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Posts posted by buckett

  1. OK, so we've got "Hi - Ho Caley Thistle everywhere that we go."

    Let's see now. . . . . .

    So how about "Dum-di dum-di dum-di WHISTLE, something something BLOW," or SHOW, or maybe FLOW.

    Pistol - that rhymes with thistle, sort of. Well, maybe not. How about Bristle then?

    There's lots of words that rhyme with "go".

    Does it need to rhyme?

  2. Yeah, I see what you mean. It would depend who else was there of course.

    Wouldn't want to go back to playing the likes of Ross County and Livingston for ferk's sake.

    I think an OF-free league would benefit Scottish football in the long run, and would eventually force younger supporters to tend to follow their local team rather than some "big" team which was less accessible to them.

    Get rid of the OF vermin by all means!

  3. It is very sad to see John Duncan now, remembering, as I do, his younger days. He was no angel but he was a clever lad, a good friend and a competent sportsman. He had a razor-sharp wit and a cracking sense of humour, sadly somewhat blunted nowadays.

    He even had his own football team, Duncan's Dynamos, for which I made a few appearances. We were regularly humped by a team called Mayfield. Anyone remember, or even play for either of these teams?

  4. What a pity Peterhead didn't win it.

    Forget about Gretna - that would've been the true "fairytale" - a team echoing the success of Gretna but without the benefit of big cash handouts from a multi-millionaire sugar-daddy.

    There's always next season though - they may even replace Ross County in the First Division!

  5. Ross County have already reached their peak and will now slide down the SFL until they reach their natural level - probably mid to upper division 2. ICT will continue to improve, to the detriment of County, who will lose supporters to their SPL neighbours.

    Peterhead may have a brief spell in the First Division, but Elgin City will eventually overtake Ross County and I can see these two (City and County) renewing their rivalry in the SFL.

  6. Quoth SPL_Jaggie: "Every year since joining the senior football leagues we have improved by at least 1 place."

    Could be wrong but I thought there was one season in the first division when we ended up in a lower position than in the previous season

    Or was it just that, for once, we ended up in a lower position than Ross County. Jeez, what a beamer that was!

  7. I think I know what Brew means - it's a traditional thing in industrial cities and towns like Glasgow, Liverpool Newcastle and Dundee to name some, where workers were given Saturday afternoon off to watch their local team. And football was probably the main topic of conversation as it was consequently their only outside interest. Places like Inverness never really had that background.

    However it doesn't really apply now as yer average docker is more into fashion and Coronation Street. I think Inverness is just as much a football city as any of the others.

    Incidentally, Charles B., I didn't realise Rangers had been around so long. Some political message there maybe. . . . . ?

  8. Currently, England do not produce the best managers.

    How far down the Premiership do you have to go till you find a team managed by an Englishman?

    When was the last time a Premiership-winning team was managed by an Englishman?

    Incidentally, on the subject of 1966, does anyone remember the general feeling then? I seem to remember everyone wanting England to win, and being delighted when they did! (I refer to people around me in Inverness). If that was the case then attitudes have certainly changed, perhaps due to 40 years of having it rammed down our throats by the English media in a most arrogant manner.

    Back then, of course, the UK was still a fairly united nation - it was only 21 years since the war had ended.

    For a big country, England really have a pretty poor record of world cup wins compared to other countries of equivalent population and size!

  9. Wasn't it Dillingers Night Club that introduced the concept of bouncers to Inverness, all those years ago?

    I remember they were universally hated and their very presence seemed to incite aggression and bad feeling.

    On my very last visit to Dillingers I ended up in a group hug with 3 of them as we all rolled down the stairs towards the front door. Hilarious from a spectator's point of view, but bloody painful from mine, especially after we reached the bottom and I realised how hopelessly outnumbered I was.

    A good kicking later I was informed that I was barred for 3 months.

    Well, I wasn't exactly ticking off the days!

    I am not always proud of what I did in the past, but it was all good education.

    And yes I hated bouncers too. Now I just feel a little sorry for them

  10. v. East Stirling in nineteen oatcake (3rd Division) - a hooruva lot of injury time and 3-1 down after ninety minutes. Somehow we equalized but everyone except me and a coupla others had gone home. It was almost SUPERnatural. Anyone else here witness that one?

    I remember laughing - just couldn't believe we'd equalised. Everyone seemed to be laughing!

  11. Clearly we can't finish any worse than eighth in the league now and are looking good for seventh. With a higher points total than last season our team continues to progress, and contrary to those who bemoan the fact that we didn't make top six, I'm happy that we have developed at our own pace and have set a target which we can realistically surpass next season.

    Well done, ICT!

  12. Not the best game and I agree with the other comments.

    For me Dods and Hastings stood out, the latter's confidence has come on in leaps and bounds, and you always breathed easy when Dods got the ball.

    Wilson impressed too - tremendous workrate but faded a bit towards the end. Dargo was always a threat, and Tokely, without doing anything particularly brilliant, was always there or thereabouts and epitomised the spirit of the team.

    And that, incidentally, was the first ICT win I've seen this season, even although I've been to most home games. Just wish I lived a bit closer to Sneck though!

  13. There's only room for one SPL team in the Highlands. Ross County had their chance to get into the SPL but blew it 2 seasons ago. And again this season.

    ICT will now prosper to the detriment of Ross County, who will eventually slip down the divisions as their supporters desert them in favour of their local SPL team.

    Elgin City will eventually overtake Ross County and may even reach the First Division some day.

    But, like Aberdeen, Elgin City isn't really a Highland team.

    (And Aberdeen is east of the Highland Boundary Fault. Not north!!)

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