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Posts posted by Tree

  1. So we do not wish to be dependant on income from Newco and it appears that the club cannot be dependant on income from fans.

    Who are we to be dependant on? Perhaps a loan from the Bank of Integrity?

  2. Luckily (?) I have missed much of this saga over the past week due to being out of the country.

    It has been pointed out that a number of SPL clubs still have season ticket sales less than last season and I would not be surprised if we are in the same situation. Now that 'integrity' has won the day, it is vital for all fans to pull behind their teams in the short term to mitigate the financial impact.

    Following on from this, real and positive change is needed to remove the imbalance in finance and try and improve the overall product.

    Whilst it is great for armchair assassin with keyboards to point the fingers at anyone and everyone within the club, we need to be clear that we have neither created this situation nor tried to manipulate the situation for our benefit. This cannot be said of a number of parties and individuals involved in the saga. Actual action in terms of buying tickets and other forms of support for the club are necessary over the coming days.

    Debt is not the only issue in amongst this and short term liquidity issues may impact on the team which is put together for next season (I think we would all like to see one or two further additions to the team). The fact that a number of backers have indicated their support is of some comfort, however the reality is that there will be impacts on the budgets and outlays.

    We cannot ask for immediate statements on matters, and then when statements are given demand that the clubs just keeps quiet. The statement issued was badly worded in terms of excessively emotive language, however the actual reading always indicated that the issues were considering immediate actions to balance income against expenditure and stating disappointment that reconstruction was off the table.

    Finally, I don't agree with this wave of opinion that the SFL have acted in the good of the game. Much of the issues are retribution for the SPL being created and allowing some small clubs to behave in a big way. The SPL is flawed in its basic structure around the old firm, however please remember the nonsense in which the SFL allocated monies, etc prior to the SPL's being where a small club received only marinaglly less than teams at the top with decisions being taking (in a similar way to the SFA) by people with petty agendas from the periphery of the game. These were the same people who for years prevented Highland presence in the top flight for their own benefit.

    • Agree 2
  3. This is an excellent gesture from the club. I, however, dont intend to claim the discount voucher. I expected to pay the full price anyway and the club need the money more than I do.

    I hope the Builder and the rest of the Fat Cats in the black seats do exactly the same Alex ( that's if they actually buy season tickets which I very much doubt)

    That'll be some of the 'Fat Cats' who have injected hundreds of

    • Agree 2
  4. Interesting reading. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/rangers/9376851/Rangers-hopes-of-reprieve-in-SPL-vote-sunk-by-arrogant-Malcolm-Murray.html

    I personally dont think Malcolm Murray destroyed Rangers chances of staying in the SPL it was already decided

    You are probably correct that in the main the decision had been taken, however there appears to have been yet another example of lack of humility from Rangers, their officers and indeed their fans.

    They (as a club) seem to miss the point that it is their own actions which have created this situation and everyone is going to suffer as a result.

    To date, the only punishment against the club itself is a 10 point deduction. Other punishments are either against individuals or subject to further appeal (following the legal case).

    If I get this correct, Rangers fans seem to be suggesting that Newco should have been allowed to enter the SPL with no debts and no further punishment (remember the pour souls have had the 'humiliation' of administration and liquidation). I'm sure that this option will have been gladly taken up by Kilmarnock and others to get rid of the cost of servicing their own debts.

    The other clubs have been left in a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. It was even suggested earlier by one ex-footballer that Rangers must be allowed to sign players immediately (even though they are not in any league at the moment), because otherwise it was putting at risk their chances of promostion from Division 1.

    The whole situation would be improved greatly if fans from outwith the old firm actively backed (and are seen to be actively backing) their clubs financially at the moment (just see the number of people on other threads giving every reason possible as to why they are not renewing their season tickets.

    • Agree 1
  5. Regan's comments certainly appear to add weight to the 'Celtic minded' element who have always believed that the SFA are principally there to protect Rangers.

    The SFA 'will not allow' Rangers to be relegated to the 3rd Division?

