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Posts posted by Bronson

  1. I always thought Barry's head was quick to go down if things aren't going icts way, so i think he's more effective coming on as a sub with apoint to prove and going flat out for remainder of the game.

  2. Having read all the replies to my original post, i think i should clear a few things up.

    My complaint is not with the club, as there is only so much they can do on the selling of tickets. My problem iswith the police and stewards. The stewards sit for the entire game watching the home crowd, then when tensions rise and it is OBVIOUS that there are away supporters in the home end which has led to a situation, it simply has to be addressed.

    If i sat in the wrong end to watch my team i would not be daft enough to be jumping around like a loony when my team scored, as i would worry rightly about the reaction of the people surrounding me.

    The police apparently ejected rangers fans in the west stand, so why not in the north stand?

    They ejected fans at the celtic game, but not on sunday, why?

    The attitude that the police displayed was disgusting. I will be writing to the club, not to complain, but to seek clarification as to what roles the police and stewards should be playing at our stadium and about how they enforce the conditions printed on the reverse of our tickets.

    A blind eye was turned which potentially could have led to an incident, yet they can pick out my jacket on cctv which happens to cover a third of a letter on an advertising board. Think the priorities are somewhat confused.

    If someone feels the need to make a complaint to the police, isit too much for that complaint to be acted upon?

    From the point of the disalowed goal going in, the mood changed in the north stand and i didn't like it. In fact i would have to seriously think about whether to bother going to the next home game against either the old firm.

    With regards to contacting you about it lg, i will do, but in my own time. I work 24 hour shifts, and have a life outwith football but i will supply the row, section and seat numbers to the club and look forward to any response i get.

    My problem is not with the club, but with the stewarding and policing.

    I would rather not attend these games than have to sit with rangers fans. Perhaps small minded of me, but i have seen the negative side of some of these fans which included a girlfriend of one this sites users, being spat in the face and being called a fenian bast ard.

  3. I was in the front row today behind the home goal, and it quickly became apparent that most of the row behind me were rangers fans due to their conversations and comments during the first half. I wasn't particularly chuffed but not a lot i can complain about as they weren't being loud or displaying colours.

    However when the 1st goal went in (was it chalked off?) they all erupted and jumped to their feet. In response top this they got the full Bronson and Big T fan hairdryer treatment for several minutes, it then became clear that the row behind them were rangers fans too as they were telling the ones who celebrated to leave it and not make a scene.

    I then tried to speak to a policeman who completely ignored me despite him knowing i was trying to get his attention and he walked off. I then approached the sergeant and explained to him and his response was "we'll keep an eye on them". When 2nd goal went in they were smarter and sat on their hands and kept their mouths shut.

    As we left the stadium i told an officer that the policing was a disgrace, to which he replied that it wasn't an offence for rangers fans to be in the home end and it was a stewarding issue. I then asked what role the police are supposed to be filling, when he couldn't answer i suggested it was simply to pass the buck. At this point i was firmly told to "GET OUT".

    Weez also spoke to a policeman at half time asking why 60 extra officers were at the game when they're not prepared to act when there are clearly a number of away fans cheering in the home end, causing offence to the ict fans.She was told that its not against the law to support rangers and that there are plenty of rangers fans in inverness. To which weez explained that it offended her and others around her, he said it was a stewarding issue as it was not a crime.

    So i guess i'm just fed up with this 5hit every time the old firm come visiting.  If 2 rows of rangers fans did that in parkhead you can bet your last penny they would be ejected before their feet touched the ground.

    The stewards sit gormlessly swinging their legs, staring at the ground picking their noses doing absolutely nothing when actions are required, the police simply aren't interested and their attitude is disgraceful.

    Yet to cap it all we were approached as the game kicked off by a steward and told to remove our jackets from the rail in front of us as we were covering advertising boards, and that she was only doing her job as instructed by the police!!!!!

    I really would like someone from the club to explain the clubs policy on this situation, and the roles the police and stewards are expected to play.

  4. Back on topic again.

    I thought Tokely was one of our better players today up untill the challenge,which was a daft and un nessacery one. However to call for him to be sold on is simply ridiculous.

    Tokely has made a couple of high profile errors this season, as have all our defenders. No one is calling for others to leave the club.

    No one will be more disppointed than tokely himself. I dont think it was a penalty but it was a daft position to put himself in. As for drpping him - Have munro, MacGuire or hastings been dropped for conceding any of our other 9 (i think ) penalties that we've conceded in the league?

