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Posts posted by EWS

  1. Dominic Diamond - An absolute legend of a guy who knows his music very well. Met him a few times as he used to come into the venue where I worked to see bands.

    Hugh Grant - A nice guy when there is no one around, who morphs into a ***** when there are cameras. Met him on a golf course.

    Tommy Burns - One of THE nicest people I have ever met. He was well grounded, with a fantastic love for football (his knowledge and appreciation of ICT amazed me) and he was always up for a laugh. The game is much worse without him.

    Martin O'Neill - Friendly, bouncy, hyper. Took time out from his schedule to have a wee chat and a photograph.

    Gary Newman - The guy is one of the nicest people I have met from the music industry. He dotes on his child(ren??) and is appreciative of the fame he has been given.

    The Automatic - Complete pricks.

    Alex Salmond - I do not like him.

    Charles Kennedy - A really nice guy who made some mistakes. Campaigns hard for Students of Glasgow.

  2. Although the official website reports Gillespie released by mutual agreement there is a bit more to the story than that.

    After a preseason of being ignored completely or being played out of position when he did get a game he approached Butcher and asked what his plans were for him this season. Butchers reply ? Your not in my plans, if you want you can go out on loan or if you can find another club we (ICT) will not stand in your way? and reason for this ?I will using my signings this season? effectively he was dumped one week before the start of the season.

    If he had?nt asked Butcher I just wonder when he actually planned telling him this. Butcher should have told Gillespie this back in May at the end of last season and given the player a fair chance to find a new club, most players are signed by clubs before pre season ever starts he has been denied this opportunity. Another kick in the nuts for the ICT youth system.

    Butchers management style sucks.

    So despite being told weeks ago that he could leave, he failed to secure himself another club or leave the club, yet waited until the final day of the transfer window to do so? Right. Ok.

    Not buying it, sorry.

  3. Can you not get trains from QS Low Level to Partick?

    EDIT: Looking at GMaps it would seem it's not worth it and, as mentioned earlier, St Georges Cross on the UG is what you need from town.

    Despite Partick sharing the name of that area of Glasgow they don't actually play in Partick, they play in Maryhill, thus getting the train to Partick station will put you further away from the ground then if you were in the city centre.

    The best idea, barring getting a taxi, would be to get the underground to either St Georges X or Kelvinbridge and then walking.

  4. Not sure if you guys are aware of this yet, but it seems as if your twitter feed is now under the control of someone else. Imagine my suprise to wake up, check my Twitter to find this message from ICTonline

    "Mom Lost 50 lbs Following 1 Rule - Cut Down 50 lbs of Stomach Fat In A Month By Obeying This 1 Old Rule http://p.gs/5xkj0"

    It was sent 11 hours ago from API.

  5. Personally I think either Jaws or The Emperors Battle March before they come out then merge into something powerful such as the 1888 Overture. Then just as the match kicks off, 'accidentally' play The William Tell Overture.

  6. Firstly, let's not forget that America harboured IRA suspects and refused to extradite them to the UK for trial whilst at the same time funding them.

    Secondly, the reason why Brown has not commented is simple. If he comes out in support of this, he angers the Americans, and if he comes out against this decision, he angers the Libyans. Libya is just about to open up all it's gas and oil fields to Europe and we want a big slice of the pie.

    All this nonsense in America is ridiculous, boycotting Scottish products and all that nonsense. I would really like to stab some of these people in the face.

  7. The only people who should get honours are the Aussie Selectors for not picking a spinner.

    I also don't think that this achievment is as big as 04. Freddie isn't really an exceptional cricketer, Botham was a much better all rounder and he was pretty anonymous in that final test in my opinion.

  8. It's bound, as usual, to rain so the game will end in a draw. This, I think, would mean that Australia retained the Ashes but fair dos because did England not win them in 2005 or something also just because it rained?

    What kind of game is this where the weather is a bigger determining factor in the outcome than the teams? Why can't they simply extend the game by the amount of time lost to rain?

    "The English are not a very spiritual people. So to acquire a concept of eternity.... they invented Cricket."

    It is because in years gone by, when Test Match county cricket was far more prevalent, Cricketers used to play cricket pretty much 7 days a week if selected for county, with ODI's pretty much following TM's.

    That was why TM's are limited to 5 days maximum.

  9. I'm a non smoker but have sympathy for those who are.

    The main stand has the open areas at each end without the roof, the North Stand has also got open areas at each end and opposite the main stand you have the area that was once terracing and also the singing section. Surely in a stadium the size of ours which is very rarely full even in the SPL, we can accommodate those people who feel the need to light up at half time. They would then not have to leave the stadium and cause any headaches to anyone. If they were to abuse this privilage it could be revoked but I cannot see them abusing anything but just being grateful that their plea was heard and their request acknowledged. Commonsense should surely prevail, they are not lepers but probably if they were they would get an area specially built for them!

    I believe that the stadium is considered one structure and as such, a full ban on smoking is in effect.

  10. The ticket states that there is no re-admittance.

    At present there is no legal place in the stadium where you can go and have a smoke. The club are very unlikely to spend money on providing an area where you are allowed to smoke because they have more important things to spend their money on.

    If you allow smokers to leave the stadium, then you have to police those who go out, making sure that they are not given anything dangerous to take in or are otherwise doing things they shouldn't do. Then, because you have allowed the smokers out, the non-smokers are going to want to go out to, because why should the smokers be given special treatment right?

    This then opens up a can of worms because it would probably escalate to the point where there is no way they can police it without spending more money.

  11. If people are that desperate to smoke, then they too can join the Kingsmills Club and get the same benefits as other members and the fee you pay helps pay for the staff required to do things like man the door and control people entering and leaving the stadium.

    So we should pay ?250 for the privilege of having a fag at half-time!

    Do you seriously think this is reasonable? I didn't notice this as one of the benefits of joining. The fact is that the people who congregate at the front door to smoke at half-time are breaking the rules. Many of them are employees of the club, agents and journalists and therefore don't pay anything at all to attend the game.

    Films - are you allowed to exit and re-enter as and when you need a puff?

    It doesn't happen very often becasue films don't tend to have intervals. When they do, it isn't a problem. Same goes for the theatre, music concerts and clubs.

    It's probably clear that i get very wound up about this issue. I think some people are being extremely unreasonable and i can't understand why. Smoking has been banned in enclosed public spaces. This is great for non-smokers who don't want their health and atmosphere polluted by cigarette smoke. Enjoy it by all means, but why complain when people want to smoke in a way that doesn't harm you?

    I am again going to come back to my alcoholic point.

  12. What shocks me is that some people cannot go 120 minutes without smoking.

    People can but some people don't want to. Why should that bother anyone?

    It just defies belief that all these people with an addiction want special treatment off the club due to a dangerous addiction - what if I am an alcoholic, does that mean that I should petition for access to a bar at half time or during the match?

  13. Partick aren't half the team they were without Harkins and Buchanan seems to forever be injured... I think it's a decent draw, as long as the Glasgow contingent show their support we should have a decent away crowd

    Ach it's a bit of a bummer but I will be in the North Sea come 6th September. Gah!

  14. No doubt a few churchgoers, councillors etc will doctor the truth about the licence, as has been done in other areas of the country, to try and poison the minds of the general public.

    Why would churchgoers or clergy try to poison people's minds about nakedness? After all did their own god not do his/her nut in because the original humans fashioned clothing from fig leaves?


    Just thought I would correct this.

    Adam and Even ate from the tree then became ashamed of their own nakedness. God didn't cast them out for covering up, it was for eating the fruit.

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