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Posts posted by mainstander

  1. But there is only one team to catch really, and thats the one that tops the league, the rest don't matter.

    Yes they do if we catch Dundee but not PT, QOS or County. Thats a total of 22 points to catch up on four teams in front of us and two of them also have a game in hand on us.

  2. Yes I heard it on the BBC news for the Highland's and Island's at 5 too. They were saying the earlyest he could be back was for the derby on January second so his 500th game would be the Motherwell game in the cup at best.

    Fancy Proctor for RB and Cox to replace him in midfield.

  3. Looks to me as if J7 and B&C (and maybe a few more on here) are simply just guys that have got some kind of really deep down need to seek a way of expressing some kind of fundimental disattisfaction they have with theyre lives. The only unfortunate thing is that they seem to have chosen the medium of football and this club in particular to do it through which is just rotten bad luck for the rest of us on here. IHE might well find you an interesting proffesional study.

    Why not go away and have a moan instead about the performance of your local bridge club, the service in Tescos or the way your postie slides your mail through your letter box. You would annoy and bore the @rse off a lot less people that way.

  4. Didnt know they had actually applied to join engerlund Prem, thought it was a normal meeting of the EPL and a discussion on the merits of the old firm was on the agenda.

    Anyway, the Fans fecked them up good and proper, the english clubs would not like to see what happened in Manchester too often.

    Just the Rangers fans thuogh. No way are Celtic as undesireable as Rangers althuogh that is NOT to say that I like a lot of theyre secterian baggage either. So would Celtic have the bottle to go for it alone? Could they bear to be parted from Rangers? After all Celtic arent financial basket cases like the Huns and there fans dont behave nearly so badly.

    Could you imagine it? Celtic in the EPL raking in the bucks and the semi bankrupt Huns stuck on there own in the SPL?

    Couldnt see it happening thuogh. They need each other too much. But its a nice thuoght.

  5. look at the results we have been getting this season

    Yep. I have been. For instance I see that you're defeat to Rothes yesterday gives them there first win, takes them off the bottom and puts you there instead. :lol:

  6. Yesterday the BNP were being critisised for useing images of the war like Spitfires and Churchill and so on to promote themselves. Oh well at least you wont see that happening in football will you? Like clubs inviting soldiers onto there pitch or playing tunes like The Dambusters - will you???? ;)

  7. Dont come to football if you dont want foul language!

    What a heap of arrogant cr@p! Why should the decent majoraty be chased away from football by a bunch of foulmouthed loudmouthed kids? The current law exists because that decent majoraty doesnt want and wont accept this kind of nonsence - and football matches are no exeption. How many decent fans do people like this actualy drive away so how much money do you cost the club.

    If you are a member of the mindless minoraty which wants to behave like this then take a long hike into the Cairngorms where nobody can here you and shout all you like. Come back to the Caledonian stadium when you have growne up.

  8. You even find yourself suporting Mike Smiths efforts to make the experiense of a visit to the TCS more pleasant for the descently behaving majority.

    What sort of behaviour is "descently" behviour? Is the behavour of the majority going down ?

    Sorry. Spelling not my strong point.

    Decent = behavoiur of most ICT fans.

    Descent = what behavoiur in Section G seems to be doing.


  9. :D I will take that as a Complamint.. Foxes or Murry im not fussed which, Maybe I'm trying to hold on to what youth i may have left (31 soon...) But to be held with such regard as to fall up in to the IHE's leauge that is just too great a Complamint.. thank you. :D :D

    Yes well it takes longer to overtake some than others obviosly. :D

  10. Mainstander, if you are unhappy with the supporters of the club you are free to find a club with non swearing non standing fans, China National Squads maybe your best bet..

    Georgeios.. you should keep looking over your shoulder because a fate worse than death is persuing you. It may be some years before this dreadfull afliction overtakes you, but consumme you it will.

    The first you will know about it is when you wake up one morning and realize that you have bought a packet of wrapped Foxs Glacier Mints and a season ticket for the Main Stand. As the weeks go by you will be asailled by this uncontrolable urge to stay in your seat during the game whilst unwrapping the mints. Then you find youreself getting more and more fed up with the language and antics of a small minority of the younger fans, mainly in Section G of the North Stand. You even find yourself suporting Mike Smiths efforts to make the experiense of a visit to the TCS more pleasant for the descently behaving majority.