    The whole team was poor today, i think brewster got things wrong today, he should have returned to the 4 -5-1 formation. And why not bring on wyness or wilson, esp when hart hasn't featued for long enough.

  5. ..................with a bizzare feeling of confidence re todays game.  What a performance, what a team- and here comes my slice of humble pie - what a manager!!

    I'll not hid the fact i wasn't hapy at brewsters return, but he is proving himself now, and i am giving him a standing ovation! :021:

    That performance will live with me forvever. I felt so sorry for proctor, he has hardly put a foot wrong and will lose his place (although i still think tokers is the no one choice.

    Michael Fraser was outstanding today, he could do nothing about either of their goals and he made some outstanding saves! :clapping03: :clapping03:

    Niculae showed us his strengths and weaknesses, his first touch is a joy to behold and some of the lay offs were fantastic, however, when through 1 on 1 he lacked the pace/fight to really go for it, perhaps it was simoly tiredness, and he was so unlucky with header in second half.He put in one **** of a shift!! :clapping03: :clapping03:

    The way we started the 2nd half was simply outstanding. If marius had scored with his header and Wilson hadn't missed his sitter, we really could have put 5 past the mighty Celtic.

    The fixture list shows the nextfew weeks will really decide what kind f season we have.If we continue to play with the passion, hunger and desire that we did today, we shouldn't fear anyone.

    What a day to be an ICT fan.  Christmas reaal did come early :021:

    Well done to evry ict player on that park today, and to Brewster and Malky and all the backroom staff. :clapping03: :021: :022:

  6. Entitled to your opinion Charles. As someone who has boxed and kickboxed i totally respect the level of commitment and effort that boxers put into their sport. It may not be to everyone's liking and that is fair dos.

    I could say that i find running the most boring and pointless sport to watch, but that doesn't give me the right to criticise those who partake and enjoy spectating.

    Boxing is a sport that undoubtedly requires people to show a great deal of composure,control and skill and without a doubt it has helped to transform the lives of many troubled men. The training alone is a trmendous release, and perhaps Charles you should spend a few weeks at Lawries boxing club and witness first hand the effort, support and achievemnet this sport gives to many of all ages, sexes and sizes.

    That said, i felt Hatton was simply taken apart by a world class fighter. The big bucks were too appealing for Hatton to refuse this fight. He should return to light welterweight (his natural fighting weight) and continue his career in the divisoin he belongs. There may not be the same big names and mega bucks fights but money shouldn't be everything. I hope he ignores the advice of lennox lewis (the worlds worst ever heavyweight champion) to retire unless he has re match and beats mayweather.

    And well done to Hatton and joe calzaghe on their awards at the weekend. Well deserved. 

  7. What a waste of time that fight was - over in 72 seconds!! Khan is obviously a talent, but fight fans who buy tickets to see him are going to lose interest unless they start providing some decent match ups for him.

  8. I'm a strong believer that people should be given their chances and proctor has taken his. However i believe Ross is our strongest player at that position but until Proctor makes a mistake the jersey should be his.

    But i believe its only a matter of time till ross takes the jersey back. I thought proctor made several mistakes today that could have proved costly.

    I also think the ross could easily play in midfield andgive us attacking options as well as huge physical presence which we miss when he's not in the team.

  9. As a huge boxing fan i'm really looking forward to tonights fights. Amir Khan should provde a decent warm up for the main event. I have been follwing the build up to the Hatton/Mayweather fights for long enough.

    Did anyone else see the scuffles at the weigh in today? Hatton didn't back down and it looks like he wants this so mch. Mayweather looked a bit shellshocked.

    It was amusing too to see Joe Calzaghe and bernard Hopkins scuffling.

    Here's hoping i can stay awake for the fight (believe it should be a 2 am start uk time).

    I'm going for Hatton by K.O with left hook to body in round 4!

  10. - Automated telephone information lines - i just want to talk to real Person.

    - 3 mobile network

    - manufactured pop tat who do nothing but cover songs and call themselves bands.

    - People not being able to cope with being separated from their mobile phones for even the shortest time.

  11. Wasn't at the game today but listened to what i could on the radio (in between them loosing reception repeatedly) and the commentators were constant in their praise for Michael, just wondered what those who were at the game thought?

  12. If Black stormed out of stadium last week as reported, his behaviour was as much, if not more of a disgrace than either red card last week and he should be dropped fromthe starting line up till he learns to keep his toys in the pram.  :018:

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