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Posts posted by Bronson

  1. There have been numerous threads over the years about what to do in the way of decent half time entertainment at home games.

    I had the most enjoyment i've ever had at half time yesterday as i watched upwards of twenty under 10's beating seven shades of **** out of each other trying to get a ball the subs had kicked into the crowd. Think it would catch on ?

  2. I was really impressed with the turn out today, such a pity we had to witness such a shambolic performance from the team. But all of our fans to travelled to that game today regardless of how far should give themselves a huge pat on the back.

    It was refreshing too to witness the way the Falkirk stewards dealt with our fans, they even led the noisey rabble to a previously sectioned off area as they had ran out of seats where they were initially. None of the usual sit down or your out carry on.

    Well done, pity we didn't have anything to shout about

  3. Perhaps my comments were taken out of context as in my initial post I failed to mention all the positives that others have pointed out for me such as how Butcher has turned round a team that looked dead and buried only a few weeks ago. How the players are responding to the new management team's style and the belief has returned and how of course i'd rather have full points and a poor performance than no points and a good performance (like last week).

    I too believe that we will survive the drop and that this will go down as one of our most exciting season's ever.

    I wonder if the terrible quality of football on display in the 2nd half was due in part to very windy conditions, a very poor playing surface and players who had the half time break to actually realise how close they were to securing a tremendous 3 points while also realising just what they had to lose if they couldn't hold on. Let's not forget how few and far between our wins have been this season, especially when we have had to battle for the 3 points.

    While I admire Imrie's running and work rate, his touch, control, crossing and shooting was poor today. Yes he gets kicked from pillar to post and I admire him for never reacting. He simply isn't a striker. I understand that he will play wherever he is told. But look at the stats. How many goals has he scored while playing as a striker? And how many games has he started in that role. Compare that with Rooney, Odiambo, Foran and even Barrowman and it should suggest that Foran should be playing up front. Pull IMrie into midfield and let him create the chances.

    I'm looking forward to next weekends game and really hope that we have a day when all our players are on fire as feel we are due to give someone a pumping and it would be great if that happened on sat.

  4. Dont think i said i wasn't happy with 3 points. In fact as far as i'm concerned that was our most important result of the season so far.

    Do you think that simply because we have started winning that players are excempt from criticism???

  5. I've heard all about winning ugly but that 2nd half performance was taking the ****. I can understand backs to the wall stuff and the 3 mile high punts up the field when we're playing Rangers at Ibrox. But when we're playing Kilmarnock at home and 2-1???

    I suppose a bad day the office is something we all have. I'm fast losing patience with Imrie. He is not a striker and is hugely ineffective.

  6. I have often complained on here about O.F fans sitting amongst the home fans when we play them up here, but I found myself in a role reversal situation on Wednesday night.

    As many of you know I work with adults and children who have disabilities and the man i work with full time is Rangers daft, but had never been to Ibrox to see his team. So i managed to source a couple of spare season tickets at Ibrox from an accquaintance and found myself sat amongst the Rangers fans.

    I sat on my hands for the entire 90 mins and had to everything in my power to stop myself leaping about when the penalty was scored!! In fact I made sure we waited till EVERY home fan had left the stadium before I was able to show my true emotions!!

    It was very strange watching the game amongst opposition fans. I found that I viewed our performance through much less euphoric or expectant eyes than normal.

    I thought we put in a very poor performance, but the fact that Rangers couldn't beat us makes the victory all the sweeter!

    I thought our Mom was Esson, even though he started out very shakily. I thought Munro was very poor, with the exception of his goal line clearance. I thought Black was very subdued till stoppage time of course and I applaud his composure and belief to take the penalty, but his passing was poor throughout the game. Russell Duncan was terrible. How he manages to get a game is beyond me. He cant pass or shoot and to see him cost us possession time and time again was sooo frustrating. To see a professional footballer making such mistakes is embarrassing at times. His throw in that cost us possession when we were deep in Rnagers half was cringeworthy. He tried to take a quick throw and took it from so far behind the touchline that the ball bounced before it had actually entered the field of play and they ref gave the throw to them.

