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Posts posted by EWS

  1. A wage cap would cripple the English game, as the better players will just go elsewhere. This is just what happens when teams want the best players. Unforuntatly, the side effect is that players who aren't as good get paid more so it leaves the smaller clubs out.

    A wage cap similar to what the MLS operate would be interesting, but it would never happen because it breaks EU Law, much like the transfer window but the EU pick and chose what they like.

  2. I will have the pleasure of the usual suspects plus IHE and Seoras. Might even see Mooncat and Queenbeastie! Athol Bar at Central Station from 11am anyone?

    I'm game for that.

    See you there. I'll eat a bit more so I am not ****** on the train back.

  3. Why is it effecting the rig flights? I thought it was just way up in the not so blue sky that was effected. Surely the choppers used fly low enough to be safe?

    All airspace is closed, and the companies do not want to take the risk, plus with the ash falling there is a chance of clogging up the engines.

    I for one would not want to be on a chopper at the moment.

  4. Unashamedly stolen

    Tim from Bristol: If you were to come into power, how would your party change a broken light bulb?

    Nick: We'd ensure that the people have the power to replace light bulbs when they break and also see to it that replacement light bulbs are much more energy-efficient and long-lasting.

    Gordon: While we could replace a light bulb, the reality is that no light bulb is broken. Light bulbs today are also the brightest and most efficient than they've ever been.

    David: Thank you for asking this vital question. A lady wrote to me last week telling me how every light bulb she has in her house has broken over the past 12 years of Labour government. Every single one. Only the Conservatives can bring real change to British light bulbs.

    Gordon: The only reason the Tories would bring in new light bulbs would be to make David's face look even shinier. The fact is, new light bulbs would only hinder Britain's economic recovery and that is something Labour is unwilling to let happen. How would the Conservatives finance this exactly?

    David: Recent studies have shown that it's not the broken light bulbs that need changing. The real issue is, why do we even need light bulbs in the first place? I'll tell you why. It's because Britain is dark and it's only getting darker. Not a day goes by where it doesn't become so dark that it doesn't become inevitable that at some point you will have to rely on a light bulb to even walk around your own home. Why has Labour allowed this continue for so long and why are they so in denial about it?

    Gordon: We are not in denial, we just have the experience and the wisdom to realise that we are not alone in this problem. The rest of Europe knows, even America knows, that darkness is a global problem that affects everyone. However, this is not a problem that will just go away overnight. We all need to work together, both across our parties and with the wider world community to overcome darkness in a way that is fairer to everyone.

    Nick: You know, the more you two talk, the more apparent it becomes that neither of you have a real understanding of this at all. Broken light bulbs just need replacing with new ones. It's as simple as that

    David: And where would you find the capital for these 'simple' plans to change light bulbs? You can't talk of slashing ?16bn of expenses and then say that you'll do it by giving everyone free light bulbs for life. The numbers just don't add up.

    Gordon: I'm sure Nick will agree with me here, what Britain's light bulb infrastructure is solid, long-term investment in ensuring that Britain is prepared for when light bulbs break. We need continuous investment in Education, the NHS and the armed forces so that we able to prevent light bulbs from breaking. This is what Labour has done and is what it will continue to do. The Conservatives can talk all they want about change, but when it comes down to it the only people to benefit from their plans is the top 5% earners. This is why Labour has made a personal promise to every citizen that when their light bulbs break we will guarantee them access to an electrician within 2 weeks, and a light bulb changing operation within 3 weeks. David can't make that promise, and Nick can't make that promise.

    Nick: What? Tim, going back to your question; broken light bulbs can be replaced with a new one. There is no need for any extra bureaucracy or politics.

    Gordon: I agree with Nick.

    David: I'm sorry Gordon but I just can't agree with you on that. I agree with Nick and look forward to working with him in the future.

  5. Edinburgh, Glasgow and even Dundee can easily support 2 teams each, they are large enough so I wouldn't have any problem with that. Obviously, no club should be forced to merge - we would probably have to merge with Ross County and I am sure none of us would want that.

    The Alloas, Cowdenbeaths, Stennys, Elgins, Peterheads, Stirlings have as much right to exist as Rangers, Celtic, Aberdeen, Hibs and Kilmarnock.

  6. Two leagues of 16, each playing home and away called Scottish A League and Scottish B League

    30 games reduces a congested season especially with call-offs, and with games meaning more then prices will be more conductive to the smaller teams, and it should hopefully drive larger attendances.

    2 up, 2 down, with the 3,4,5 and third bottom going into a playoff (semi's over two legs, final over one leg at a neutral stadium).

    3 go out of Scottish B League

    Below the two leagues will be a conference style regional system (Scotland North and Scotland South), with the team from the top of each league going into the Scottish B League, and the second teams playing a cup final to take up the third spot up for grabs.

    The 6500 thousand rule all seater stadium rule would be thrown out, but with League Finance available if clubs wish to upgrade their stadium.

    A few kinks to think about and work out, but that is my idea.

  7. How does voting for SNP in General Election work? I thought we were voting for UK govt.....so its unlikely anyone in Englandshire will vote SNP, so is it not a wasted vote? Or...are we in Scotland voting for the Scottish Govt? I have never voted before so not sure how it all works.

    Unlike America, we don't actually vote for our Prime Minister, we vote for our Member of Parliament (MP) who then in turn elects a PM on our behalf. Essentially, we are electing a proxy for all our votes. So, if you vote for a Labour candidate, he will in turn elect Gordon Brown as PM and so forth. The idea is that all the members will elect their own leader as the PM, and the party that has most seats, gets more votes for their leader and thus he is elected PM - unless two parties decide to form a government (such as Labour and Lib Dem) and then they would elect one leader (usually the party with more seats).

    So my only advice for you is to vote for the candidate in YOUR area that YOU believe will serve YOU best. Ignore the leaders, and focus on the local issues, since the manifestos don't really affect us most, and most are just waffle anyway.

    This is also one of the reasons why they want to change the voting system, as the popular vote may not decide the PM.

    Regards the Scottish Elections, they usually occur in the middle of the Westminster term, however, due to a long Westminster Parliament, they are due next year.

  8. Is that why Aberdeen are at freefalling towards the bottom of the league then?

    Away with your nonsense. We are here entirely on merit. We still had to score the goals, defend the net and play the game.

    Now clear off and concentrate on your own team.

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