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Posts posted by EWS

  1. Unfortunately, no radio for outside of the UK.

    It's OK Scotty, but I though that it had been put on as there was some confusion in the other thread about it. I guess I will just have to follow it on Soccer Centre on my iPhone. I'm a bit suprised also that I can't find the Arsenal match on Dutch TV.

    Blooming Dutch.

  2. If they had been rehabilitated and had proven to the judiciary system that they had reformed then I think they had every right to be released. I think their release came when they were going to be transferred into an adult prison- and it was a good point for them to be re evaluated.

    However, if Venebals has broken the terms of his release, then he should have his freedom revoked, and he should be sent back to jail for the remainder of his term.

    Having a system that allows rehabilitation and compassion is what makes GB great sometimes. Unfortunatly, it can be far too easily abused or twisted for many reasons.

  3. Is it racist if an English store refuses payment with a Scottish note?

    In this particular case I see no racism. I see banter towards an international football team. I have many friends and colleagues who are of English origin and not one of them takes offence at my jibes, nor do I of their's. We all see it as good natured banter. Perhaps because we all believe we are of the same race. The human race.

    I thought it was to do with the fact only bank of England notes made in the royal mint are technically legal tender. That arguements raged on before and Im not sure I've ever seen a proper answer for it.

    Sometimes I think its more to do with the ignorance of the shopkeeper. Sometimes they genuinely are not sure if a Scottish note is valid currency (much like the Irish punt wasn't in Britain) I dont know how often it is because they are trying to belittle and actually be rasict.

    OK. Here we go.

    Scottish bank notes are only 'legal tender' in Scotland. N. Ireland bank notes are only 'legal tender' in N. Ireland, and English are only 'legal tender' in England and Wales. Taken from the Royal Mint website;

    Are Scottish & Northern Irish notes legal tender?

    In short ?No? these notes are not legal tender; only Bank of England notes are legal tender but only in England and Wales.

    The term legal tender does not in itself govern the acceptability of banknotes in transactions. Whether or not notes have legal tender status, their acceptability as a means of payment is essentially a matter for agreement between the parties involved. Legal tender has a very narrow technical meaning in relation to the settlement of debt. If a debtor pays in legal tender the exact amount he owes under the terms of a contract, he has good defence in law if he is subsequently sued for non-payment of the debt. In ordinary everyday transactions, the term ?legal tender? has very little practical application.

    So essentially, shops are well within their right to refuse to accept Scottish and Irish banknotes in England.

  4. Jesus H Christ.

    Does everything have to be a conspiracy?

    It's called being frugal with your money, and also knowing the facts. As has been mentioned, the temperatures were so low that the USH wouldn't have matter anyway.

    USH isn't the all singing all dancing saviour that people think it is - just look at the St Johnstone match.

  5. What do people think would happen if everyone sent a letter with just one question on it.

    'Who owns the stadium'

    Or stand outside the staidum on a match day with a big sign that says;

    'Who owns the stadium?'

    If we stand on the footway across from the entrance, we can't be removed as we are not on ICT's land

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