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Posts posted by dead_ball_specialist

  1. Some people seem to be going a little OTT with stereotypes on this thread. What exactly is a 'working class football fan', as opposed to a 'middle class football fan'? Are emotional instability and vulgarity working class traits, as opposed to middle class reservedness and politeness? :rotflmao: Surely the behaviour of each individual fan has more to do with their personality than with their social class.

    I have no problem with colourful chants and shouts at football matches so long as they are witty and in reasonably good humour. There will always be angry old men who are hyper critical of the team "Get off the park 'insert player'!!!" and "Get it sorted 'insert manager'!!!" being their trademark shouts. And there will also always be juvenile neds who turn the air a shade of blue with vulgar shouts and chants at every opportunity in a vain attempt to look hard. You'll find them at every ground around the country. They're as much a part of the fabric of scottish football as pie and bovril.

    IMHO a 'live and let live' attitude is the way to go. Some fans like to get excited and scream abuse at players, managers, officials, stewards, and even the ballboys. Some like to be happy clappy and cheer everyone and everything as if they are on valium. Some are more reserved and remain stoic throughout the game. Everyone to their own. Leave the angry old men, the eccentrics, the neds, and the sweetie rustlers to enjoy their matchday experience in the way they want to. Let 1,000 flowers bloom. :)

  2. Get back in your box man. It's torture enough having to watch ICT at times. Forcing us to be captive audience to an excitable attention seeker running around the pitch with a microphone is just too much. It brought back awful memories of the old Tich McCooey half time show. I'd rather they just kept it simple. Tell us the half time scores and then play some tunes.

  3. Burley lost the plot when he picked Chris Iwelumo over the free scoring Kris Boyd against Norway at home. IMHO if Boyd had played that game we would have won comfortably and currently be odds on to finish second. He also seems to have some kind of vendetta against selecting Rangers players. Boyd, McUlloch (both retired because of his shocking man maagment) and now Weir, Broadfoot and Neil Alexander have been dingied (all of whom would have done a better job than the dross last night).

    I am not a Rangers fan, but I'd pick any of the above over average English lower division players.

  4. My granny is always getting 'readings' from self-proclaimed psychic mediums, from what I hear of her experiences none of them come cheap.

    At the end of the day, she comes out believing that she's had a chat with her dead relatives and buddies, and feels reassured that everything is going to be OK (Uncle Dave says hello, he told her that one of her grandkids is going to get married, one is going to come into money, one is going to travel blah blah blah) and the 'psychic' makes a tidy profit, so I guess everyone is happy. To be fair, some of the psychics are a bit eccentric, and may actually believe that they possess supernatural powers. But I get the impression that the vast majority are simply charlatans who exploit the most insecure and vulnerable individuals in society.

    I'm a very strong believer in the mantra "I'll believe it when I see it". I've never seen the Loch Ness Monster, a Ghost, alien spacecraft, or any evidence of a God or an afterlife (or an intelligent person from Elgin ;)) . Of course, that doesn't mean that they don't exist. You could argue the existence of a 'flying spaghetti monster' (Richard Dawkins favourite example) and no one could disprove it. But surely the onus is on the believer to produce evidence that it actually exists rather than on sceptics to prove that it doesn't exist. The James Randi Foudation has been offering 1 million dollars to anyone who can demonstrate supernatural abilities under scientific conditions for decades. So far nobody has succeeded. Until someone actually does, I will remain a sceptic.

  5. This is a very dangerous game. Does anyone remember the league table on the back of out matchday programme all the way through our first season? Didn't quite go to plan did it? :017:

  6. Hardly suprising news quite frankly. Motherwell did us a huge favour taking him off our hands. I suspect Mark McGhee already knew he was getting the Aberdeen job when he decided to sign Fraser, an act of sabotage surely. Very sneaky.

  7. Allison :D :D :D Had nothing to do, but looked fairly sturdy and his distribution was good.

    Tokely :) :) :) :) :) Reinstated to right back, his runs up the wing gave us an attacking dimension we missed last week.

    Lionel :) :) :) :) Class in a glass. Surely he can't be far away from an appearance on Soccer AM's 'showboat'.

    Munro :) :) :) :) Didn't have much to defend against, passed the ball better than usual.

    Bulvitis :) :) :) Wasn't really tested, some pretty loose touches and poor passes. Needs more games.

    Cox :) :) :) :) :) Another impressive showing. Should be our first choice central midfielder now IMHO.

    Stanford :) :) :) Didn't really do much to stand out, but looked much better in midfield than at right back.

    Eagle :) :) :) :) Good wing play, put himself about. Tracked back, and made some good runs into the box.

    Imrie :) :) :) :) Looked a little rusty but always a threat when on the ball.

    Rooney B) :D Didn't cause the Annan defense any problems at all. Scored a simple free header from 6 yards that crept accross the line but did precious little else other than 'assist' Imries goal with his fresh air swipe.

