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Posts posted by EWS

  1. I sympathise with EWS in his Catch 22 housing situation - getting stabbed every day can't be much fun either.

    Do you have to live in Glasgow EWS?

    Do I have to? Yes, in my opinion I do.

    It is the heart of Scotland, has a great airport that provides links to places I need to go to because of work, my girlfriend is at university there, I don't drive and actually enjoy living there.

    It is a very enjoyable place to live. If you stay out of the areas where you get stabbed every day.

  2. To carry on from the discussion in the Betting Forum (Never Chase Yer Money). What would you like to see from the Budget? Personally, I would like to see incentives and help for first time buyers in the property market. I am unashamedly going to re-post what I put in my last reply in the above mentioned topic;

    I would argue that property wasn't the problem. I would say that it was banks giving mortgages out at 110-130% of the value of the property to people who they knew fine rightly would never be able to pay them back. The reason house prices rose, was as a direct result of banks giving out more and more money. As they did this, house prices got more expensive. Just because the mortgage market is the largest lending market out there placed all the focus on that.

    Property was just an innocent bystander in it all, and the problem lies firmly at the banks and idiot people. Who in their right mind gets a mortgage at 120% of the value of their house? It puts you in negative equity straight away. In the end, it has put people like me, who have come out of university with an employable degree, gone into a good, well paid job and is looking at getting on the property ladder when it is low. The fact that due to my age, and my former status as a student means that I find it difficult to get credit anyway is a different matter.

    The government should be encouraging people to start buying houses again, and that should drive the market. What they need to do is provide some incentive for the banks to give out mortgages to us. A recent enquiry on my behalf found that most places were willing to provide a mortgage based on my hypothetical earnings on a moderately priced flat, but with a 15-20% deposit required on that property.

    To put that into context, I live in Glasgow. Unless I want to get stabbed every day, I would be looking at somewhere between ?125-175K for a good quality flat in a decent location. At my current wage scale, it would take me a good number of years to save up for a deposit (that takes into account current living expenses), by which that time the housing market would have recovered and I would most likely need a higher deposit. Tell me how that is fair?

    We are consistently told that the youth are the future of the country. Well how about they start acting like it, and helping us out. We aren't all spongers you know, and some of us did go to University with the outlook to have a good job at the end of it - not to do an 'arts' degree.

    Maybe this discussion is best kept for the Serious Topics forum?

  3. I would argue that property wasn't the problem. I would say that it was banks giving mortgages out at 110-130% of the value of the property to people who they knew fine rightly would never be able to pay them back. The reason house prices rose, was as a direct result of banks giving out more and more money. As they did this, house prices got more expensive. Just because the mortgage market is the largest lending market out there placed all the focus on that.

    Property was just an innocent bystander in it all, and the problem lies firmly at the banks and idiot people. Who in their right mind gets a mortgage at 120% of the value of their house? It puts you in negative equity straight away. In the end, it has put people like me, who have come out of university with an employable degree, gone into a good, well paid job and is looking at getting on the property ladder when it is low. The fact that due to my age, and my former status as a student means that I find it difficult to get credit anyway is a different matter.

    The government should be encouraging people to start buying houses again, and that should drive the market. What they need to do is provide some incentive for the banks to give out mortgages to us. A recent enquiry on my behalf found that most places were willing to provide a mortgage based on my hypothetical earnings on a moderately priced flat, but with a 15-20% deposit required on that property.

    To put that into context, I live in Glasgow. Unless I want to get stabbed every day, I would be looking at somewhere between ?125-175K for a good quality flat in a decent location. At my current wage scale, it would take me a good number of years to save up for a deposit (that takes into account current living expenses), by which that time the housing market would have recovered and I would most likely need a higher deposit. Tell me how that is fair?

    We are consistently told that the youth are the future of the country. Well how about they start acting like it, and helping us out. We aren't all spongers you know, and some of us did go to University with the outlook to have a good job at the end of it - not to do an 'arts' degree.

    Maybe this discussion is best kept for the Serious Topics forum?

  4. I wonder what odds we will get on;

    'Everything is ok.'

    We do know what is going to happen right? Alcohol and Cigs will go up (as usual).

    What I would love to see is a scheme to get the country buying property again, but that won't happen (no chance of setting aside some money that is being used on expenses and wages to supplement young, first time buyers who have no ******* hope in hell of raising ?20K for a ******* deposit BEFORE having to worry about whether or not they can actually get a ******* mortgage in the first place?)

