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Posts posted by EWS

  1. Try telling SMEE that.

    Al wager that EWS was one of those that thought Brewster did a good job and was hard done by!!

    If you cant see that a team that has spent the last 5 yrs playing in the top level, should be capable of taking the scalp of a team that spent as long in the 2nd Div, at home, well...your deluding yourself. Ayr will be in the bottom half of the best teams we will come up against this season

    I think you will find I was one of the most outspoken members who never wanted him to return in the first place.

  2. Well hold on here. Before writing off Ayr after 2 games, it might turn out to be a bloody good result for us as Ayr could be challenging for the title.

    Let's not start getting all egotistical. We aren't the Daddies of this league.

    No, but if your aiming to win the league, you have to believe other teams are inferior

    I detest that attitude in fans, and to see it from an ICT fan sickens me. We above everyone else should know how many times we have been written off and classed as the underdog.

    We are in no position to be claiming anything, and as we know it is going to be bloody difficult to get back to the SPL. It could be very much that we are battling Ayr for the title, and like I said, we could be actually glad that we got this point.

  3. Under the present system 40% of the 65 million goes to the OF so deduct 26 million. That leaves 39 to share between the other ten or 3.9 / 5 = 780,000 a year whereas 25 million over two years. The OF dont take any so other clubs get 1.25 million a year.

    The hope with this is to give the other clubs a bit of a better chance to compete, because no competition is bad for the OF, and give a 2 year grace to sort out a new deal. The OF would hold the rights and sell them on at a profit so they would recoup there investment and give a number of other TV companies time to put together a bid for the rights.

    Whether or not it would work I dont know but I do think the SKY / ESPN bid is taking the proverbial and that Scottish football is worth more than they are willing to put into it.

    Surely after the deal ends, the rights revert back to the OF?

    Where did you get this information Alex?

  4. I had a giggle when reading this. Mainly for one reason. Apparently they are unhappy with the ?65million over 5 years, so they have proposed to buy the rights for the TV themselves - which they apparently value at ?25million over 2 years. Now, by my calculations, ?25million over 2 years = ?62.5Million over 5 years.

    Does their arrogance hold no bounds?

  5. At least the Highland Marchers can plan the march a year in advance eh? Ayr to Inverness. That's not a bad walk, surely it has to be a through Glencoe jobber eh?

  6. I'm still seeing a lot of "What the club can do for us" and not so much "What we can do for the club".

    Surely there's more stuff out there that the fans can be doing themselves.

    Evoking memories of JFK there.

    "Ask not what your [club] can do you for you, but what you can do for your [club]."

    I would love to get involved with stuff like this, but living in Glasgow makes it a bit harder. If there is anything that can be done remotely, via email etc... then I am more then happy.

    I did mention in the topic regarding the programme about compiling a fortnightly recap of internet ongoings but never got any response to my query.


    Just as I was sitting here I thought that a great idea would be to get some fans leafletting in the city centre for a few hours early saturday / sunday. Help to shift tickets maybe. The guys who do it would maybe get a small token (a programme and a pie or something) in return.

  7. SMEE - Just to re-iterate that your best bet is to get the train from central into Mount Florida then it is pretty much just a straight walk from there to Hampden. That's the way I will be heading for The Boss. It is no more then ?5 for a return. As for getting back in, I would say that if you don't know the way and don't fancy the walk just head back to the train station and wait. They should put extra trains on, and by the time you have waited it would equal walking back in but without the walking.

  8. *Off-topic again!*

    we've always had english.. remember sullivan, matteo, hutchison etc!?

    That's not 'always' in my book....... it's only the past 10-15 years we've had to scrape the barrel and play non-Scots.

    Andy Goram- played Cricket for England he did.

  9. I cannot believe some comments on Brewster,the only thing wrong with his removal was that it should have been earlier.Indeed he should not have been reappointed, Butcher would have avoided relegation if he had been in the job earlier.

    No he wouldn't have.

    He's already proved he's the wrong man for the job.

    Your willing to condemn a guy who was manager for a small part of the season and nearly saved us, yet defend a guy who was manager for a large part of the season and took us to the bottom of the league, including a humiliating loss to Rangers and an 8 game losing streak?

    Can I have some of what you are smoking?

  10. You know, I can understand this. If he can get an SPL club, or even a League One club interested then he should go there. It's a shame, but we are not in a great position at the moment.

  11. where do they train then?

    S.F.L ground. Partick, Ayr, Clyde, Airdrie etc Shouldn't take too much to organise. If it gives each player even 1% more on the energy levels front they should stay down in the central belt.

    Or rent one of the multitude of all weather training pitches around Glasgow, or do what Kilmarnock do and train at the Garscube Complex at Glasgow University.

  12. Just to point out.

    There is a criminal investigation into the leaked receipts because they were leaked in full and the government are accusing someone of stealing them. The receipts that they were going to release were to have been censored to prevent the public from knowing what the money was paid out for.

    Obviously someone thought that the MPs should have to be responsible for what they paid out and who to.

    Further, some of the Scottish Media have been hot on the trail of expenses for a while. Was Henry McLeish not forced to resign over Expenses? Same with the leader of the Scottish Conservatives?

  13. I'm with you on the above, where's Guy Fawkes when you need him !!!

    He is right here Bob.

    I completely agree with you, I for one am ashamed that it took me until I was a tax payer to realise how much the government is taking us for a walk. They are driving this country up the wall, and it is partly why I am looking at leaving the country in the next 5-7 years. At the moment, Australia and the USA look good, with the USA being more difficult to get into however, it might be Oz that I move to.

    I have an interesting choice at the next election (which should be this year, ****, it should have been last year). Labour are a massive no-no nowadays, but the problem is do I follow my heart and vote SNP or Lib Dem, or do I make a tactical vote and go Tory to help stop Labour getting back into power. A void ballot is a massive no in my opinion, as that is the only way that Labour will regain power.

    Decisions decision.

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