    By this stage, you have been well and trully consummed - there is no way back .... and there is nothing more certan than the dreadfull curse of ADULTHOOD! :D

    Only one man has ever escaped this horibble and inevitible afliction and no one else will ever match this unique feat of THE IMMORTAL HOWDEN ENDER! :D

  11. Mainstander, its not about the quality of the team im pee'd about, its the whole gypo thing, the lads in the singing section being muzzled, told to stop with all the banter/moral stuff, I couldnt care less if we were a 3rd div team, the cracks been awsome the last few games ive been to, not the moral police have cottened on and are trying to stop it with threats of the police..... pish

    Oh and mainstander, i am doing my best not to improve my warning % so im just going to ignore you high and almighty attitude to this, and im not going to drag this off topic, I sit in Section G for the banter.... you sit in the mainstand as you dont like to hear bad language at a football match... your right i guess.

    no where in my OP did i say harm the team, or anything about the team, just the board trying to restrict the banter.

    Let me explain this to you in a few easy steps.

    1) You boycott the game and persuade others to do the same.

    2) This costs the club money.

    3) This is money they dont therfore have to spend on players.

    4) You then complain that the club arent bringing in good enough players.

    Get it now?

    Maybe I could now respond to the rest of your last post where you examin the general issue of some of the obsenities being spoken about (you may not realise this, but you do.) This kind of thing simply isnt acceptable in a civilised society. That is why our democraticaly elected bodies have time and again and over a long period of years passed legislation ranging from breach of the peace to the more recent racial and secterian stuff to stop the thoughtless minoraty causing distress and offense to the responsable majority.

  12. Lets show this by hitting the "Board" where it hurts, its games like this they hope for, for the big pay days so lets not pay them a penny!!!

    And then presumibly moan like hell when the board then hasn't got the money to pay for the quality of player you expect to see at the club. Quite frankly I find it difficult to concieve of a more feeble minded half arsed load of nonsense than has been sugested at the top of this thread.

    Also, look at the action that has been taken by the club on this Section G business. Maybe quite a large number of fans are actually quite glad to see something being done about a bunch of foul mouthed thoughtless adolesents whose obsenities are spoiling the enjoyment of the game for the majority of decent people, some of whom feel reluctant to bring along there kids or even themselves to have there afternoon spoiled by nonsense like this.

    If you really want to shout "dirty gypsy b******s" why do so from the safety of the north stand? Why not go 100 yards along the road and shout it outside the travelling people's site?

  13. All references to "effing gypsy bar stewards" are surely incorporated into a chant to encourage banter between supporters and create the whole matchday atmosphere?

    What planet are you on? You seem to have raided the Rangers Book of Excuses for Antiesocial Beavoiur - Number 1690.

  14. I realy dont want to make a jugement one way or the other on this but maybe the starting point of any debate should be the acceptibility or otherwise of what was REALLY said. What I heard coming from the north stand and with large numbers of Caley fans taking part were very loud, clear and repeated chants of "Effing Gypsy B*****ds".

    As I said, Im not going to judge but lets at least base any debate on what was actually said and not the rather watered down suggestion made by the title of this thread and in some other posts. Then we should decide whether thats acceptible.

  15. ● Do you feel constantly frustrated by life and lose your temper at the smallest of things?

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    Telephone Mark, Neil or Kirstin on 0800 959 6688 or e-mail: feelbetter@stv.tv in complete confidentiality.

    Mmm... this programme might be quite helpful for people in the Highlands feeling stressed sbout STV's plans, announced today, to axe what Grampian viewers used to call "North Tonight"before STV took over.

    And yes... Jeremy Kyle - the programme that reveals parts of the gene pool other programmes cannot reach....

  16. Looking forward to an easy 3 points this week,we are due a home win and what a long drive you lot will have in your tractors going home.

    still you can always sample the night life in perth on the way home with all the junkies, alchoholics and all the other dregs of society.


    Dear Shellsuit Boab.... I hear you chaps down in Lanarkshire are planning to join forces and form a merged club. So what are you going to call this team? May I suggest Buckie Thistle would be appropriate?

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