    Sanchez :) :) :) Nowhere near match fit and struggled through the second half but used the ball intelligently. Looks like a player.

  8. I think not enough people appreciate the difference between 'hacking' and 'cracking'.

    Hackers explore a system, search for holes in it's security, and often pass on the details of any vulnerablities they find. They aren't necessarily doing any harm, they're actually doing you a favour.

    Crackers break into a system with the intent of stealing confidential information or causing damage.

  9. Sorry to be so unpatriotic but...

    Rhona Cameron :dunno: Obviously not cut from the same cloth as the legendary Andy Cameron.

    Craig Ferguson :( The yanks love him, no idea why.

    Billy Connely :022: Take away the profanity, and there isn't much left. Incredibly over-rated.

    Craig Hill :blink: Please die.

  10. Why are some people still picking Rooney???? :(

    He brings absolutly NOTHING to the team whatsoever. No pace, no control, no strength, no through runs, no threat in the air, no threat from outside the box, no link up play (he's too hunch backed to look up and spot a good pass), no dribbles, no tracking back. NOTHING. Whenever he comes off the bench we cease to provide any attacking threat to our opponents at all. We could play Coleen Rooney up front and not be any worse off. It's like playing with 10 men. Seriously, get a grip people. For all the abuse Barrowman gets (and deserves) he's like Maradonna in comparison to Rooney.


    Tokely Bulvitis Munro Hastings





  11. What disappointed me the most was the lethargy of the performance. It was our first competitive game of the season and the team looked seriously underprepared. All Butcher's talk of the players hunger to bounce back, and their incredible work rate in training certainly wasn't reflected on the pitch. Most of the team looked sluggish, unfit, disorganized, disheveled, and disinterested. Apart from a brief 'bounce' and run of good results immediatly after his appointment, I see no improvement whatsoever in the teams performances under Butcher.

  12. I don't understand the constant need some people have to grieve for every poor sod who snuffs it and manages to get their name in the paper as a result.

    I don't know what's worse, those who post threads about dead people all the time or those who latch on to them in some misguided form of social compliance for fear of looking bad for not posting their condolences.

    Agreed. The most recent example of which was a 111 year old man who'd had a fairly decent innings and decades of praise and adulation for something he did as a young man. I hated watching these war veterans wheeled out every year, turning on the waterworks like clockwork every time they tell exactly the same story they've been telling for 80 years :rolleyes: , telling us how superiour their generation were to ours, and listeing to opportunistic, sychophantic politicians worship them on our behalf. I'm sure there are plenty of heroes among them, but also a few chancers whose war years were probably more similar to spike milligans 'hitler, my part in his downfall' than saving private ryan. :rolleyes:.

  13. Absolutly dreadful today. Where do you even start? We were matched for 120 minutes on a perfect pitch (no excuses) by a part time 3rd division team. If there were doubts about Butcher before, surely we should be asking serious questions after todays debacle. It was afterall, a penalty shoot out away from being the worst result in our clubs history.

    Esson :) :) :) :) :) The man who saved us in the end. Still don't understand why Butcher decided to drop him for Fraser for those key games last season. Thank feck he's still at the club.

    Stratford :021: :021: Assume he was number 2? Looked physically lightweight and technically poor. His passing and crossing was laughable. On todays showing nowhere near good enough.

    LDZ B) B) B) Solid if unspectacular. Didn't really get forward enough, we need to use him more as an attacking option IMHO. Nice goal celebration.

    Tokely. :huh: :huh: :huh: Struggled to mark Montrose's big number 9 throughout. Montroses goal came from Rosco and Munro being beaten to a 50-50 ball over the top (as when he was sent off against falkirk) by a striker who looked about 12 years old. FFS BUTCHER, TOKELY IS NOT A CENTER HALF!!! Get him out on the right, imagine how much damage he could have done with the space and time that Stratford had!!!

    Murno B) B) B) Fairly solid. Didn't really put a foot wrong.

    Duncan :( Absolutly shocking. The less said the better.

    Ross :021: Too lightweight, didn't pose any threat to montrose whatsoever. Not ready for the first team. Nowhere near as good as Zander Sutherland IMHO.

    Hayes B) Looked like a lost wee boy at times but had a few good touches and dribbles before he was injured.

    Cox :) :) Hard in the tackle, some decent passes. But nothing special. One of our better outfield players today, but mainly because everyone else was shocking.

    Foran :) :) :) :) Worked hard and made things happen. Bad misjudgment by Butcher to take him off.

    Barrowman :huh: Didn't really do anything of note.

    Rooney :( Carried on where he left off last season. Slow, sluggish and totally one dimensional.

    McBain B) Ended up playing up front. Ridiculous. Not his fault though.

    Hastings :) :) :) Came on late and looked sharp. Hopefully we see more of him this season.

    I hope todays showing was just a blip but i have my doubts. If we don't improve drastically in the coming weeks we can forget about mounting a title challenge and should start worrying about another relegation dogfight.

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