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Posts posted by EWS

  1. I think it is quite clear that standards have fallen within Rangers and Celtics. They are no longer able to entice the Larrsons, Laudrops and Gascoignes to Scotland on ridiculous wages. In addition, teams are more willing to pay over the odds for foreign players, rather then using the talent from the country, and the younger players therefore expect big bucks in return.

    Rangers and Celtic haven't helped themselves, with their attitude to the rest of Scotland and hopefully all will change. Scotland is a small league now, we should be restructuring as such.

  2. As far as I am aware, is it not illegal to drink on any bus now? I know that Megabus, National Express and Citylink all forbid the consumption of alcohol on all of their buses.

    Craic on the buses is all about the people on the bus. If there is enough people on there to make a trip worthwhile, then it will be. Just imagine if Govan Jaggie, Nae Lifts, Caley D, IHE, RedCardinWarsaw, Myself, JoeDiMaggio etc... all travelled on the supporters bus to each game....would that make a difference, as there is more likely to be a better atmosphere on the bus?

    Like has been said, it seems that a lot of the older gentry use the supporters bus as a means to get to football matches, and that is great - the more people that get to matches that better.

    Personally, using an excuse such as 'I cannot drink on it' as a reason not to use it is ridiculous, and beyond stupid. However, a discussion should be made between the organisers, and the patrons what they want and try to come to a conclusion.

    The supporters bus is a luxury, it should be used.

  3. Yeah but it comes out the other end as quickly as it comes in. Not worked since Christmas Eve. Heading back to Angola in May......though not sure how they are gonna wrangle that with the current Visa situation.

  4. No wonder this country is going down the pan when people are basing their choices on whether a candidate uses Twitter or not!!!

    He's talking about the Labour candidate who got sacked for posting a load of abuse about everyone on twitter. Think he was calling Nick Clegg a bas**rd and the speaker a tit, a few other people were cu*ts etc etc

    He referred to the elderly as Coffin Dodgers, called all sorts of ministers and politicians ***** etc..., not to mention was also 'taught the multiple versions of The Follow Follow song'. The guy is a cretin.

    Anyway, today saw the launch of the Labour Manifesto. As I was discussing with my friends, what does it really mean? The one thing that I take from it, is that no matter what Labour say, they will not implement. From the last manifesto, I believe there was about 122 broken promises (not to mention the major one of the income tax rise).

    I predict that the Tories and the Lib Dems will attack them on the VAT non-promise, but to be honest no party will put a no VAT rise in their manifesto.

    So what interests me about the Labour Manifesto?

    16 year voting age

    Reform in the commons and lords (changing the voting system is a must and changing the Lords to an elected one is crucial)

    Removing stamp duty for first time buyers (doesn't go far enough in my opinion)

    The high speed rail link.

    The legal right to a bank account.

    However, I just don't have the faith, or trust in Labour at all. There are pledges in there that just won't work, or will never be implemented;

    Merging police forces if they are underachieving (imagine the Highland and Grampian constabulary merging)

    A 6 month placement for everyone out of work under the age of 25

    Just two of the things that won't work.

    I suggest everyone goes and has a look at the manifesto here and makes their own decisions about what they have said.

    We have the Tories tomorrow, and then Lib Dem on Wednesday.

  5. I hope C*unty get destroyed on Saturday.. IMO a 2 or 3 -0 win for Celtic wouldn't suffice, I hope Celtic really go to town with them and it's at least a 5 goal advantage at the end of 90 minutes.

    I hate the OF and would never want them to win against any other team but the ditry gypo ba5tards need to be put back in their place.. a long with Derek "Terminator" Adams... to55er!!

    Oh the C*unty are 5hite...

    Oh the C*unty are 5hite...

    Oh the C*unty are 5hite...

    ... so f*cking 5hite!!

    Harry, I like your style but I am hoping for 0-0 full time and 9 goals for Celtic without reply in extra time. Every extra second played by the dirty ones will be of advantage to us.

    Pretty sure it goes to a replay doesn't it?

  6. Heart goes out to those Bairns families - :D :( - the Boy played for the Clach Youth Team.

    Maybe they should have a Law which Limits the Power of the Car you can drive/purchase after you pass your test - regardless of your age! I know some folk are more confident than others, but I really don't think some know the power and destruction of the cars they drive!

    Mrs PB

    There is absolutely no chance of any government introducing a age / power limit law with regards to cars. This is because it will cost them votes. A law was introduced in the motorcycle world quite a few years age which restricted riders to certain bhp restrictions and could only progress up the power / bhp league once they'd held a licence for two years or so. The introduction of these new laws were strongly opposed by the rider organisations but they introduced it anyway because there arn't so many of us motorcyclists about to affect the vote.

    In N. Ireland the law states that all recently passed drivers have to display R plates and can go no faster then 45mph or go on Motorways for 2 years.

  7. We're not underdogs but Dundee were over dogs, down to dogs and now greeting dogs. NO man can take a three dog rating drop in a three month period, thats just not possible. Underdogs can not be former over dogs. We always were from the beginning of the season over dogs as were the last team in the league to be playing top flight football. Dundee had the same Dog rating as us because of the ca$h, which has been poorly spent if that was all the cash they were going to spend. County just try to involve the dogs as part of their Derek Adam's sponsored community club system. As long as the dogs feel like they are part of the club then promotion is not a concern. Nothing has changed from the beginning of the season, we are the team to beat and we have Richie Foran who is top god

    Added a bit at the end for you there

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