    I was very impressed with the rest of the defence. Lionel looks so full of confidence and he was one touch from being clear through on the rangers goal.

    A very attack minded team selection from butcher although morais clearly isnt fit and i thought rooney was very poor. I lost count of the number of times he lost out when challenging for headers and his first touch was poor. I believe he's better as a sub and given the last 30 mins to build confidence. Imrie looked well up for it when he came on and had one glorious pass which came closest to troubling the home defence.

    I also fail to see what proctor offers to the team. Apart from winning penalties of course!

    Anyway, i hope this doesn't sound over critical but it was just how i saw it. What a tremendous result and here's hoping its onward and upwards from here on in.

    Actually looking forward to going to Caledonian stadium these days!!!

  7. Indeed. While he watched our season going down the toilet and his side desperately needed an experienced striker, he claimed his days as a player were over due to serious shoulder injury. Yet a week after being sacked he's back playing.

    He would have served us much better as a player than as a manager. He could well be a hero in Dingwall by ensuring promtion for County by scoring goals while at the same time being the man who brought relegation to their neighbours and rivals ICT.

    Craig Brewster -I salute you! :rotflmao:

  8. Been mentioned before that he is very raw. He needs to fine tune his game. At the moment he's missing when he should be scoring but we see in flashes what hes capable of. He misses a lot more than he should but at least he gets into goalscoring positions.

  9. I've got no qualms about motherwell winning. They are a very good team and deserved to beat us as they were well organised, didn't make any mistakes and both their strikers scored. However i think we can take a great deal of positives from the game, if 3 or 4 of our players had played to their capabilities then it would have been a very game. We certainly werent disgraced by a very good team. Although we look like a different team now that brewster has gone there's no shame in losing to a team thats unbeaten in 10. And lets face it we were hardly going to go the rest of the season unbeaten.

  10. The 3 worst performers yesterday were Duncan, Black and Munro. Esson also looked very shaky. With a third of your team playing so badly it's always going to drag the others down.

    I thought Tokely was no worse than than the rest and agree about Imrie not being a striker. Also wasn't impressed with his comments in the n.o.w today, trying to talk himself up for a move to a "big" team. However, his workrate is impressive.

    Apart from the goals which were both direct mistakes Motherwell didn't really trouble us. I would blame Duncan for the first as he gave away possession mind you Esson didn't help, and Grant was at fault for the second.

    Foran is one of the few players we've ever had who is actually able to jump and win headers. However we won't see the best of him till fully fit, similar story with Ody, Morais and Kerr.

    I'm still optimistic, and have a feeling we might come away with something from Ibrox.

  11. I had also heard about this, although the senior player involved was not Tokely.

    It does seem strange that the club didnt sack Brewster before the window, but let him sign 4 players then sack him with only a week remaining in the window thus effectively limiting the chances of our new manager bringing in the quality players we need to survive.

    If we are relegated then in my opinion fault will lie at the door of the board for not acting sooner.

  12. Today i witnessed pride, passion, ability, belief, agression, commitment and fight in abundance. Well done to the entire team today. They have proved to themselves that they can match the champions, there should be no reason they cant carry these qualities into our remaining games and keep our club in the spl.

  13. I must be have been watching a different game today then. I thought Black was very poor. His corners and free kicks were nothing short of woeful and he was lucky not to be sent off.

  14. I doubt the club would request two police officers to be on duty at this game only, so that they can film any home supporters shouting offensive remarks.

    I noticed them at the start of the game and although i cant be sure, i think they were videoing the crowd in all areas of the ground (including the away support).

    My guess would be that they are part of a specialist unit who travel compiling evidence of various crowd issues at spl football grounds.

    But I shall find out for sure tomorrow!! :rotflmao:

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