    In amongst all the debate re placing Newco into the 1st Division, at what point do Rangers (sorry I meant the SFA) inform the SFL that every team other than Rangers is to be given a 60 point penalty to ensure that Rangers also get promoted?

  6. Kilmarnock have debts of just over £11m which they are servicing albeit at a very low interest rate at the moment.

    From recollection they had a small operating profit last FY, however I suspect that with reduction in income and no realistic means to reduce the bank held debt (overdraft and loans) they may well be the first in trouble.

  7. There clearly has been more that just Doncaster at play in the background and some clubs need to ask what their Executive Officers have been up to over the past few days.

    Doncaster has been shown to be out of touch with the wider members interests and views during this whole episode and surely continuing in his role must be in untenable.

    In his clip where he passes things over to the SFL and SFA, he once more seems to be a step behind in that there is no mechanism for an additional club moving from the SFL to the SPL. Rather than sitting back, I suspect that there needs to be proactive action in progressing the filling of the the Club 12 position which is now available.

  8. Papa Adams tells us all of his wonderful financial restraint in today's Sunday Mail.

    If its all the same, I'll not take any lessons in financial probity from one of the alleged EBT benificiaries (by the BBC).

    What's that saying involving brass and the thing which connects your head to your shoulders? :ponder:

  9. Think you have that wrong, the plan is to upgrade the Kincraig overtaking lane to Dual Carriageway. Labour/Liberal's had 8 years in power and did nothing! Then in the SNP's first term all other parties outvoted the SNP on their plans and WASTED all the money on the Edinburgh Trams! At least there is a plan in place now although it will take many years to complete, during that time we will have to be patient and drive with care.

    I am no foot soldier for any party so will avoid getting dragged in lab/lib failings.

    Having had a chance to see the full announcement, you are correct the section is now to be upgraded to dual. The Kincraig to Dalraddy upgrade to 2+1 was part of the 2003 programme with a target start date of c2012.

    So more is being done but later than proposed :wink:

  10. Announced today that work will start on A9 two years earlier than first planned. So expect a couple of years of long delays between Dunkeld and Perth

    SNP choose to announce an existing scheme (in fact dates back to the days of labour) which was once in the programme to start this year? How to try and move the goalposts to make it seem like they are speeding things up.

    It is also a 2+1 and not dual carriageway

  11. As Gordon Waddell stated in his column yesterday, will the fans demanding (correctly) that Rangers are not voted back in stand with their club and replace the lost income (or is this all about getting one over on the old firm)?

    • Agree 1
  12. The concept that a cronie led self important organisation attempting to force an imbalanced and flawed top flight to merge with cronie led disfunctional lower leagues does not exactly guarantee that we will be in a better place with whatever single organisation they come up with.

  13. Just to be clear, I am not making an argument for accepting a Rangers NewCo into the SPL here. What I am asking is that will fans be as passionate about fighting for the survival of the club if such a move doesn't transpire as they have been about giving their opinions on what should happen?

    I think the answer was a pretty clear 'No' when this question was articulated on your recent thread.

    I will start by stating that, on balance, I am of the opinion that Rangers should probably not be re-admitted directly. This said, I am also very clear as to the immediate and future impacts of this situation.

    I find it very hard to take a positive view on many of the comments posted which appear to almost take delight out of the situation. The number of supporters who seem to be pleased to boast as to how they are going to punish the Club (though non-renewal of season tickets, etc) as their mechanism to make comment on the actions of others does nothing to ameliorate the sense that there is a complete lack of realisation as to the likely impact of the situation.

    As things stand, recruitment of players will already be impacted as many players will be unwilling to sign for the club not knowing whether there will be fixtures against Rangers nor indeed knowing the likely impact of budget reductions due to reduced income.

    As a club, we are already losing amounts on an annual basis and the positive benefit of potentially two sell out fixtures against Ross County has the potential to be offset by events, and to be clear for those already asking why we didn't offer Tokely 'the earth' to stay, the sums in question have the potential to equate to the equivalent to five or six first team players to be cut from the playing budget.

