive note, i think we have played some very good fotball. (i would love to see where we would be in league if we hadn't conceded all those  own goals, penalties and goalkeeping errors).

  9. After our poor start to the season, certain players seem to be getting it in the neck. I just wonder what everyones opinion is about Rossco. Certain people seem to be desperate to drop him. I however feel he is one of our most consistent performers. His commitment, determination and drive are never less than 100%. I think he has risen to the occasion each season, after always being written off as not good enough for div 2, div 1 then premier league.

    People are harsh, calling his attacking play many derisory names, whereas i see him as one of our best attacking plal makers. How many times has he bust a gut to swing in a telling cross. The few times ive seen us fail to impose ourselves in an attacking manner this season tend to be games where he has also been told not to cross the halfway line.

    He must be one of the fittest players in the premier league and in my opinion would make a better captain than Munro.

  10. I think this is yet nother ridiculous move by the club.

    Contrary to popular believe, not all people who have a disablility require round the clock, one to one attention from carers. In fact so many people only see the disability and not the person who has the disability.

    f the club insist that every fan with a disability must be accompanied  by a carer and sit in the designated area then they are sadly mistaken. those of us who work with people with disabilities day in and day out, do so much work trying to promote independance and confidence into people. the lad involved in this story is by all accounts your average teenage boy who loves his football and wnts to sit with his friends. His scooter is a mobility aid. He always transfers himself from scooter to seat withut problem and i can't see where the problem is.

    I often see Gordon Gillespie photographer) working at the stadium but i notice that he isn't required to have a carer with him.

    It's about time people move out of the dark ages with their opinions re disabilities.I think our club have been shown to be lacking in their policys.

    In my opinion Disabled people should NOT recieve free tickets for matches they should pay like the rest of us. Whether it be full price or concession should be the clubs choice and their carers should get in for free (IF THEY REQUIRE A CARER).

    There should be decent facilities available. At present wheelchair users recieve no shelter fom the elements at all. Their view is obstructed by everything from the 3 thousand fans who decide to leave early then stand behind the goal to watch last few minutes, to the subs warming up, to the stewards and police and most recently by the new crash barrier erected at exactly eye level.

    I was in discussion a couple of seasons ago with a club official about revamping their disabled policy but nothing ever came of it.

    Wheel chair viewing areas should be above ground level, why not spend a few quid and make the failed singing stand into a fully covered stand with whellchair access at a raised level.

    I wonder where ICT would stand re the stewrad I met at Tyncastle a few years ago who was himself a wheelchair user. I think thetop brass at our club are in serious need of training on disability rights and isssues.

  11. Have just watched the highlights of the celtic game and saw that wyness had a bad miss. He really is a shadow of the player he once was. Am i correct in saying that he hasn't scored a league goal since February?

    People are shouting for Niculae to be dropped and for MacDoanld to be given a chance, but yet Wyness appears to escape critisism. His first spell with us was very poor until such time as pele put him up for sale, then he exploded into life. Is he just a player with no confidence or has he had his chance at this level?

  12. I used to go and play fives on a friday. But i lost interest quite quickly as they were all excellent players compared to me and took the whole thing way too seriously for my liking.

    Would be quite happy to try again but only on the condition that everyone's as 5hit as me !!!  :003:

  13. Am hoping that admin might leave this up for a while so everyone can see it.

    I was introduced to this website by a colleague at work.  www.xperteleven.com

    Its a fantasy football managers online game. I have attempted to set up a league called "caley thistle online" and the id no for people to join is "122591". I think it could become quite addictive once i get into it.

    A couple of glaring errors for anyone trying to enter a team though -

    1) - When asked to chose the country you come from, the only option available to me was United States, so I chose my location as Indiana. I then e mailed the site asking why i couldn't select any other country.

    2) - Xpert eleven appears to have seperate leagues for male and female managers, so if any budding manageresses are out there who want to join the caleythistle league then unfortunately the only way to join the same league as their male counterparts is to say they are "male" when asked.

    Apparently the season will not start for 3 weeks from today, and will need at least 6 teams to operate. If there are more than 12 teams (i think) then we can chose to have seperate divisions.

    Anyway Let me know how you all get on.

  14. Pele was a legend, a flawed genious. We played some amazing ENTERTAINING football, which hasn't been witnessed much since his departure. He moved to Aberdeen apparently under much pressure from Shearer. His experience in the spl was unpleasant and short lived. Exactly like that of both Robertson and Brewster. Of the 3 i would ask which was the better football manager with experience and the only answer is Pele.

    Not too keen on the idea of going back at all but of the 3 Pele would be my chioce.

  15. Re Watt's cv, Dods hardly came to us with superstar billing either. If i remember correctly, wasn't he freed by a struggling 1st division St Johnstone? He was hardly a defender any of us would have chosen.

    Haven't all of our players come to us for second or third chances at their careers?

  16. Cheers folks, Thanks for your e mail Caley D.

    Re the dead pool, i may well consider running the dead pool again, It kind of died a death (no pun intended) de to me moving house, new computer and the change of web site.

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