  5. I don't know what Away games the poster has been going to, but everyone I have been to (bar going to Ibrox and Parkhead due to the allocated seating) has been proper. But in recent times, it has seen the decline of the original away supporters gathering together.

    It has been a while since I saw GovanJaggie, Joe DiMaggio, IHE, ITN, ITNjnr, Riley and many more get together for a good old sing song. They were the ones who inducted me into the away crowd (my first away game, Ayr in the cup). It just isn't the same without all of them.

    Though saying that, Hibs away was cracking.

  6. Murdochs got the best scotch pie award a few years ago. I am suprised that there isn't more of a demand from local producers regarding doing the catering. I would imagine that MacLeans would want to get in there.

  7. I've done York Cathedral and Eden Camp, and was impressed by both of them. I also did a Ghost Walk around York that was brilliant. I was at nearby Linton on Ouse at time(incidentally, that same trip I also did Leeds War Museum that was fantastic).

    Yea, we did the Mad Alice ghost walk a few years ago, she was great, but looks like she's moved on the now, lots of others doing the same stuff now though, but Mad Alice was well worth the fiver...

    Shame to see that you are not getting your returns, now I'm not saying the following is true, but maybe life has decided that in return for you getting the all clear, it's gonna screw you on the bets? Similar to Stephen Hawking?

    Yea, I hear you, if you have to lose something better yer money than yer life, Dick Turpin had that figured out...

    Who knows eh? All I know is that I would rather be losing my money and having an ale, then be stuck off coast of Angola drinking water on my birthday. Nae ******* cake either.

    Not one of them Pirates are yer ? what's the fishing like then ?

    I couldn't tell you which one I did as I was quite young and it wasn't organised by me. Aye, life can be a bitch sometime, but hey, things are on the up right?

    I'm no one of those pirates (arrrrgggghhhh) I'm on the wrong side for all that. Though that are some attacks in Nigeria, Angola is actually pretty good. I don't do fishing (officially we aren't allowed) but on the last ship I was on down here, in the same place, they were catching some decent sized Tuna. The problem is, they taste like **** because of all the crap that is put in the water by all the platforms and ships that are round here.

  8. Aye, I'll take what ever's going, {thanks 5th}...

    We had a ride to York, {280 miles round trip}, the wife an' her sister wanted to visit York Minster, and that Eden Camp place in Malton {WWII prisoner of war thing}, worth a visit if yer ever around that area, 'specially if yer an owd fogey like me that can rmember ration books etc. They have lots of wartime memorabilia there, including a Spitfire, a T34 Russian tanks, a doodle bug and all sorts of stuff.

    Eden Camp...

    I stayed well away from any Bettin' Shops today, I've done enough in in the last week or so, like the Italians who spent their time at Eden Camp I've had enough of the battle for now, I think I'll give betting a rest until we get back to Canada in May and I get Sid's System back up and running...

    I've done York Cathedral and Eden Camp, and was impressed by both of them. I also did a Ghost Walk around York that was brilliant. I was at nearby Linton on Ouse at time(incidentally, that same trip I also did Leeds War Museum that was fantastic).

    Shame to see that you are not getting your returns, now I'm not saying the following is true, but maybe life has decided that in return for you getting the all clear, it's gonna screw you on the bets? Similar to Stephen Hawking?

    Who knows eh? All I know is that I would rather be losing my money and having an ale, then be stuck off coast of Angola drinking water on my birthday. Nae ******* cake either.

  9. Is this what our fanbase has degenerated into? Crikey no wonder it seems like less and less people come on here.

    The negativity is good for this place and I welcome it. We need the ying/yang combination of the two to stop us descending into a pretty rose filled garden of sweet smelling nectarines.

  10. What about the physio, I would imagine he means Broughty ferry as they just call it the ferry down there.

    In Inverness they call the ferry the ferry

    The location of the items are listed as being in Dundee. So I think we can safely say it is Broughty Ferry.

  11. While Niculae may not have scored enough goals in his time here there were plenty of times when he showed what a quality player he was. He got several assists as well throughout the season, he always had a trick or two in his locker and he did enough to merit a place in his national side for EURO 2008.

    While he his wages proved to be a much debated topic during his stay there is no doubt that he brought a big presence to the team.

    So by showing he was a quality player justifies him? He was bought to score goals, and he didn't. In fact, didn't Don Cowie out score him that season?

    Euro 2008 aside (where he didn't make an impact at all) he didn't really do much.

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