    To go back to your original point, how many people will be willing to have an increase of say 25% on the cost of entry to a game to avoid the potential for financial spreading to ICT? The answer would appear to be very few (though I suppose we could always take the Ed Balls approach of trying to increase our expenditure as a means of reducing a budget deficit)!

    • Agree 1
  14. And presumably if Rangers go back to court again the legal expenses will come from the fund which should be being used to pay the creditors they have cheated out of millions.

    I am just waiting for a fans representative to pop up on Reporting Scotland shortly to confirm that it is all the creditors fault and they are organising a boycott!

    • Agree 2
  15. Ronaldo, as well as a restuarant and banqueting suite McDairmid has nine conference suites. They also provide all the electronics etc necessary for a conference. They have all weather pitches and they have an easy link to the roads network. I dont believe there are many clubs with all those facilities and it shows the foresite they had when Asda built it for them.

    As for the guy at the door selling season tickets. I'm sure that could be made to happen if you want to volunteer your free time. ICT ice cream?? That would be a first.

    As someone who has used the McDiarmid Park conference facilities for business, the benefit of geography which St Johnstone benefit from cannot be replicated in Inverness. The location is a central point for bringing together people from places such as Aberdeen, Inverness and the M8 Corridor. There are also a number of other facilities in the Perth area which gain trade from this location.

    That said, the layout of the facilities is not the best, although to be fair to the club they realised this very early on after the stadium was constructed and did invest a reasonable sum of money (if I recall correctly) to make some improvements.

  16. I would have thought that the question mark and the two exclamation marks at the end of the sentence would have heralded a suspicion that a tad of sarcasm had been utilised. But perhaps answer one question with a mere yes or no. Is it a distinct possibility that the the reduced attendances and season ticket sales could also be linked with the standard of football served up last season ?

    The element of sarcasm was not lost and indeed my comments were not solely directed at your post but more towards the wider relationship between the club's ability to invest and the income streams which are all diminishing.

  17. Where the feck are the lauded Muirfield Mills Consortium when you need them ?!!

    Where are the fans when the club needs them? Reduced attendances, reduced ticket sales, reduced income from commercial!

    The reality is that this is happening to all clubs. The team which finished third and are in europe have a £200k reduction in their wage budget ('punishment' for failing to sell a player for reasonable return)!

    The reality is that the investment has more to do with dealing with last season's losses than this coming season's incoming players.

    • Agree 2
  18. Blasted when they don't try and blasted again when they do....get the feeling that some people are never happier than when they are stirring the **** and looking for an argument.

    There's people knocking their pan in trying to make things a bit better under extremely difficult circumstances and all others can do is sit behind a keyboard, criticise and do feck all but leave those who are trying with a feeling of "why bother?".

    Give yourselves a shake, FFS.

    You forget that it seems to be a badge of honour not to have renewed your season ticket...............................................and then wonder why the playing budget is being cut?

    Apparently the club are responsible for all the ills of Scottish football at the moment and should be 'punished' accordingly :ponder:

    • Agree 1
  19. Falling attendances, lower season ticket sales, even long term sponsors pulling out from renewing their hospitality box all means that there is simply less money for wages.

    Does this equate to disrespect? Not convinced.

    Genuine thanks for the service over the years however the reality is that a fixed sum of money has to be maximised throughout the squad.

    Best of luck for the future!

  20. This may well be the latest in a long line of mistakes by people connected with or involved in the running of the club.

    The reality is that FIFA are unlikely to accept a precedent being create for a club of a member organisation taking action through ordinary legal process and are very likely to put pressure on the SFA to take serious action against the club to send a clear message. The loss of income from Scotland being excluded from World Cup qualifiers, etc may well prove too much of a factor for this to go without the sanction of suspension or less likley expulsion.

    Time to read the SFA articles re taking action through the courts.

  21. Williams liked it up here i think and if Butcher is as intent as he is in keeping the squad together then its perfectly understandable if he does try to bring him back. Thought he was decent when he played.

    After his recent altercation in training and after lunch with our blued eyed Captain I don't think Butcher will be asking him back!

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